
Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #526 – Watts Up With That?

The Week That Was: 2022-10-29 (October 29, 2022)
Brought to You by SEPP (
The Science and Environmental Policy Project

Quote of the Week: “We absolutely must leave room for doubt or there is no progress and there is no learning. There is no learning without having to pose a question. And a question requires doubt. People search for certainty. But there is no certainty. People are terrified — how can you live and not know? It is not odd at all. You only think you know, as a matter of fact. And most of your actions are based on incomplete knowledge and you really don’t know what it is all about, or what the purpose of the world is, or know a great deal of other things. It is possible to live and not know.” Richard Feynman, [H/t William Readdy]

Number of the Week:$3.8 Trillion


By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)

Scope: Among the issues discussed are the following: One of the perplexing issues coming from satellite measurement of sea surface temperatures in the Pacific is the realization that there are two distinct types of what is called El Niño events. One type is the traditional El Niño, with a warming occurring off the coast of Peru stretching westward. It is followed by a La Niña, a cooling. These changing patterns give rise to the concept called the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), naturally occurring events which change weather worldwide. The normal phase (neutral) is La Niña. A three-month period during the average temperature is more than 0.5°C off normal is called an El Niño if positive, a La Niña if negative

The second type of El Niño is the Warm Pool El Niño, a warming of part of the Pacific which is not followed by a La Niña. In a lecture to the Irish Climate Science Forum (ICSF) and the Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL) Professor Wyss Yim of Hong Kong University explains the two types of El Niños are distinctly different events, with the warm pools formed by underseas (submarine) volcanoes, not changes in atmospheric and ocean weather patterns.

Last week, TWTW discussed Ralph Alexander’s report on how Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports are exaggerated beginning with the IPCC Summary for Policymakers. In response, AMO physicist Howard Hayden pointed out that IPCC reports do not get the basic science correct in discussing the greenhouse effect. So, the exaggerators are exaggerating the IPCC science which is based on an exaggeration of the greenhouse effect.

Jim Steele has a thoughtful presentation on how bad analyses produce bad government policies.

A group called Concerned Household Electricity Consumers Council (CHECC) filed litigation in the US Court of Appeals for the Washington DC Circuit against the EPA for its Endangerment Finding. CHECC is ably represented by Francis Menton (Manhattan Contrarian) and Harry MacDougald. The clerks at the DC Circuit rejected the initial filing on the ground that it used an excessive number of acronyms. Key parts of the brief are discussed, and the science issues presented by William Happer and Richard Lindzen will be discussed in the upcoming TWTW.

The Royal Society B published a paper the plasticity of corals in adapting the change ocean pH. Lowering pH is falsely called acidification. The oceans remain alkaline (pH above 7), except for highly localized conditions. In CO2 Science, Craig Idso covered plasticity, the ability of organisms to adapt to changes in its environment. It is good to see that the Royal Society B recognizes this important characteristic.

The UN is beating its war drums in preparing for its 27th annual Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 27) demanding a war on climate change. There is an outpouring of reports from many UN entities. A few of the more outrageous absurdities are discussed.


Ring of Fire: In addressing changing climate, often confused with changing weather patterns, Professor Wyss Yim of Hong Kong University notes that we must consider various patterns in order of importance. The first order of importance is astronomical forcing and the sun which give rise to global changes such as glacial/interglacial cycles, regional changes such as monsoons seasons and day-to-day changes such as changing temperature in the course of a day, and in the course of the seasons.

The second order of importance is geothermal heat/plate climatology which can change climate locally, regionally, and globally. Short term events, such as major volcanoes can change weather conditions for several years. The 1815 volcanic eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia, the most powerful volcano in recorded human history disrupted weather patterns and temperatures globally, resulting in a “year without a summer” in North America. It resulted in epidemic of diseases and death in Europe. It is estimated that average summer temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere cooled by 0.53 °C (0.95 °F), resulting in failed harvests and famine. This shows why cooling is more dangerous to human health than warming.

According to Yim, human induced climate change is of third order of importance. We have to fully understand the first two before we can attribute change to human causes, and we do not.

