
7 Crazy Things That Are Completely Normal for Basset Hounds

The Basset Hound, with its floppy ears, soulful eyes and unmistakable low body, is one of the most recognizable and lovable dog breeds. These charming dogs are known for their laid-back attitude and stubborn personality, which often leads to some interesting and peculiar behavior. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of sharing your life with a Basset Hound, you know that their unique quirks make them both adorable and hilariously entertaining. From their love of sniffing to their melodious howls, Basset Hounds bring a lot of personality to the table. Here are seven crazy things that are completely normal for Basset Hounds.

1. Sniffing obsession

Basset Hounds have an extremely strong sense of smell, second only to Bloodhounds. This heightened sense leads to an obsession with sniffing out everything in their path. Walking with a Basset Hound is less about exercise and more about exploring every scent they come across. They will stop at every bush and blade of grass to investigate thoroughly. Their noses often lead them down winding paths, turning a simple walk into an olfactory adventure. While this can be annoying when you’re in a hurry, it’s fun to watch them in action. Their sniffing obsession is a testament to their tracking heritage and adds a unique charm to their personalities.

2. Characteristic howl

Basset Hounds are known for their distinctive and melodious howl. These sounds can be heard from quite a distance and are often used to express a variety of emotions, from excitement to loneliness. Their howl is very deep and resonant, sometimes startling you if you don’t expect it. Whether they howl along with sirens or just let you know it’s time for dinner, their vocal talents are always a source of entertainment. The Basset Hound’s characteristic howl is a reminder of their hunting and their need to communicate loudly and clearly.

3. Epic naps

Basset Hounds are masters of relaxation and can nap anywhere, anytime. Their long, drooping bodies seem perfectly designed to stretch out in the most comfortable positions. They will take epic naps throughout the day, often snore loudly, and look completely peaceful. Watching a Basset Hound sleep can be both soothing and entertaining, as they often strike the most ridiculous and adorable poses. Their love for sleep is a testament to their laid-back nature and ability to find comfort and joy in the simplest pleasures.

4. Gourmet

Basset Hounds are famous for their love of food. They have a knack for finding and devouring anything remotely edible, often using their keen sense of smell to locate hidden treats. This culinary flair can lead to some humorous situations, such as catching them head-first into a bag of snacks or discovering the consequences of a raid on the kitchen counter. Their love for food makes them highly motivated by treats, which can be a useful tool for training. However, their obsession with food also means they have to closely monitor their diet to prevent overeating. Despite the challenges, their passion for food is part of their appeal.

5. The stubborn path

Basset Hounds are known for their stubbornness, a trait that can be both amusing and exasperating. When Basset Hounds decide they don’t want to do something, no amount of coaxing, bribing, or commanding will change their decision. This stubborn streak is part of their independent nature and adds to their quirky personality. Training a Basset Hound requires patience and a sense of humor, as they will often test your resolve with their stubborn behavior. Although stubborn, their independent spirit is a reminder of their resilient and resilient nature.

6. The detective wags his tail

Basset Hounds have a natural detective nature, often following their noses and wagging their tails enthusiastically. This investigative behavior can lead children on all kinds of adventures, whether it’s exploring the backyard or sniffing out toys hidden around the house. Their tails act as a barometer of their excitement, wagging wildly when they are looking for something interesting. Watching Basset Hounds in detective mode is both entertaining and impressive, demonstrating their determination and curiosity. Their tail-wagging detective work is an expression of their tracking heritage and their innate love of discovery.

7. Velcro Hound

Basset Hounds are extremely affectionate and often act like “Velcro dogs,” staying close to their humans. They love being part of family activities and will follow you from room to room, seeking attention and companionship. This Velcro behavior means you’ll rarely have a moment alone, as your Basset Hound will always be by your side, ready to show affection with their droopy eyes. While their constant presence can be a bit overwhelming at times, it’s also a testament to their loving and loyal nature. Owning a Basset Hound means having a devoted and affectionate companion who wants to be a part of every moment of your life.

Basset Hounds are full of personality and quirks that make them truly special. Their sniffing obsession, melodious howls and feeding dexterity bring endless joy to those lucky enough to share their lives with these charming dogs. Although their behavior may seem crazy to some, Basset Hound owners know that these traits are only part of what makes them such wonderful companions. Each quirk is a reminder of their unique and adorable nature, making every moment with the Basset Hound an exciting adventure.


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