
Lessons Learned and Explore the Art of Creating Authentic Portraits with Iowa Farm Families

Starting out on the journey of creating a portrait as a non-portrait photographer can be daunting, often accompanied by feelings of anxiety and self-doubt. However, creating a portrait doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. With a few simple tips, you can enter the world of portrait photography with a renewed sense of competence and confidence.


Whether you are a portrait photographer or not, posing is one of the most important aspects of creating a portrait. Having a well-posed subject will tell the story you are trying to convey.

  • Body language: A subject’s body language will reveal their personality. Having a subject cross their arms and stand up straight will convey anger and frustration. Having a subject’s hands on their hips will convey strength and assertiveness. Remember that body language can enhance the visual impact of creating powerful images.
  • Simple and comfortable posture: Not all subjects are comfortable in front of the camera, and you may not be comfortable behind it. Keeping things simple will make it much less stressful for you and your subject. People will naturally pose without even knowing it. I will ask them to stand while I play around with camera settings or composition. I use that time to see how they pose. Most of the time, I make small adjustments to the pose and we are ready to go.
  • Environmental combination: Choose a natural environment that makes your subject feel comfortable. Most people feel more comfortable in an environment they are familiar with. Using props and surroundings will add context to your photograph. Our main goal is to tell the story of the individual, and adding their environment can help tell their story. When working on a project about family farms in Iowa, I used the locations around the farm to tell the story. The surroundings don’t have to be fancy and elaborate; they are part of the puzzle to tell the individual’s story.

Build rapport and get comfortable

Building rapport is the easiest way for you and your subject to become compatible, both in front of and behind the camera.

  • First impressions: Building rapport starts with a great first impression, and it doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as good eye contact and a friendly smile. Dressing appropriately for the occasion can help make a great first impression. When photographing farm families in Iowa, I wouldn’t show up in blue jeans and a polo shirt. I’d show up in work boots, Carhartt work pants, and a solid-colored dress shirt. First, this shows that I understand their way of life and creates authenticity. Second, it shows that I’m here to tell their story and not worry about working as hard as they do every day.
  • Verified: Be yourself. Working with these farm families is often my first encounter with my subjects. A family member reached out to me to get their approval. Being authentic while making a great first impression sets the tone for the entire day. Don’t try to be someone you’re not because your subjects will know right away that’s not you, and now you have another hurdle to overcome: trust.

Natural light

Natural light is the easiest way to start shooting portraits. Now, it has its downsides, but starting your portrait journey will be less intimidating and stressful when working with your subjects. Eventually, I will learn to use an external flash for endless creativity. I chose to use natural light for my projects because it gives a more authentic look to the subjects I work with and our environment. Don’t get me wrong, I show up with a truckload of lighting equipment, just in case. I haven’t used it yet and I carry it around because I’m someone who would rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

Plan ahead

Planning is invaluable if you can. I often don’t have the luxury of planning my photoshoots because it’s my first time on location. You might wonder why. First of all, these farming families are extremely busy and out of respect I don’t waste their time. This makes a great first impression and lets them know that I understand their way of life. This is a one-time commitment to them and the rest is up to me.

In general, every shoot is very similar, so planning and learning from previous experiences is the same as preparing for each shoot. As you start shooting more, you will rely on previous shoots to prepare for the next one. Remember, if you have time to get to a location before your shoot, it will be invaluable and will make you much less stressed when the shoot actually takes place.

Learn your topic

Want to find the best location for your shoot? Get to know your subject and their story! I can’t count the number of times I’ve found a location based on understanding a family’s story. I use this when I’m on location and it pays off big time. Getting to know your subject also builds rapport and shows them that you’re genuinely interested in creating images for them. Ultimately, you’re creating a relationship that can be fruitful, all because you took the time to get to know them and their story.

Communication and collaboration

Communication is key when on location and is much easier when you know your subject well and have built a rapport. While traveling from location to location, I enjoy small talk with the family. I tell them my story, and they get to know me and see my passion for farm families like theirs and this project. This becomes a full circle as this small talk starts a collaboration between us to open up new opportunities and locations while walking around. This has led to unique locations to photograph on the farm.

Creating authentic portraits can be simple and doesn’t have to be complicated. Just take your time and get to know your subject; great things will happen!


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