There are three types of volcanoes which send plumes penetrating to the stratosphere. One, the widely recognized terrestrial volcanoes for which the volcanic eruption index (volcanic explosivity index, VEI) has been developed. The classifications are on a scale of zero to eight, zero, with negligible injection of material into the troposphere and eight, with vast injection of material into the stratosphere. (The last VEI-8 volcanic eruption was Taupo in New Zealand 26,500 years ago.) Generally, terrestrial volcanoes result in a cooling, but release water vapor, which causes warming in arid regions, such as deserts and the polar regions.

A second type of volcanoes is submarine, which occur below the surface of the oceans. As geologist Ian Plimer writes in heaven and earth, these are not well understood. The third type are mixed, resulting in the formation of new islands, usually in the Pacific along geological plates, “The Ring of Fire.”

The 1982 eruption of El Chichón in Mexico (VEI of 5, as was Mount St. Helens in 1980) resulted in Hong Kong having the second wettest year on record. The 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo (VEI 6) resulted in a drought year with the change in atmospheric circulation. The volcanic cloud disrupted a tropical cyclone. These prompted Professor Yim to study volcanoes.

Fortunately, we now have advanced instrumentation to study volcanoes we cannot see, such as the coordinated group of earth observing satellites that cross the equator northbound about 1:30 pm on the local solar time. It is called the Afternoon Constellation, the A-Train. Also, there is the ARGO ocean network of floats observing temperatures, salinity, and currents of the oceans starting this century.

Unfortunately, the ability to observe the effects of submarine (subsurface) volcanoes in the oceans gives rise to many false claims from individuals and organizations, including the IPCC, who do not understand the greenhouse effect. The infrared radiation radiated downward by greenhouse gases cannot penetrate the oceans beyond one millimeter (less than 1/16th of an inch, 0.04 inches). Thus, greenhouse gas warming cannot cause significant ocean warming without significant, persistent, atmospheric warming raising global temperatures. Yet, the IPCC and many of its followers insist that it does with no basis for the claim.

For example, volcanic activity off El Hierro of the Canary Islands caused the Atlantic Ocean to boil immediately above that location, cooking fish. As Yim states, this was quickly blamed on carbon dioxide (CO2) warming. Further, the volcanic warming was transported to the Arctic, causing a reduction in sea ice, also blamed on CO2 warming.

In 2012 to 2016 a highly localized ocean warming occurred in the Pacific northwest, cooking crabs and other ocean life, and when broadened became known as the Pacific Blob. Again, CO2 was immediately blamed. As Yim states, underseas volcanic eruptions can cause prolonged changes in local climate that is falsely attributed to CO2. Sea water temperatures off the US west coast from Portland to Mexico were warmer in 2015-16 than in 1997-98. CO2 was blamed. However, when these events are over, the warming disappears but the false claims remain.

Professor Yim concludes by stating that polar sea-ice changes can be explained by ocean heat waves caused by volcanic activity, rather than by CO2-caused warming. Climate modeling needs to be improved to account for influence of volcanic eruptions on atmospheric and oceanic circulation. Missing heat attributed to CO2 in the oceans is better explained by geothermal heat from submarine eruptions.

“Volcanic eruptions as a natural cause of climate variability (both cooling and warming) is underestimated … Earth is dynamic.”

Yim’s explanations of volcanic warming provide a better understanding of the peaks found in the atmospheric temperature record, particularly the peak of 2016. They also provide a better understanding of the variability of Arctic Sea ice melt and the pulse of warm water that was observed going through the Bering Strait, resulting in alarming reports in 2018. The IPCC blamed it on increasing CO2. The IPCC and its followers are so ideologically driven that physical evidence means nothing to them. See links under Challenging the Orthodoxy,,, , and


Getting the Basics Wrong: In using basic physics to develop a simple energy constraint equation, AMO physicist Howard Hayden cited the excellent work of Wijngaarden and Happer for the calculation the effects of greenhouse gases on earth’s temperatures for the five widely considered greenhouse gases. In order of significance, water vapor is most important, CO2 is secondary, and the other gases, including methane, are insignificant. Hayden’s essays on the model are found on the SEPP website.

