
Gov. Newsom’s unpopularity may have something to do with his extreme orders that make life more expensive. – Watts Up With That?

It’s no surprise that California has huge electricity and fuel costs, recently. Survey by the Public Policy Institute of America Revealed that California’s “blue” Governor Newsom is the MOST UNPOPULAR Governor in the United States!

Published on July 1, 2024 at America Out Loud News

Ronald Stein

Ronald Stein, Expert is an engineer, senior policy advisor for energy literacy for the Heartland Institute and CFACT, and co-author of the Pulitzer Prize-nominated book “Clean Energy Exploitations.”

California’s emissions regulations have increased the cost of electricity, products, and fuel for residents.

In California, the economy depends on affordable, reliable, and increasingly cleaner electricity and fuel. Unfortunately, policymakers are driving up California’s electricity and gas prices, and California now has the highest electricity rates And fuel price in country.

Governor Newsom still fails to recognize the fact that “Mandatory Emissions (only in rich countries) Achieving net zero emissions is a fool’s game”. The governor also remains reluctant or unable to engage in discussions about Basic Energy Knowledge Questions.

Simply put, in rich and healthy countries, every person, animal, or thing that causes emissions to rise could disappear from the face of the earth, or even die off, and global emissions would still explode in the coming years and decades relative to the populations and economic growth of China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Tanzania.

China, India and Indonesia are the three largest emitters of greenhouse gases, but they are also countries that do not have the financial or technical capacity to reduce or capture anything!

A careful examination of the global supply chain demands for electricity, products and fuels for population trends clearly shows that “net zero emissions” is an illusion because the end of crude oil being made into all the products and transportation fuels that keep the world reaching eight billion people would be the end of civilization because “unreliable electricity” from wind and sunlight cannot produce anything.

Today, California imports more electricity than any other US state.twice as much as Virginia, the second-largest electricity importer. California typically gets between one-fifth and one-third of its electricity supply from outside the state.

  • Over the past two decades, the state has closed 11 coal-fired power plants that provided uninterrupted power.
  • The San Onfre nuclear power plant closed in 2013, which also provided uninterrupted power.
  • Electricity prices have increased more than 98% over the past 15 years.

Texas and California have long been the top consumers of gasoline in the United States. In 2021:

  • Texas consumes 38.55 million gallons of gasoline per day, accounting for 11% of the nation’s total gasoline consumption.
  • California consumes 33.31 million gallons per day, which is 9% of the country’s total water consumption.

Governor Newsom continues to advocate cutting California’s supply of a special fuel blend that is not produced in other states, while demand in the state continues to rise.

  • Refinery owners have no control over the market prices of crude oil, natural gas, gasoline and diesel.
  • The price of a barrel of oil is set on the global market and depends on the fundamentals of supply and demand.
  • Other factors that influence gasoline prices include competitive conditions in the market; costs associated with fuel distribution; and local, state, and federal taxes.
  • In California, drivers pay more than $1 per gallon in taxes, fees, and state greenhouse gas emission reduction program costs. Other states average just $0.32 per gallon.
  • Most branded gas stations across the United States are owned and operated by entrepreneurs who decide the price they charge for a gallon of gas.
  • Today, gas prices in CA are about $2 more a gallon than in Mississippi.
  • More people, fewer fuel producers, and anti-oil policies have contributed to fuel producers leaving California. At the state’s peak, there were 45 refineries in the state. Today: there are 16 open refineries And 29 refineries closed.
  • The state has one-third as many refineries as it did in 1982. Meanwhile, California’s population has increased by more than 60 percent, making the state more vulnerable to higher prices when the specialty fuels supplied by the state’s refineries are not enough to meet demand.
  • Newsom, by continually reducing oil production in the state, continues to force California, The world’s 4th largest economy, is the only state in the continental United States that imports the majority of crude oil for its refineries from foreign countries.
  • California’s growing dependence on other countries for crude oil is a serious national security risk to the United States because the state is home to nine international airports, 41 military airfields, and three of the largest shipping ports in the United States.
  • Years after the governor’s order, California is finally preparing to ban hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas. The state’s most recent move is decision The California Geological Energy Management Board refused to issue new fracking permits for oil and gas wells. Then, in September 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom signed a law banning new oil and gas wells within 3,200 feet of any occupied structure—a restriction that has the potential to kill the industry.
  • Determined to save the world from climate change, California, with 0.5% of the world’s population, continues to shut down its oil and gas industry to set an example for the 99.5% of the world’s 8 billion people who do NOT live in California. The state remains focused on MANDATING the world’s strictest vehicle emissions controls, including phasing out the sale of new gasoline-powered cars by 2035 regardless of the cost to residents.

California’s assault on oil and gas isn’t over yet. In September 2023, California Attorney General Rob Bonta sued Exxon Mobil, Shell, Chevron, ConocoPhillips and BP for allegedly causing climate change-related damages and misleading the public.

  • Suing the ONLY supply chain for products and fuels that 40 million Californians DEMAND is financially stupid!
  • The California Attorney General is unaware of the fact: Never betray the person who feeds you, if there is no substitute to support the products our materialistic society demands.

All of Governor Newsom’s “accomplishments” have led to rising prices for electricity, fuel, and fossil fuel products. Not surprisingly, recently Public Policy Institute of America (PPIC) Survey Revealed that Gavin Newsom is the MOST UNPOPULAR Governor in the United States.

California’s climate warriors may succeed in their efforts to phase out fossil fuels in the state, but it will come at a high cost to other residents and set an example the world cannot afford to follow, especially for 80% of humanity in Africa, Asia and Latin America still live on less than $10 a day – and billions of people still do little or no electricity.

Please share this information with teachers, students and friends to encourage conversations about Energy at the family dinner table.

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