
The Beliefs of Oil Ban Protesters – Is It Worth It?

In a predictable scene, five Just Stop Oil protesters were convicted, sparking outrage from their hypocritical supporters and surprising intervention from the United Nations. The press release from Just Stop Oil is a masterclass in drama, portraying these convicted clowns as noble warriors crushed under the oppressive boots of justice. Let’s take a moment to savor the delicious irony and sheer absurdity of their plight.

Self-inflicted martyrdom

These environmental fanatics have spent their days causing chaos, blocking roads, defacing monuments, and generally making a nuisance of themselves—all under the guise of saving the planet. Now that they have been held accountable for their antics, cries of “injustice” are echoing everywhere. What did they expect? A round of applause and a Nobel Peace Prize?

The Press Release lamented the so-called “undemocratic” trial and denounced the harsh verdicts. They claimed the British government was in the pocket of big oil companies, more concerned with corporate profits than the right to protest. This old, overblown tale would be funny if it weren’t so boring. The world is supposed to believe that these environmental saviours are the only bastions of truth and justice?

The jury returned guilty verdicts for all the defendants after Judge Christopher Hehir dismissed any legal defences, ruling that the climate crisis was “irrelevant” to the trial. He has indicated that they now face lengthy prison sentences, despite the United Nations publicly intervening to question the legality of the proceedings.

Although this information was presented to the jury, after Mr. Forst left the courtroom, the judge instructed the jury to consider the existential threat to humanity as “irrelevant” and completely ignore it.

Furthermore, despite acknowledging these issues in the evidence as objective ‘Undisputed Facts’, Judge Hehir continued to regard the defendant’s motives as matters of fact. “political opinion or belief”.

Hypocrisy at its highest level

The irony here is too much. These protesters claim to be pro-environment, but their antics do more harm than good. Blocking roads leads to endless idling and increased emissions. Vandalizing public property diverts resources from cleaning up their mess. Their actions are not about saving the planet, but about satisfying their own egos.

Their simplistic call for an immediate halt to oil production ignores the complex realities of global energy demand. But who cares about practicality when there’s a righteous crusade? The livelihoods of countless workers, the stability of the economy—none of that matters to these eco-warriors as they wallow in their self-styled martyrdom.

The laughable involvement of the United Nations

Then came the United Nations, stepping in to condemn the trial. Oh, how noble! Are we to believe that disrupting society and breaking the law in the name of environmentalism will absolve one from responsibility? The UN’s condemnation is less about justice than about pandering to an overzealous and misguided activist group.

Conclusion: Enjoy their deserved fate

So here we are. The five Just Stop Oil protesters, guilty as charged, are wallowing in their self-inflicted martyrdom. Their dramatic press release is testament to their delusions of grandeur. It’s time they faced the consequences of their childish antics.

Let this be a lesson to anyone who thinks that destroying the lives of ordinary people and destroying public property is the way to effect change. The real world does not award medals for tantrums. So let us all have a good laugh at the cost of these self-righteous clowns as they reap what they sow.

Check out Just Stop Oil’s press release to soak in their helpless claim.


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