
Try this simple trick to master your long exposures

Long exposure photography is a powerful technique in landscape photography, allowing you to capture the smooth, dynamic movement of clouds and water while keeping static elements sharp. One challenge we often encounter is dealing with moving subjects, such as boats, which can lead to blurry images if not properly stabilized. Ensuring the stability of the boat is critical to achieving long, sharp, high-quality exposures.

Ensuring the stability of the boat during long exposures is critical to obtaining sharp, high-quality landscape photos. You want to make sure you get it right in the field because you won’t be able to really fix it in editing. A standard boat exposure can be great when you have calm, flat water as you can get the best reflections and natural mood of the scene; however, you still need a fast shutter to freeze any movement that may exist.

Stabilizing the boat is essential in landscape photography, especially with long exposures. This method involves towing the boat to shore to prevent movement, allowing for sharper and clearer images. This technique maximizes the potential of long exposures by capturing the dynamic movement of clouds and water while keeping the boat steady. Properly stabilizing a boat can greatly enhance the quality of landscape photos.

Why stability is important for long exposures

Long exposure photography involves using slow shutter speeds to capture movement over time. While this can create a dramatic effect with moving elements such as clouds and water, any movement in the main subject can result in a blurred image. This is especially true for boats that can drift at the slightest movement in the water. Stabilizing the boat is essential to keeping it sharp and clear in your long exposure photos.

The most effective way to stabilize a boat is to tow it to shore. By positioning the boat on solid ground, you prevent any movement caused by currents or waves. This method ensures that the boat remains stationary, allowing you to take sharp, long-exposure photos.

Placing the boat in shallow water where it touches the ground can help stabilize the boat. This method works best in calm water conditions where there is minimal wave action. Make sure the boat is in the right position and does not drift away when the water level changes.

Set up for the perfect shot

Once the boat is stable, place your camera on a tripod to avoid camera shake. Use the remote shutter button or the camera’s self-timer function to eliminate any movement caused by pressing the shutter button. Compose your shot, considering the boat’s position and surrounding elements.

Once the boat is secured and your camera is set up, it’s time to take long exposure photos. Use one neutral density (ND) filter to reduce the amount of light entering the lens, allowing longer exposure times even in daylight conditions. Adjust your exposure settings to achieve the desired effect. Longer exposures smooth out the water surface and capture the movement of the clouds, creating a dreamy, ethereal look. If the wind is blowing towards you or from behind you, this will add great depth to your photo with clouds flying away or towards you in the photo.

Post-processing tips

After taking a long exposure photo, use post-processing software to enhance the image. Adjust contrast, sharpness, and color balance to bring out details and mood of the scene. Pay attention to any residual movement in the boat and use selective sharpening to enhance its clarity. (If the boat is stable then of course you won’t have any boat at all.)


Stabilizing the boat is an important step in mastering long exposure photography in any landscape setting. By ensuring the boat is stationary, you can get sharp, high-quality images that capture the dynamic interactions of light, clouds and water. Whether you tow the boat to shore, use an anchor, place the boat in shallow water, or add weight, it’s important to minimize movement. With these techniques, you can enhance your landscape photography and create stunning long exposure photos that showcase the beauty of the natural world.

Do you have any other tips to share like this simple one?


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