
Weight and height of male and female greyhounds by age

Coonhounds, a group of hunting dogs known for their skill in tracking raccoons and other game, have considerable variation in weight and height depending on the specific breed. Typically, these dogs can weigh between 45 and 75 pounds. The Coonhound’s height at the shoulder typically ranges from 23 to 27 inches. This breed group includes several breeds such as the Black and Tan, Bluetick, Redbone and Treeing Walker Coonhound, each with its own characteristics but similar physical standards. Hounds are characterized by a strong body, which is essential for endurance and agility on a variety of terrains.

male Hound Weight & Height by age

The following chart shows the average weight and height of men Hound from birth to 3 years old. Please note these are just averages. Always consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns Hound evolution.

Age (months) Lbs Weight) Weight / kg) Height (inches) Height (cm)
0 1.5 – 2.5 0.7 – 1.1 6 – 8 15 – 20
first 5 – 10 2.3 – 4.5 9 – 11 23 – 28
2 10 – 20 4.5 – 9.1 11 – 14 28 – 36
3 20 – 30 9.1 – 13.6 14 – 17 36 – 43
4 25 – 35 11.3 – 15.9 17 – 20 43 – 51
6 30 – 45 13.6 – 20.4 18 – 22 46 – 56
9 40 – 55 January 18 – September 24 20 – 24 51 – 61
twelfth 45 – 65 20.4 – 29.5 22 – 26 56 – 66
24 50 – 75 22.7 – 34.0 24 – 27 61 – 69
36 50 – 75 22.7 – 34.0 24 – 27 61 – 69

Female Hound Weight & Height by age

The following chart shows the average weight and height of women Hound from birth to 3 years old. Please note these are just averages. Always consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns Hound evolution.

Age (months) Lbs Weight) Weight / kg) Height (inches) Height (cm)
0 1.2 – 2.2 0.5 – 1.0 5 – 7 13 – 18
first 4 – 9 1.8 – 4.1 8 – 10 20 – 25
2 9 – 18 4.1 – 8.2 10 – 13 25 – 33
3 18 – 27 8.2 – 12.2 13 – 16 33 – 41
4 23 – 33 10.4 – 15.0 16 – 19 41 – 48
6 28 – 40 12.7 – 18.1 17 – 21 43 – 53
9 35 – 50 15.9 – 22.7 19 – 23 48 – 58
twelfth 40 – 60 18.1 – 27.2 21 – 25 53 – 64
24 45 – 70 20.4 – 31.8 23 – 26 58 – 66
36 45 – 70 20.4 – 31.8 23 – 26 58 – 66

These tables are based on general guidelines and can vary greatly depending on the individual dog. Always consult your veterinarian or professional breeder for more specific information about your pet’s growth and development.

Frequently asked questions about one Hound Puppy growth and development

1. How fast should Coonhound puppies grow?
Coonhound puppies grow rapidly during their first six months, often reaching half their adult weight. Growth may be rapid at first and then slow down after about six months as they reach adult size.

2. What should I feed my Coonhound puppy to ensure proper growth?
Feed your Coonhound puppy a balanced large breed puppy diet. This helps regulate their rapid growth and supports bone and joint health, which is important for their active lifestyle.

3. How do I know if my beagle is overweight?
An overweight Coonhound may not have a visible waistline, and you may not be able to easily feel his ribs. Regular veterinary checkups can help monitor their weight and ensure they are growing appropriately.

4. What are the signs of malnutrition in Coonhound dogs?
Signs of malnutrition include lethargy, dry or brittle fur, and protruding bones. Make sure your puppy’s diet meets all of his nutritional needs, and consult your veterinarian if you notice these symptoms.

5. How often should I weigh my Coonhound puppy?
Weigh your Coonhound puppy monthly to monitor his growth. Weighing regularly helps you regulate their food intake and detect any deviations from normal growth patterns early.

6. Is there a difference in growth rate between male and female Coonhound dogs?
Yes, male Coonhound puppies often grow larger and may grow faster than females. This difference should be considered when evaluating growth milestones and dietary needs.

7. How tall should a Coonhound dog be at 6 months old?
After six months, most Coonhound puppies will have reached about 75% of their adult height, typically around 18 to 22 inches tall, depending on their specific breed type.

8. What are the common problems related to growth in Coonhounds?
Common problems include hip dysplasia and joint problems, often due to rapid growth. Feeding a large breed diet can help minimize these risks.

9. How does spaying/neutering affect my Coonhound’s development?
Spaying or neutering may slightly alter the Coonhound’s growth, potentially leading to a taller frame because the closure of the growth plates may be delayed. Discuss the best timing with your veterinarian.

10. What should I do if my Coonhound is not meeting growth milestones?
Consult your veterinarian if your puppy is not meeting growth milestones. They can assess whether there are underlying health problems or whether dietary adjustments are needed.

11. Can exercise affect my Coonhound’s growth?
Excessive exercise can harm the growing Coonhound’s joints and bones. Do moderate, gentle activities until they are fully grown.

12. How much sleep do Coonhound puppies need to support healthy development?
Coonhound puppies can sleep up to 18 hours a day, including naps. Proper rest is important for your child’s development and overall health.

13. Do growing Coonhound puppies need supplements?
In most cases, a balanced puppy food will provide all the necessary nutrients. Supplements are usually not required unless recommended by a veterinarian.

14. What are the signs of good health in growing Coonhound dogs?
Signs include steady weight gain, clean and bright eyes, shiny coat, good appetite and energetic behavior. Regular vet visits help ensure they are healthy and growing well.

15. How do I calculate my Coonhound’s expected adult weight?
A rough estimate is to double their weight by the time they are four months old as a basic guideline, although individual growth may vary.

16. What types of abnormal growths should I watch out for?
Look out for signs of uneven limb growth, difficulty moving, or persistent limping, which may indicate growth cartilage problems or bone disorders.

17. How does genetics affect my Coonhound’s development?
Genetics play an important role in a puppy’s development in terms of size, weight and height. The size of a puppy’s parents clearly indicates its potential adult size.

18. When is a Coonhound considered fully grown?
Most Coonhounds are considered fully grown at 18 months to 2 years of age, although some may continue to grow until they are about 3 years old.

19. Can a Coonhound’s paws indicate its adult size?
Puppies’ large paws often indicate that they will grow larger, but this is a general rule and not always accurate.

20. How does early health care affect the development of Coonhound dogs?
Proper early health care, including vaccinations, parasite control and regular checkups, lays the foundation for healthy growth and development.


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