
Why do domestic cats have a saggy belly?

Cats are perhaps one of the most amazing animals in the animal kingdom. And I don’t mean great because they have great physical abilities. Well, big cats in the wild definitely do.

But I’m talking about cute domesticated kittens that live in our house. They weren’t as impressive as their feral cousins, but they still observed their surroundings with a serious attitude. They know they’re cool and they’re letting the rest of us know that.

But when they walk around like they own the place, have you ever noticed that they have a small belly that looks as if they have a saggy belly?

Photo: Pexels / Tranmautritam

If you’re wondering if that’s normal or if it’s just a sign that your cat needs to get rid of the cat behavior, this is the answer for you.

As AnimalWised explained, that little loose skin was actually a primitive bag. All cats have it, it’s just more obvious in some cats than others.

Photo: Pexels / Cats come

Primordial pouches are not a sign of obesity at all. There’s really a big difference between your cat being a junkie and having just a bit of a diverticulum naturally.

In fact, the primordial sac is quite important to the survival of the kittens. Excess skin and fat can provide a reserve for cats to get through periods of starvation. But it also gives them more mobility for physical activities like stretching and jumping.

Photo: Shell / cottonbro

It’s true that our domestic cats don’t need the protoplasm to survive the way their wild ancestors did, but it’s still part of their anatomy today. As any cat owner knows, you mustn’t be bothered with a little belly full of fluff.

Check out more information in the video below:

Did you know about the cat’s primary pouch? Does your cat have one? Let us know!

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