
7 crazy things that are completely normal for St. Bernard’s

St. Bernards, with their giant size, droopy eyes, and adorable expressions, are one of the most iconic dog breeds. Known for their history of rescuing the mountains of the Swiss Alps, these gentle giants have transformed into adorable family pets who bring joy and lots of drool to their house. Despite his calm demeanor, St. Bernards have many odd behaviors and habits that make their owners both excited and wary. If you have ever had the pleasure of living with a St. Bernard, you will learn that their size is matched only by their dominant personalities. From their capacity for laziness to their love of lounging, here are seven crazy things that are completely normal for St. Bernards.

1. Lazy people

One of the most famous features of St. Bernards is their extraordinary drooling ability. These dogs can produce a surprising amount of drool, especially after drinking water or when they are excited. It is not uncommon to see drool on their jaws, splattered on walls, or even splashed on unsuspecting visitors. While this may seem a bit gross to the uninitiated, the owner of St. Bernard knows that’s just part of the package. Having a towel ready is a must, but drool is a small price to pay for the love and friendship they provide. Drooling is part of the fun.

2. Delusions about pet dogs

Despite their large size, St. Bernards often refer to themselves as lap dogs. They will try to climb on your lap, snuggle close and feel comfortable, completely unaware of their weight. This fantasy of a pet dog is both fun and adorable, as they truly crave close contact and affection. Their efforts to be your lap dog may crush you, but it’s hard to resist their warm and cuddly presence. This behavior highlights their affectionate nature and desire to be close to humans, making each cuddle a cozy and memorable experience.

3. Symphony of snoring

When St. Bernards sleep, they create a symphony of snores, grunts, and sighs that can fill the whole house. Their snoring can be surprisingly loud, often resembling the sound of a small engine. While this may be a bit uncomfortable for light sleepers, many owners find it comfortable and endearing. The symphony of snoring is just another way they make their presence known, even in their sleep. It’s a reminder of their comfortable and contented nature, and many owners find the sound quite soothing. Their snoring adds to their charm and makes them an unmistakable part of the family.

4. Gourmet

St. Bernards have large appetites and are deeply interested in anything edible. They are famous for their enthusiasm for food, including their talent for sniffing dishes and begging with their irresistible eyes. This culinary sophistication can lead to some humorous and sometimes exasperating situations, such as finding St. Your Bernard with their head stuck in the snack cupboard or discovering the consequences of a backflip expedition. Despite their food-related antics, their love of meals is part of their lovable and fun-loving nature. Keeping food out of reach is a must, but their finesse in eating is a charm that adds to their personality.

5. Couch potatoes

Despite their large bodies and strong muscles, St. Bernard is often surprisingly lazy. They like to lie around the house, finding the most comfortable place to stretch out and relax. This couch potato behavior means you’ll often see St. My Bernard takes up the entire couch, happily napping during the day. Their ability to transition from powerful guards to comfortable couches is both fun and adorable. Embracing their couch potato tendencies means providing plenty of cozy spots for them to relax, as they enjoy free time just as much as play time.

6. Gentle giant

St. Bernards are extremely gentle and often act like oversized teddy bears. They are especially good with children and smaller animals, showing surprising levels of care and gentleness for their size. This gentle giant’s behavior is a testament to their calm and adorable nature. Look at St. Bernard’s gentle interactions with a child or a small pet are heartwarming and a clear indication of their nurturing instincts. Despite their large size, they seem to understand their own strength and take great care to be gentle and loving, making them excellent family pets.

7. Protective shadow

St. Bernards are guardians of nature and take their role very seriously. They will follow you from room to room, acting as your constant shadow. This protective shadow behavior means you will rarely have a moment alone, as St. Bernard will always be by your side, ready to keep you safe. While their constant presence can be a bit overwhelming at times, it is also incredibly reassuring. Their dedication to protecting their family is a testament to their loyalty and love. Having St. Bernard means having a devoted guardian always watching over you.

St. Bernards are full of personality and quirks that make them truly special. Their symphonies of laziness, dog fantasies, and snoring bring endless joy to those lucky enough to share their lives with these gentle giants. Although their behavior may seem crazy to some, St. Bernard knows that these traits are only part of what makes them such great companions. Every joke is a reminder of their playful, endearing nature, making every moment with St. Bernard becomes an exciting adventure.


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