
Fauci Wants to Mandate the Vax to Fly

If Dr. Anthony Fauci had not been a household name before 2020 — or at least since the 1980s — he most certainly has become one since. Fauci is the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the chief medical adviser to the president.

Just two days after Christmas 2021, in an interview with MSNBC, Fauci proposed that vaccinations may become a requirement to fly within the U.S.1,2 He supports this despite continued reports of breakthrough infections,3 recommendations to wear masks no matter how many shots you’ve had4 and overwhelming numbers of people experiencing adverse effects, including death.5

Much of Fauci’s power lies in his capacity to fund, arm, pay, maintain and effectively deploy a large and sprawling standing army of helpmates in whatever demands, mandates and other intrusions on your personal freedom he may think of. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) alone controls an annual $37 billion budget distributed in over 50,000 grants supporting over 300,000 positions globally in medical research.6

In his latest book released November 16, 2021,7 “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health,” Robert F. Kennedy Jr., environmental activist and attorney, revealed and documented many of Fauci’s demonstrably illegal practices that have placed the health and welfare of U.S. citizens under fire.

The book follows Fauci’s career, which he launched during the AIDS crisis by partnering with pharmaceutical companies. At the time, they developed and executed a plan that has since been repeated during the COVID-19 pandemic — which was to sabotage all safe and effective known treatments to benefit Big Pharma.8

Fauci’s power and political reach highly influences the recommendations of the FDA and CDC, and subsequently health care providers who either don’t or won’t read independent research to form their own opinions. Steve Kirsch9 recently published remarks made by his friend, Dr. Harvey Cohen,10 pediatric hematologist and oncologist from Stanford Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, which are indicative of the current state of affairs in health care.

When Kirsch asked Cohen if he was going to speak out or be silent about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, Cohen responded by discrediting those who do speak out: “The hospitals are filling with non-vaccinated COVID patients. Why don’t you speak out in favor of getting people vaccinated so we will have fewer hospital admissions and fewer deaths?” Later Cohen ended the conversation, writing:11

“We are in alternative worlds. There is no conspiracy about vaccines, only attempts to control the severity of the pandemic. Sorry, I cannot deal with your misinformation. Please don’t write me anymore about it. I rely on the CDC and FDA to give me the information I need to take care of patients.”

Fauci’s Suggestion to Vax for Flights Is Not for Safety

In his interview with MSNBC Fauci revealed there were ongoing conversations to reduce the number of days individuals who had been exposed to COVID-19 may have to quarantine. During the interview he said:12

“One of the things we have to be careful of, is that when you have so many people who are exposed but not necessarily infected but in general they have to stay out of action for 10 days. If they have an essential job, we want to get them back at that job before the 10-day period. And that’s what’s just being discussed very seriously by the CDC.”

In other words, vaccinated or not, if you have been exposed but do not have symptoms by day five, the CDC was considering reducing the quarantine period. Within hours, the CDC made the announcement,13 and Fauci appeared on CNN14 discussing why the quarantine period was reduced. In response to the question, why reduce the quarantine time now, Fauci responded:15

“With the sheer volume of new cases that we are having, and we expect to continue with Omicron, one of the things we want to be careful of is that we don’t have so many people out. If you are asymptomatic, we want to get people back to their jobs, particularly those with essential jobs, to keep our society running smoothly.”

In other words, it appears that the decision to shorten the quarantine time is based solely to ensure the country has enough people to run essential services. In the same interview, Fauci said that despite thinking a vaccine mandate to fly was something he supports, he was not going to say whether he would personally ask the president to issue such a mandate:16

“I’m not going to tell you that for the simple reason that I don’t want to be publicly telling you what I’m recommending to the president because then if the president doesn’t do it, I don’t want to make it look like the president is going against it. The president takes all recommendations, all discussion and as a group we make a decision about what’s best to do. …

If you’re talking about a requirement to get on a plane domestically that is just another requirement that’s reasonable to consider. I think that’s what we’re talking about. When you make vaccination a requirement, that’s another incentive to get people vaccinated. If you want to do that with domestic flights, I think that’s something that should be seriously considered.”

Fauci’s interview triggers more questions than it answers. Why shorten the quarantine time after nearly two years of “emergency” living? Could it be that there are too many essential workers refusing the vaccine17 and a 10-day quarantine would hamstring the country?

More importantly, Fauci did not mention safety reason for mandating vaccination on domestic flights. Instead, his reasoning was to use a forced shot as “another incentive to get people vaccinated.” It appears he is taking a page from Nike’s famous advertising slogan18 as the narrative changes from safety to “Just do it.”

Airlines Backing Masks for Financial Reasons, Not Science

Although CNBC reports19 that “there is no indication at this point that a vaccine mandate is on its way for U.S. flights,” during the past 18 months, Fauci has historically made suggestions which subsequently come to pass.

He also clearly signaled that masks are here to stay for the foreseeable future when he said that taking off masks while on airplanes is “not something we should even be considering.”20

In December 2021, the executives of American Airlines, Delta Airlines, United Airlines and Southwest testified at a Senate hearing that air quality in the planes is controlled by electrostatically-sprayed, high-grade disinfectant and HEPA air filters that remove up to “99.99% of airborne particles.” They concurred with the Southwest Airlines executive’s statement:21

“I think the case is very strong that masks don’t add much if anything in the air cabin environment. It is very safe, and very high quality compared to any other indoor setting.”

The CEO for United Airlines noted their partnership with Cleveland Clinic and the testing the Department of Defense had performed on United’s airplanes, concluding the air quality was safer than many other indoor areas because of the filtration.22 Sara Nelson, president of the Association of Flight Attendants, spoke in rebuttal in what Forbes magazine called a “swift and thorough fact check.”

