Auto Express

I think Ford copied BMW’s key a decade ago

Image for article titled I Think Ford Copied BMW Keys a Decade Ago

Photo: Andy Kalmowitz / Jalopnik

I just got one Ford Maverick Tremor 2024 abandoned for one week trialand when i was hand over the keys I was struck by how familiar it felt, which was odd considering I had never driven a Ford before – and therefore never saw the keyHowever, I can’t shake the feeling that I’ve used it before.

Image for article titled I Think Ford Copied BMW Keys a Decade Ago

Photo: Andy Kalmowitz / Jalopnik

I drove to my parents’ house. New shirt for a fun long weekend on July 4th, and when I went to book key On their key chains, I noticed something. You see, my mom drives a BMW X3 2014and the moment i saw her the key hangs thereI understood why the Ford key looked so familiar to me. Reader, I don’t know how this happened, but it sure looked like Ford just reuse the key frankly BMW car was used a decade ago.

It turns out, after doing some research (read: this was pointed out to me by parts-sharing expert Bozi Tatarevic on Twitter), that both of these keys are made by the same supplier: Continental. That explains why they look so similar, but it doesn’t explain why Ford hasn’t bothered to do much else to differentiate its keys from the ones BMW has been making for over a decade.

Look at the button layout – despite both being metal. Unlock on top, then locks into a circle in the middle. At the bottom is a long panic button. The only difference is that the button on top is the remote start button on Hippies and a trunk lift on X3. They even have quite similar shapes.

Image for article titled I Think Ford Copied BMW Keys a Decade Ago

Photo: Andy Kalmowitz / Jalopnik

Even their overall shape is similar – they are both slightly curved rectangle. Look inside those rectangles and you will see a slightly shadowed rectangle surrounding the buttons and key The ring is mounted in the same position on both keys.

Okay, I know this is just the way the automotive world works, but damn… I think I wish Ford had done a little more to update their car keys to make them different from what they were 10 years ago.


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