As last week’s TWTW was being finished for distribution, Hayden pointed out a major error in the main body of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6, 2021). Hayden wrote:

“SSP2-4.5 (Shared Socio-economic Pathway #2, TOTAL radiative forcing of 4.5 W/m2 — [from] all changes in greenhouse gases from all gases, all changes in albedo, no changes in solar output), supposedly results in 2.7ºC temperature rise. This is physically impossible.

“This graph [SSP2-4.5 not shown] comes from the TECHNICAL section, so the problem does not lie entirely with the SPM, the political hacks, and the media.  The ‘climate scientists’ do not apply Stefan-Boltzmann to their projections, and they utterly fail to understand the Planetary Heat Balance.”

According to the Stefan Boltzmann law, a warming of 2.7ºC requires an increase of 14.8 W/m2 (watts per square meter) in surface IR (infrared) emission and the IPCC range requires a range: 11.3 to 19 W/m2 increase in surface IR emission. There is no physical evidence of such a drastic increase. So, the entire IPCC report is based on an erroneous exaggeration of what is actually occurring. Also, Hayden wrote:

“The projected temperature rise in the graph [Shared Socio-economic Pathway #2] allegedly occurs by 2080-2100 and is not necessarily the equilibrium situation.  Assuming that all numbers are true, then we have disequilibrium with more heat going to space than is absorbed from the sun.  The surface must therefore be cooling.

“How in thunder does IPCC get to that overheated state?

“They clearly do not understand basic physics.”

So much for the climate scientists who claim that their models are based on “First Principles.” See


Bad Analysis, Bad Policy: Ecologist Jim Steele produced another thoughtful video how on field trips to meadows, his students immediately insisted that examples of bad land-use policies were examples of the evils of CO2-caused climate change.

“In contrast, as an ecologist I had to consider landscape changes, geological history, changes to hydrology, biological interactions, as well as weather and natural climate changes. And I had been observing those effects for 15 years.”

Steele goes into other poorly understood concepts such as wildfires, flooding, changing weather, and thoughtless “solutions” to these problems. Some of the problems are human caused but unrelated to increasing CO2. See links under Challenging the Orthodoxy.


Into the Pit: Ably represented by Francis Menton (Manhattan Contrarian) and Harry MacDougald, a group called Concerned Household Electricity Consumers Council (CHECC) filed litigation in the US Court of Appeals for the Washington DC Circuit against the EPA for its Endangerment Finding. The DC Circuit Court is loaded with judges who consider bureaucratic decision-making as infallible. Thus, the suit has little chance of success. But it may lead to an important paper trail. Mention writes in his blog, the Manhattan Contrarian:

When you take a look at the brief, you will see that we are directly and openly challenging the fake science of predicted catastrophic human-caused global warming from GHGs..(No rule on excessive use of acronyms here at MC.).In this we join our amicus the CO2 Coalition, whose brief was filed on October 21, and discussed here in this post on October 22..Both the Coalition and CHECC follow the basic precept of the scientific method of looking to see whether there are observational data that are inconsistent with and therefore invalidate the hypothesis put forth by the proponents. Both the Coalition and CHECC find such data. Both briefs then quote the famous line of physicist Richard Feynman, ‘If it disagrees with experiment, it is wrong.’ Nothing very complicated about that.

Menton goes into the similarity between this fight and the problems Galileo and Kepler, who insisted that planetary movement was heliocentric, had with those who insisted it was geocentric. The main points in the CHECC brief are:

  • “EPA uses certain official ‘surface temperature’ records, derived from government agencies NOAA and NASA, as its temperature history. CHECC shows that EPA had no data for these series for most of the world prior to 2000, including none for the entirety of the Southern Hemisphere oceans (about 40% of the earth’s surface right there)..To fill the gap, it simply fabricated data by computer algorithm to create a record consistent with its desired results.
  • “EPA claims that the warming in its (flawed) temperature records can only be explained by human influences. But CHECC shows that a structural analysis of credible temperature series from satellites and balloons, after backing out influences only from certain enumerated natural factors (ocean currents, volcanoes, and solar variations), leaves no statistically significant warming left to be explained by human influences.
  • “EPA claims its hypothesis is supported by a distinctive warming pattern in the tropical troposphere, known as the ‘hot spot.’ CHECC shows that the tropical ‘hot spot’ does not exist in the real-world data.”

