
‘Fearful’ Beagle Rescued From Lab and Loved by Family

When Lori received the call asking her to foster an abused beagle named Ella, she didn’t hesitate for a second. Her kind heart and dedication to animal welfare made her the perfect candidate for such a challenging yet rewarding assignment. Ella’s life had been ruined by years of captivity and experimentation, leaving her scared and broken. Lori knew the journey wouldn’t be easy, but she was committed to providing Ella with the love, care, and patience she needed to heal and experience a life filled with joy and freedom.

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Ella spent her entire life locked in a cage, subjected to countless experiments. Her life was one of pain and isolation. The American Society for the Protection of Animals played a major role in changing her fate. They rescued 4,000 beagles from a facility in Cumberland, Virginia, where the dogs were bred and sold to laboratories, destined for short, painful lives.

“Many people are unaware that approximately 60,000 dogs like this are still used in laboratories every year,” the Humane Society said in a statement. “We will continue to advocate for alternatives to animal testing to end this outdated practice.”

When Ella was rescued, she had no concept of freedom. She was a scared, trembling puppy when Lori first brought her home. The road to recovery would be long and challenging, but Lori was determined to give Ella the love and care she so desperately needed.

In the early days, Ella was too scared to move. For five days, she lay motionless unless Lori took her out. Even then, the world outside the cage was too much for her. “I had to carry her back inside because she was so scared of the wind,” Lori said, recalling those difficult early days.

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Inside the house, Ella made a corner of the sofa her refuge. She sat there for hours, staring blankly, her body frozen in fear. It broke Lori’s heart to see Ella in such a state, but she knew that patience and love were the keys to her healing.

Gradually, Ella began to show signs of wanting to come out of her shell. She began to explore her surroundings, albeit cautiously. One day, Lori noticed Ella pecking at the buttons on the back of the sofa, trying to tear them off. It was a small but important step toward normal dog behavior.

Ella’s interactions with Lori also began to change. She began to play, even jumping on Lori’s back in moments of excitement. The first time Lori saw Ella wagging her tail was a big milestone. “Those little moments slowly turned into bigger moments,” Lori noted, her eyes lighting up with pride.

Despite these improvements, Ella still has a long way to go. She has to learn basic dog behaviors that most puppies learn naturally. She doesn’t recognize what a ball is, let alone understand that it can bounce and roll. When Lori presents her with an oversized tennis ball, Ella initially barks at it, confused and uncertain.

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With time and gentle encouragement, Ella began to play. The oversized tennis ball that had once frightened her became a source of joy. She began to chase it, her barks changing from fearful to playful howls. Ella was slowly but surely becoming a happy, playful puppy.

The mirror was another challenge for Ella. She saw her reflection and started barking, not understanding that the dog in the mirror was her reflection. These were all new experiences for her, and each one came with its own challenges and triumphs.

In just four weeks, Ella has transformed from a fearful dog to a goofy, happy, playful pup. Lori describes the transformation as “night and day.” “As a foster parent, it’s really rewarding,” Lori says, reflecting on the incredible progress Ella has made.

After four weeks of socialization and learning about life outside the cage, Ella was ready to be adopted. Lori braced herself for the emotional day when she would have to say goodbye to the dog she had grown to love so deeply.

When the day came to hand Ella over to her new family, Lori was filled with mixed emotions. She was sad to see Ella go, but knew it was the best move for her. Lori was confident that Ella would thrive with her new family, which included a beagle to play with.

Image source: YouTube

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“I’m so excited for her new life. I’m so happy that she found her forever home. For the first time, she got to experience what it’s like to be part of a loving family,” Lori said, tears of joy and sadness mixed as she watched Ella leave with her new family.

Ella’s story is a testament to the resilience of animals and the transformative power of love and compassion. From a life of fear and isolation, Ella has blossomed into a playful, playful dog ready to embrace her new life with a loving family. And for Lori, the journey of raising Ella has been an incredibly rewarding experience, one that reaffirms her belief in the importance of giving all animals the chance to live happy, healthy lives.

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