She made the point that the mannequins used during the study referenced by United Airlines CEO did not move and did not eat, alluding to the fact that masks do not provide an effective seal. She also pointed out that the older planes do not have the HEPA filtration — and that concluded her swift and thorough “fact” check.

After the Senate hearing the CEO of Delta and American Airlines backpedaled their statements.23 CNN Business24 reports that Nelson said the reason airline tickets are being sold close to prepandemic levels today are because the mask mandate has led to greater confidence in airline passengers.

Kerry Tan, professor of economics at Loyola University Maryland agrees with Nelson. “I can’t speak to the science of whether masks help, but my thoughts with the mask mandate is that they help with booking leisure travel. I feel like it generally will give passengers peace of mind,” he told CNN Business.25

If you read the studies, they don’t support mask use. When you start to search for data on wearing masks as a strategy to reduce your risk of infection, here’s a sample of what you’ll find:

  • Surgical masks and N95 masks perform nearly the same.26
  • Cloth masks perform far worse as was demonstrated in a 2015 study27 of health care workers and flu-like illness. The researchers cautioned against cloth masks for occupational health and safety reasons.
  • A review of the evidence28 of nonpharmacological personal protective equipment to reduce the spread of flu published by the CDC found “no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks” in a community setting.
  • According to the CDC,29,30 71% of patients testing positive for COVID-19 reported they “always” wore a cloth mask or face covering in the 14 days before getting sick.
  • According to a guidance memo by the WHO:31 “At present there is only limited and inconsistent scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of masking of healthy people in the community to prevent infection with respiratory viruses, including SARS-CoV-2.”

Airline Mask Rules Trigger Disruptive and Violent Passengers

In other words, instead of addressing the science that does not support the use of masks to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2, or educating airline customers about the science, several CEOs, Nelson and the economic professor from Loyola decided it’s easier and more financially advantageous to mandate masks and go with the flow. Yet, recent news reports of disruptive and violent passengers do not fit what they hoped.

In June 2021, The Washington Post32 reported an “unprecedented rise in disruptive passengers” on flights, warning that “experts say it could get worse.” The article recounted when a Southwest passenger knocked out a flight attendant’s teeth and a man was arrested after banging on the cockpit door of a Delta flight.

Speaking to The Washington Post, Nelson said “There is constant conflict on board. I think there’s a potential that this can get worse.”33 The Federal Aviation Administration received 2,900 reports of unruly passengers since January 1, 2021, and 2,200 of those were about the mask mandate.

Most recently was a two-minute video posted on Twitter34 showing an unmasked woman in the aisle yelling at a seated unmasked man who was eating. She had to be restrained and taken to the back of the plane after she assaulted him and spit on him for not wearing a mask.

Fauci Warns Coronavirus Cold May ‘Take Over This Winter’

According to Kennedy, “Fauci uses the financial clout at his disposal to wield extraordinary influence over hospitals, universities, journals and thousands of influential doctors and scientists — whose careers and institutions he has the power to ruin, advance or reward.”35

Earlier this year, Fauci received a $1 million prize from Israel for “speaking truth to power” as “the consummate model of leadership and impact in public health.”36 This a far cry from the documented evidence presented in Kennedy’s book, or from the Freedom of Information Act release of Fauci’s emails37 or from the documentation presented before the Senate.38,39

It is vital to remember that coronaviruses were first identified in the mid-1960s40 and are among the viruses responsible for the common cold. The newest mutation of SARS-CoV-2 is called Omicron, and thus far, while the variant has accounted for 73% of new cases41 in the U.S., only one man with underlying health conditions has died.

Perhaps this is because the symptoms of Omicron are nearly identical to a cold, with cough, fatigue, congestion and runny nose the most prominent symptoms. Yet, Fauci continues fear mongering, warning that Omicron is going to “take over this winter” and Americans should brace for a “tough few weeks to months.”42

This Is the New War

There is no doubt we are in a sophisticated war and anyone capable of rational thought and an inkling of desire for freedom is the designated enemy. Everywhere you look, officials are spewing easily provable lies, yet the mainstream media run with it and large numbers of people are swallowing the information without thinking twice.

It is not hard to imagine a future where the population is so grossly misinformed that there’s no one left to even consider questioning the narrative handed to them. Importantly, as explained by Mattias Desmet,43 professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, totalitarianism differs from dictatorships.

Since totalitarian regimes commit their worst atrocities once dissenting voices have been silenced, many planned horrors can be kept at bay by keeping the pressure on, and by vocalizing dissent. By speaking out and uniting in the fight for freedom we also provide a better alternative to those who otherwise would simply go along with the program, for fear of being ostracized.

“In my opinion, it is not an option to stop speaking,” Desmet says. “It’s the most important thing we can do.”44 We also need to create parallel structures — businesses, organizations, technologies, movements and creative pursuits that fit within a totalitarian society while being morally outside of it. Once enough parallel structures are created, a parallel culture is born that functions as a sanctuary of sanity within the totalitarian world.

According to Desmet, totalitarianism will always self-destruct in the end. The psychological underpinnings are so self-destructive that the system ends up killing its own. That’s the good news. The bad news is a totalitarian system can survive for long periods of time before petering out, and there tend to be few survivors at the end.

That said, Desmet believes this new global totalitarianism is more unstable than regional dictator-led totalitarian systems, so it may self-destruct faster. The key is to survive outside the totalitarian system while we patiently resist it and wait for its self-destruction.

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