
Hiker finds lost dog in National Park, takes it more than 3 miles to safety

As three hikers pass through a remote area of ​​Mt. Glorious of Australia, they heard the sound of splashing from a creek ahead. They approached carefully and quietly, expecting to see a kangaroo or a platypus, but were stunned to see a chubby dog ​​struggling to free himself from the water.


Hikers created a noose from ropes and a long stick to pull the dog out of the freezing water. The thin, well-fed bitch must have fallen into the deeper part of the creek and exhausted trying to climb out.


Frightened and disoriented, the dog tried to run away from the rescuers by crawling into bed in the creek. Three hikers surrounded her, afraid of losing track of her in the rough terrain.

This area is more than 3 miles away from any home or business and if she falls back into icy waters, she won’t be able to survive the night. They begin to plan to free her from the remote forest and return to safety.


The hiking woman slowly approached the dog’s nest in the bushes. After safely sitting nearby for a few minutes, she reached out her hand to scratch behind her ear. The poor dog rewarded her with a lick on her hand.


Over time, the dog they called Miss Piggy became trusting of hikers and even rested his head on the woman’s leg. They had made harnesses out of vines, but Miss Piggy was too exhausted and scared to climb over the rough terrain of steep and rocky banks.


Nice hikers tried to push/carry her, but it proved too dangerous and difficult. They determined that they needed to create some kind of carry-on if they wanted to get Miss Piggy to safety.


A hiker returns to the car – 15 minutes each way – for a large canvas bag, and they form a stretcher with rope, a towel, and a thick twig.


The two men carried the 85-90 pound dog while the woman in front gathered branches and combed them out of their way. Forty-five minutes later, they returned to the car, where Miss Piggy began to transform into a new dog. When they got home, she wagged her tail and smiled from ear to ear.


The trio posted photos of Miss Piggy online and soon found a match! It turns out that Miss Piggy is actually Elly-Bob, an early and beloved pet who fled her owner’s yard nearly 10 miles from the deserted spot in the park where she was found.


Bobby – affectionately called by her father – has been missing for over 3 weeks! How she ended up in the bush remains a mystery, but Bobby has been surprisingly healthy despite her ordeal and is absolutely delighted to see his father again!

All past images Imgur / DangerM0use


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