The next TWTW will discuss the brief by Professors Happer and Lindzen and the CO2 Coalition. See link under Litigation Issues.


Bandwagon Rolling: Parents who raised teenagers may have encountered the dilemma that when many teenagers are caught in a fib, they tell a bigger fib. So, it is the case of the IPCC and other UN entities. To build up to the upcoming COP 27, UN entities and its supporters are releasing reports that are approaching absurdity. The list is impressive. It includes:

UN Environment Programme claims “The Emissions Gap Report 2022 finds that the world must cut emissions by 45 per cent to avoid global catastrophe. Solutions to transform societies exist, but the time for collective, multilateral action is now.” TWTW asserts that by eliminating its increased emissions, China can stop the “global catastrophe” all by itself. Who will force it?

Carbon Brief claims: “If countries meet their 2030 Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the terms of the Paris Agreement global temperatures would likely end up around 2.2C to 2.4C, while achieving ambitious net-zero pledges would limit warming to around 1.7C.”

“Elsewhere, a joint analysis from several research institutes, such as Climate Action Tracker and the World Resources Institute (WRI), finds that the world is not doing enough to reach its 2030 climate targets across 40 different indicators, ranging from red-meat production and deforestation through to climate finance and green hydrogen production.” In contrast, TWTW asserts that none of the temperature claims from increasing CO2 are supported by physical evidence that CO2 is the cause.

UNICEF claims almost every child on Earth will face frequent heat waves by 2050 and that this year and that this year is “coldest year of the rest of their lives.” TWTW asserts that the influence of increasing CO2 cannot prevent another Ice Age.

The International Energy Administration reports: “World Energy Outlook 2022 shows the global energy crisis can be a historic turning point towards a cleaner and more secure future.” TWTW asserts there is nothing secure about unreliable electricity.

See links under: Defending the Orthodoxy – Bandwagon Science.


Plasticity: CO2 Science produced a number of reports of plasticity of ocean life. For the plasticity of corals published by The Royal Society B, see links under Acidic Waters,


Number of the Week: $3.8 Trillion: TWTW has been unable to track the massive subsidies and other spending going into alternative electricity generation, namely solar and wind power. According to reports, Jeff Currie of Goldman Sachs claimed it has been $3.8 Trillion over the past ten years. The percentage of fossil fuels used dropped from 82% of total energy used to 81%. Yet the total use of fossil fuels continues to expand. The foolish leaders of western Governments have claimed that their jurisdiction will go Net Zero in a few years? See link under Funding Issues and Communicating Better to the Public – Make things up.


Elon Musk buys Twitter “to empower citizen journalism”. No wonder the left is scared.

By Jo Nova, Her Blog, Oct 28, 2022

Challenging the Orthodoxy — NIPCC

Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science

Idso, Carter, and Singer, Lead Authors/Editors, Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), 2013


Climate Change Reconsidered II: Biological Impacts

Idso, Idso, Carter, and Singer, Lead Authors/Editors, Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), 2014


Climate Change Reconsidered II: Fossil Fuels

By Multiple Authors, Bezdek, Idso, Legates, and Singer eds., Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change, April 2019

Download with no charge:

Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming

The NIPCC Report on the Scientific Consensus

By Craig D. Idso, Robert M. Carter, and S. Fred Singer, Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), Nov 23, 2015

Download with no charge:

Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate

S. Fred Singer, Editor, NIPCC, 2008

Global Sea-Level Rise: An Evaluation of the Data

By Craig D. Idso, David Legates, and S. Fred Singer, Heartland Policy Brief, May 20, 2019

Challenging the Orthodoxy

Brief of Amici Curiae Dr. William Happer, Dr Richard Lindzen, and the CO2 Coalition in Support of Petitioners and Reversal

USCA Case #22-1139, Filed Oct 21, 2022

Volcanic Eruptions, a Driver of Natural Climate Variability – ignored by IPCC

By Professor Wyss Yim, ICSF and CLINTEL, Oct 28, 2022

Climate Fear Mongering: Bad Analyses Produce Bad Remedies

By Jim Steele A Walk On the Natural Side, Oct 26, 2022



Facts and Lies about Cattle and Methane

By Walter Starck, Quadrant, Oct 25, 2022

Climate Debate Belmont RSL 25th October 2022

By David Archibald, The Wentworth Report, Oct 28, 2022

Defending the Orthodoxy

Reducing demand is the best response to OPEC’s oil production cuts

By Matt Catsale and Tony Dutzik, The Hill, Oct 22, 2022

[SEPP Comment: Authors ignore that US can be independent of OPEC.]

