
Man put his ‘blistering’ puppy in a box and placed it in front of the shelter’s door

Abby, a tiny and scared puppy, was found trembling and scared in a small box after being surrendered by her former owner. With her face covered in blisters, Abby’s situation is heartbreaking. Despite her condition, her tail never stops wagging. She had an extraordinary will to live even in a state of pain and weakness. Abby’s resilient spirit and unwavering determination touched all who met her, inspiring hope and compassion. Her story is a powerful reminder of the strength and resilience of animals and the profound impact that love and care can have on their lives.


During the first two weeks after being adopted by her adoptive mother Dina, Abby’s condition did not improve. The blisters on her face were getting worse and she didn’t want to be touched. She will retreat to her crib, lie there and cry. Concerned for Abby’s health, Dina took her to the veterinarian, where they ran multiple skin tests, blood tests, and other tests to determine the cause of her condition. Despite initial progress, Dina remains committed to finding a solution, motivated by her love and concern for Abby’s well-being.


With the right treatment, Abby begins to come out of her shell. She started playing with other dogs, eating food and getting excited when her foster mother approached. Abby’s unique personality begins to shine through. Her newfound appetite was a great sign, and she even tried to snatch Dina’s food as she ate. The once scared and withdrawn puppy is now full of life and joy, her tenacity and spirit winning the hearts of everyone around her. Abby’s transformation is a testament to the power of love and the right care, turning her heartbreaking beginnings into a story of hope and happiness.


Dina decides to teach Abby how to play fetch and buys her a variety of toys. Abby’s playful and curious nature becomes more evident as she enjoys taking cotton out of her pillow, walking, and running around. She loves to explore and smell everything around her, showing off her unique personality.

Although Abby’s health improved, the scabs on her face caused her to lose her hair, leaving her head completely hairless. This, combined with her adult teeth growing out with an underbite, gave her a distinctive appearance that made her look as if she was always smiling. Despite her unusual appearance, Abby’s cheerful spirit and loving nature shine through, endearing everyone she meets and proving that true beauty comes from within.


With each achievement, Abby’s adoptive mother, Dina, becomes more and more excited about her progress. Abby has come a long way from the scared, distressed puppy found in a box. Now she is a happy, playful and loving dog, truly enjoying her new life. Abby’s transformation is remarkable, showing the incredible impact of care and compassion. From learning to play the game to happily exploring her surroundings, Abby’s journey is a testament to her resilience and the unwavering support of her adoptive mother. Abby’s story is an inspiring reminder that every animal deserves a chance to thrive and be loved.

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