
Living with Wildlife: Skunks – Ontario SPCA and Humane Society

Skunks are shy animals, known for their unpleasant smell and distinctive black-and-white markings. They are nocturnal animals but can sometimes be active during the day.

These interesting creatures must contend with great hardship as their habitat continues to be destroyed, which is something we must consider as we learn to live with these animals. Skunks must compete with humans for food, shelter, and space. With a little understanding, patience, a few precautions, and common sense steps, we can coexist with the wildlife that share our backyards and cities.


The skunk’s natural habitats include forest borders, bushland, and grassland. Skunks are burrowing animals. In urban areas, you can find them under buildings, porches, and in sewers.


Skunks, like raccoons, are omnivores. Their diet consists mainly of insects, but also includes rats and other small mammals, eggs, fruit, nuts, vegetation, carcasses, and garbage. This varied diet is one of the reasons skunks are so well adapted to living close to humans.


Skunks breed in late winter to early spring and usually lay in May or June. They have three to 10 cubs per litter, and the young stay in their burrows for six to eight weeks before going out with their mothers.

For more information on skunks, visit the Canadian Wildlife Federation website, Striped skunk

Frequently asked questions:

How do I get rid of a skunk that has taken up residence under my porch/barn?

If this problem arises during the months of May through July, chances are the skunk is the mother with the cubs. In this case, we encourage the host to be tolerant and patient. Babies don’t leave their burrows until they’re six to eight weeks old. Do not apply any method of exclusion until you notice the baby leaving the burrow.

Homeowners should also not try to exclude during the winter months as this is a difficult time of year for skunks to find alternative shelters and food sources. If the skunk cannot find food and shelter, the skunk can die in winter weather. The best time to get rid of skunks is late summer or early fall. The most effective steps involve using containment methods to encourage the skunk to move and then discourage future access.

Deterrence measures

When dealing with skunks, noise and light are highly effective deterrents. Female skunks choose quiet and dark locations because they provide a sense of security for their young. Therefore, introducing noise and light to the place will encourage her to look for an alternative. Set up a battery-powered radio that can be converted into a talk radio near the cave. You can also place a battery-powered light that shines towards the recess and out several times a day and makes noise. These methods will annoy skunks and make them feel unsafe and more likely to want to move out.

The most effective exclusion technique is to install an L-shaped galvanized screen around the perimeter of the porch or barn, but leave the openings open. To do this, dig a trench one foot deep by one foot wide around the perimeter and place the screen in the trench to form an ‘L’. The base of the ‘L’ must be at least 8 inches wide. Fasten the screen to the building then fill the entry slot with dirt.

How to check if a skunk is still around

To determine if the skunk is still using the burrow, place a newspaper ball in the entrance/exit or cover the hole with dirt loosely. The skunk still resides in the burrow if it moves newspaper or dirt. As such, you can continue with the above containment techniques. You can take steps (described above) to permanently seal an entrance when dirt or newspaper doesn’t bother for a few days.

Note: if you see a skunk walking around and frantically digging to get into the burrow, assume there’s a baby inside and immediately seal the opening.

I have a skunk stuck in my window well. What should I do?

Slowly and carefully lower a rough board into the window well, at a gentle slope to make a ramp. Skunks can use this to climb out of wells. Keep people and pets away from this area and the skunks will use the ramp to escape.

To avoid this situation arising again, homeowners should put canvas cover all window wells around the house. If you see an injured skunk, don’t help it escape. First, contact your local licensed wildlife rehabilitator to determine if reinstatement is required.

My dog ​​/ I was sprayed by a skunk. Do you have any suggestions for getting rid of the stench?

Skunks use warning signs before they spray, such as stomping their feet, ruffling their fur, and raising their tails. If a skunk spray cannot be avoided, there are several solutions that can be used to help the odor fade. However, only time can eliminate the odor permanently. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Hydrogen Peroxide Solution (find the formula THIS)
  • Carbolic soap – for use on human skin and clothing only
  • Use commercial products such as animal shampoos that can be purchased at veterinary clinics

If you or your dog gets sprayed in your eyes, you should immediately flush eyes with cool water. Skunk spray in the eyes causes pain and discomfort, but is not thought to cause blindness. If irritation does not subside, seek medical advice.

By paying attention to your surroundings, keeping an eye on your dog during his time outdoors, and taking steps to reduce his chances of rejection and food sources for skunks, you can help reduce your chances of touching your dog. forehead close to the guest striped.

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