Defending the Orthodoxy – Bandwagon Science

Emissions Gap Report 2022: The Closing Window

By Staff, UN Environment Programme, Oct 27, 2022

“The Emissions Gap Report 2022 finds that the world must cut emissions by 45 per cent to avoid global catastrophe. Solutions to transform societies exist, but the time for collective, multilateral action is now.”

[SEPP Comment: By eliminating its emissions, China can stop the “global catastrophe” by itself. Who will make it?]

UNEP: Meeting global climate goals now requires ‘rapid transformation of societies’

By Multiple Authors, Carbon Brief, Oct 27, 2022

“If countries meet their 2030 Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the terms of the Paris Agreement global temperatures would likely end up around 2.2C to 2.4C, while achieving ambitious net-zero pledges would limit warming to around 1.7C.”

“Elsewhere, a joint analysis from several research institutes, such as Climate Action Tracker and the World Resources Institute (WRI), finds that the world is not doing enough to reach its 2030 climate targets across 40 different indicators, ranging from red-meat production and deforestation through to climate finance and green hydrogen production.”

Almost every child on Earth will face frequent heat waves by 2050: UNICEF

By Sharon Udasin, The Hill, Oct 26, 2022

Link to report: The coldest year of the rest of their lives

Protecting children from the escalating impacts of heatwaves

By Staff, UNICEF, October 2022

Climate change-fueled heat waves have cost the world’s economy trillions: study

By Sharon Udasin, The Hill, Oct 28, 2022

Link to paper: Globally unequal effect of extreme heat on economic growth

By Christopher “Callahan, and Justin Mankin, AAAS Science Advances Oct 28, 2022

““Almost no country on Earth has benefitted from the extreme heat that has occurred,’ Mankin said.”

[SEPP Comment: Decline of deaths from starvation is of no benefit?]

Higher gas prices could lead to cleaner energy: report

By Julia Mueller, The Hill, Oct 27, 2022

Link to report: World Energy Outlook 2022 shows the global energy crisis can be a historic turning point towards a cleaner and more secure future

For the first time, global demand for each of the fossil fuels shows a peak or plateau across all WEO scenarios, with Russian exports in particular falling significantly as the world energy order is reshaped

By Staff, IEA, Oct 27, 2022

World is in its ‘first truly global energy crisis’ – IEA’s Birol

By Emily Chow and Muyu Xu, Reuters, Oct 25, 2022

Pledges to cut emissions are insufficient to tackle climate change: UN

By Rachel Frazin, The Hill, Oct 26, 2022

Link to report: Nationally determined contributions under the Paris Agreement. Synthesis report by the secretariat

By Staff, UNFCCC, Oct 26, 2022

From the report: “106. Most Parties (75 per cent) provided information related to gender in their NDCs and some (39 per cent) affirmed that they will take gender into account in implementing them.”

“107. Many Parties (52 per cent) referred to relevant policies and legislation, and some (28

per cent) affirmed a general commitment to gender equality, while some (38 per cent)

included information on how gender had been or was planned to be mainstreamed in NDC

implementation, and many (46 per cent) on specific tools and methods, such as gender

analyses or assessments, gender indicators, gender-disaggregated data, and gender responsive budgeting, and a few (6 per cent) included gender as a criterion for prioritizing


[SEPP Comment: The gender of CO2 is important in determining its warming effects?]

Climate Questions: How do we know humans triggered warming?

By Seth Borenstein, AP, Oct 24, 2022

“But carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels is now trapping heat to the level of 2.07 watts per meter squared, more than 20 times that of the changes in the sun, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Methane, another powerful heat-trapping gas, is at 0.5 watts per meter square.”

[SEPP Comment: No carbon dioxide before human use of fossil fuels? Plants disagree.]

Climate change threatening global health–Lancet

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Oct 28, 2022


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