
A fisherman threw his life jacket to save a drowning dog that “wasn’t a dog”

Rowing on the river in Mato Grosso, Brazil, Renato Borella and tour guide Neco spotted a black tail struggling on the water near some swamps. They thought a dog was drowning and Neco threw a life jacket to save it. In the video below, Renato and Neco are watching the creature cling tightly to his life jacket trying to save himself. That’s when they noticed the animal’s wet face and determined that it was not a dog but a monkey in that area. The male monkeys are known to be aggressive and hostile towards humans, but they decided to ignore their concerns to assist the monkey on board.

Image/story source: YouTube Video – ViralHog

When the muscular primate climbed aboard, the men trembled in horror at its cold expression. On the contrary, the monkey gracefully sits on the bow of the boat and points towards the land. The crew understood and steered them in the right direction.

Image/story source: YouTube Video – ViralHog

When the boat docked, a monkey grabbed a tree branch and disappeared into the forest. The men believed the monkey had been kicked out of his group, which would explain why he was alone and why he was trying to run away. They were touched by Monkey’s kindness and they wished him well in his future endeavors. We express our gratitude to Renato and Neco for this brave rescue!

Image/story source: YouTube Video – ViralHog

You will absolutely LOVE the rescue in the video below!

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