
5 undeniable signs your Dachshund loves you

Dachshund’s love is unlike any other. It is encased in a small, elongated body with an explosive personality and a level of loyalty that would make a shepherd blush. But sometimes, their love language can be as unique as who they are. So how can you tell if your Dachshund loves you? Here are five sure signs to watch for.

1. Dig a Cave With You

Dachshunds were originally bred to enter the burrows of honey badgers, and that instinct has been around for a long time. If your Dachshund likes to snuggle up next to you or snuggle up to you, that’s their way of saying, “I love you.” They’re not just looking for warmth, they’re creating a shared space of comfort and safety, a sign of their affection.

2. Waving tail and Tail

One of the most notable features of Dachshunds is the unique way they wag not only their tails but their backs when excited. If your Dachshund greets you with a wagging tail and a dancing tail when you return home, it’s a clear sign of their affection. That wiggly beggar dance says, “Nice to meet you!”

3. Follow Me Everywhere

Like their own shadow, Dachshunds will follow their loved ones everywhere. Whether you’re going to the kitchen or the bathroom, don’t be surprised if your Dachshund is right behind you. This isn’t just curiosity; it’s a sign that they always want to be around you, showing their deep love and attachment.

4. Face licking

Dachshunds are known for their licking kisses. If your Dachshund often tries to lick your face, especially in the morning or when you come home, they are saying, “I love you and I miss you!” This act is a way of showing their affection and joy to be with you.

5. Stomach rubs

A Dachshund lying on its back, showing its belly is a vulnerable Dachshund. If your Dachshund often rolls over for a belly rub, it shows that they trust and love you. That’s how they find affection and bonding time, a sweet moment that says, “I feel safe and loved when I’m with you.”

Understanding these signs of love can help you strengthen the bond you share with your Dachshund dog. Every action, whether it’s wagging its tail or following you around, is a testament to their love for you. And the more you understand their unique love language, the deeper your relationship will grow.

Having Dachshund’s love is a joy like no other. They may be small, but their hearts are huge, filled with lovely sincere feelings. So, if you notice these signs, rest assured, your Dachshund truly loves you, in a unique and undeniably charming way.


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