How to create eye-catching portraits with fallen leaves
Fall is coming to an end, and even though the leaves are no longer on the trees, that doesn’t mean we don’t use them anymore. If you collect a bunch of leaves and bring them into your studio, you’ll have a great prop for a variety of portraits with all the studio lighting control. This awesome video tutorial will show you how to take fallen leaves and turn them into a versatile and eye-catching prop for studio portrait photography.
Coming to you from Gavin Hoey with adorama television, this helpful video tutorial will show you how to turn fallen leaves into props for studio portrait photography. One piece of advice I give you is just to carefully examine the leaves before bringing them inside. Once they’ve been on the ground for more than a day or so, it’s not uncommon for insects or other small creatures to nest in them, and you don’t want your subject to be damaged unintentionally or cause a nasty surprise. bear! Also, get more leaves than you think you need, as you will probably destroy them after using a few times, and of course, when winter comes, you’ll be out of luck until next year. Check out the video above for the full recap from Hoey.