
Mother Lying By The Puppies’ Crib But They Didn’t Know They Met

A stray dog ​​named Ella found her way to a farm and gave birth to seven puppies. All the puppies found home. A puppy named Maggie ended up as a failed foster caretaker with Taylor, an Atlas Animal Rescue volunteer.

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Taylor inquired about Mama Ella and was informed that she was unharmed with a family. Taylor felt relieved. But soon, that relief turned to chaos. In fact, Ella was given shelter by her new family, and because she was so wild, she ended up at the top of the assisted suicide list.

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Can this selfless foster mother step in and help? Taylor knows Ella deserves a chance to be happy, just like her puppies. She drives to the shelter to rescue Ella. Taylor takes her home and isolates her from Maggie and her other dog. She had to slowly adapt to Ella because she was so wild and had to shut down sadly.

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The mother dog is kept in a kennel for the first few days if the other two dogs run around – and vice versa. To her surprise, Maggie responded to Ella and would lie with her outside the crate. As if Maggie missed her mother! And then, if Maggie is put in the crate, Ella does the same thing!

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Taylor isn’t sure if the dogs know for sure that Ella is Maggie’s mother, but hearts never forget (nor does their nose!) What do you think? Please let us know in the comments section. Thanks to fosters like Taylor, homeless dogs are finding forever loving homes. Consider becoming a nurturer today!

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