
Family who lost dog comes to shelter to adopt new pet, finds a familiar face

After three long months of searching and no clues to help them find their lost dog, a family finally decided to go to their local shelter to adopt another member of the family. family. But then, despite seeing dozens of dogs, there wasn’t any kind of association.

That is until they notice a picture on the wall, and realize that their beloved dog is actually there waiting for them!

Dante with family

Dante is missing

While out for a walk, Dante, a Corgi/Shepherd hybrid, ran after another dog and disappeared. When she heard what had happened, Ruth, Dante’s mother, was by her side and ran home from work to try to find him.

Ruth adopted Dante shortly after her eldest daughter was diagnosed with Lymphoma, and he became a source of comfort for their entire family.

“When Dante disappeared, I felt like a part of me was gone,” Ruth said.

But despite scouring their neighborhood, and even going door-to-door to ask all of her neighbors, no one has seen Dante.. They searched everywhere they could think of for three months, and then moved to a new town, 20 miles away.

Then they start to face the fact that they will probably never see their sweet boy again. They don’t know Dante any closer than they ever imagined.

A familiar face on the wall

When he went missing, Dante was not wearing a collar and did not have a microchip for rescuers to scan. So even though the shelter staff searched their local list of missing dogs, they were unable to locate his family. So naturally, they tried to find Dante a new permanent home.

“He just wasn’t interested in meeting new people. He was closed in all his meetings and greetings, only a little sad about him. We talk about it all the time in staff meetings: Why wasn’t this beautiful, playful boy adopted? We couldn’t find it. And then, of course, we realized he was waiting for his family,” said Reasa Currier, director of the Fairfax County Animal Shelter.

Then, one day, after moving nearby, Dante’s family walked in Fairfax County Animal Shelter, to look for a new family member. Together, Ruth and her children considered all dogs, and still don’t feel like they’ve found the right fit. But on her way out the door, Ruth’s 10-year-old daughter saw a picture of Dante on the wall.

Soldier poster

A surprise family reunion

While Ruth suspected it was their dog, her daughter was sure and absolutely positive it was him. So they asked to meet the dog that was found to be lost, and to be named “Soldier.” Only it turns out that Soldier is no ordinary stray. It’s Dante! Somehow, he was 20 miles from where he got lost, and was waiting for his family at a shelter near where they moved.

Immediately when he laid eyes on his family, Dante was ecstatic. He ran excitedly between them, no one in the room with dry eyes.

“He just started pulling, he was wiggling all over. We immediately knew that this was Dante’s family. They cried. Dante just danced. And he’s obviously very emotional seeing his family again,” Reasa said.

What an absolute miracle that Dante and his family were able to reunite! I mean, what’s the chance?

But friend maybe increase the chance that you and your lost pet will be reunited if you are sure they are chipped and you keep your information up to date.

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