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China has a fast food delivery service on high-speed trains

Image for article titled China has fast food delivery service on high-speed trains

Screenshots: Shanghai Daily

China is the place with the longest and fastest roads high-speed rail train in the world and provides ground transportation for billions of people every year. It turns out there’s a lucrative business in food service for long-distance train customersand many people don’t want to pay for it Mediocre food or lack of choice it came from the galley car. Chinese people Tourists enjoy KFC as much movement as in restaurants and availability of so-called O2O (online to offline) Food ordering is booming in the country.

When you’re on a train going 160 miles per hour, you can order a famous dish Bu Su Zhi Ba double-decker beef burger And Fresh, pure pearl milk tea from McDonalds to be delivered right to your seat. China is living in the future. The closest we have in the US is Get Starbucks delivered by UberEats And The driver left it next to the trash can in the parking lot of your office building, and Slow trains kill pedestrians. Five stars.

I really thought Americans were the undisputed champions in the link between terrible food and laziness, but it turns out the Chinese are challenging us for our money. Reports from 2020 indicate that a single station, Nanchang Railway Station, received about 1,700 customized meal orders per day for high-speed rail, and growth has become a target of the game since then.

How to order food on China’s high-speed train?

Each of these meals requires an exact timetable to get them on board and distributed to the right passengers. Passengers must order their meals one hour before the train arrives at the restaurant’s station. The ordered meals are shipped from the restaurant to the distribution center at the station, where station staff then deliver the meals en masse to railway staff. Your meal will then be brought right to your seat as you must enter your ticket when ordering. Train trips usually take no more than a few minutes at each station, and if the meal is delayed by even a few seconds before the train departs, it’s a loss of revenue, disappointed customers, and bad reviews.

This is the absolute pinnacle of capitalism, and it was introduced to the world by the supposedly communist Chinese Communists. Well done, America. We’re overcooked.


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