Random: This guy is on a mission to watch all animals cross: New Horizons Artwork in Real Life
That’s the question filmmaker and content creator Mayuren Naidoo is trying to figure out. He set himself on a mission to witness each and every piece of Art in Animal Crossing: New Horizons in the flesh, including paintings and statues.
He is currently in the middle of the list, having visited museums across Europe. He went to France to visit the Louvre, Spain to visit the Museo del Prado, Germany to visit the National Gallery of Alte and his hometown of London to visit the National Gallery, the British Museum and the Tate.
That may sound like a pretty expensive trip, but flying off-peak in Europe can be a lot cheaper than flying domestically in the United States! Naidoo told us: “When I go to see art, it’s usually just one night, staying in budget hotels and using low-cost airlines. “Most of the time, I just plan to see the art, but there are times when I can do multiple things – like the first time I go to Paris, then I go to Cannes for the film festival!”
To save money and time, Naidoo allowed himself at least one concession: He was allowed to visit the clones. After all, the Animal Crossing art world is full of fakes, right? With this in mind, he visited a museum in the south of England, which kept replicas of the Terracotta Army for everyone to admire without having to travel all the way to China.
To verify his travels to these works of art, Naidoo makes sure to snap a picture of himself in front of the painting or statue, holding a custom amiibo tag of his own, to accompany his photos. artwork in the game Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
How long will Naidoo take to complete his mission? Oh, he starts in April 2022, when he visits the appropriate picture (A bar in Folies-Bergèreby Edouard Manet) at the Courtauld Gallery in London, and so we asked him how much longer he planned to work on the project:
“I’m hoping to finish most of Europe by January and then leave the US, Japan and China, but I’ve never been to the Americas or Asia before so hopefully I’ll do it. [a trip] next year. The main delay is that Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian man, even though it’s in Venice, is kept in a vault because it’s 500 years old and only put on a special exhibition every 7 years! So it depends on how many copies of the remaining arts will be used! “
Naidoo follows his epic adventures with a very detailed and thorough spreadsheet that details the name and location of each painting or artwork, the gallery they are in, and all the details. They’ve all been sorted into episodes, which you can check out on his TikTok.
Good luck on your quest, Mayuren and thank you for showing us your glorious spreadsheet!
Let us know in the comments how many real-life Animal Crossing artwork you’ve seen! Also if they are fake. You never know.