
What are the effects of not having sex?

As a woman with an entire pre-college education in Catholic schools, any and all sex-positive documentaries, podcasts, and more have been a sign to me in my adult life. my city. I appreciate the Catholic school environment very much, but lifting the veil of shame around certain behaviors, especially sexual acts, is a valuable personal process, an advocate supports the idea that sexual health is more than just avoiding illness and unwanted pregnancy. . It also recognizes that sex should be an important and beneficial part of life. But for all the wonderful stories about how often sex can cut cortisol levelsimprove sleep, relieve pain and Improve immunity, I still sometimes wonder about the impact of regular breaks — aka the dreaded “dry weather.” So it’s refreshing to stumble across this article Good + Good just deal with: “Here’s What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Having Sex.”

Read on for some of the most remarkable discoveries, as well as insights from our team’s resident health and wellness expert, certified nurse midwife Lauren Zielinski (MSN, CNM), for those looking to break through a dry storm.

Image of Claire Huntsberger

Blood pressure and stress levels can increase

In this case, what goes down must eventually come – especially if you’re not getting the regular release of endorphins that sex provides. Fortunately, there are other positive ways to achieve the same results. Consider substituting healthy, cardio-boosting exercises for sessions between sheets.

If stress continues to plague you, consider Zielinski’s advice: “If you’re feeling really overwhelmed, super busy and never had any interest in sex and want to change that, then there’s no way. It’s time to activate self care defense mode. Consider dropping one or two unimportant commits or activities, recording in “my time“On your calendar and remember you can say no to things. Take time to relax and take care of yourself.”

For those going through menopause, the vaginal canal can tighten

As if menopause wasn’t fun enough, now you have to worry about the condition of your vaginal canal. Board certified OB/GYN Lucky Sekhon, MD, explanation for Good + Good that when not having regular sex for a long time, the vaginal canal can become constricted, “which can lead to thinning of vaginal tissue and a predisposition to tearing.” [and] bleeding during sex”.

This statement echoes an idea I heard last month in a call with Dr. Macrene Alexiades on the topic of upcoming health and beauty trends. While expecting great strides in vaginal rejuvenation, she stressed that the best way to maintain the vaginal lining is to have sex or masturbate regularly.

And since legendary that painful sex is completely normal is something we like to leave in the past, consider a natural lubricant if things don’t feel more comfortable.

It may become harder to turn on

Like many other things, sexual desire in general obeys the law of inertia: a person who has sex will continue to have sex, while a person who is not having sex may no longer have it. again. “For some people, this will result in it becoming harder to turn on, even if you wanted to,” says sexologist Carol Queen, Dr. shared with Well + Good.

That may sound a bit scary, but the main lesson learned from this little thing Research 2014 published year Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality is that? longing because sex can affect quality of sex. Maintaining your love and desire for regular sex can be crucial to the overall experience.

Let’s talk (More) about sex

There are many reasons — all perfectly normal — why we might experience a dry spell. Some people are also never sexually aroused. But if you feel like you’re in a situation where you want to get out, check out Zielinski’s guide to Boost your sex drive (including some surprising ideas), her thoughts on the moment of consideration sex therapyand even meditate before sex.

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