
DeSantis signs law slashing directives on climate agenda, targeting opponents’ investments – Watts Up With That?

Governor DeSantis: A beacon of sound policy against ideological fanaticism

Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida has once again demonstrated his steadfast commitment to practical and sensible governance by signing into law a series of bills designed to counter the tide of ideological narratives prevailing has infiltrated energy policy and economic investment. This legislative action is a refreshing departure from the dogmatic approaches common in other states, providing a much-needed focus on practicality and economic sense.

Cancel unnecessary climate directives

At the heart of these legislative measures is an explicit rejection of the directives of a radical climate agenda. The new laws focus more on nuclear power and natural gas, both of which are reliable and cost-effective energy sources. DeSantis has consistently advocated for policies that prioritize the economic well-being of Floridians, and this move underscores his dedication to maintaining affordable energy prices and enhancing energy security.

“The law I signed today [will] said the governor. “We are restoring sanity to our approach to energy and rejecting the agenda of radical greenists.”

By focusing on nuclear power, which has proven safety and efficiency, and expanding natural gas resources, Florida will benefit from a stable and durable energy infrastructure more solid. This practical approach contrasts sharply with the impracticality of over-reliance on intermittent renewable sources such as wind and solar.

Investments with opposing links are prohibited

One of the prominent elements of the new law is to ban the state from holding shares in companies linked to the Chinese Communist Party and those that use forced labor. This move is a strategic and ethical decision, consistent with national security interests and human rights standards. Financial entanglements with rival nations and unethical practices are concerns often overlooked in the globalized investment craze.

“This legislation also encourages the expansion of natural gas resources across the state.”

The legislative package includes HB 7071, which prevents the State Regulator from accepting direct holdings of Chinese companies on behalf of the Florida Retirement System Trust Fund. Additionally, a thorough review of current investments will ensure that Floridian funds do not unintentionally support adversarial nations or unethical labor practices.

Strengthen energy policy and economic focus

The emphasis on economic assessment and technical feasibility in energy policy has been a hallmark of Governor DeSantis’ administration. The new law requires comprehensive research into nuclear power technology, ensuring that Florida’s energy future is not only secure but also economically viable.

“Proposal to repeal a phrase directing the state to address ‘global climate change potential.’ The bill also requires the state to research and evaluate the potential economic and technical benefits of using nuclear power technology.

By eliminating directives that are more ideological than practical, the state can now focus on practical solutions that deliver tangible benefits. This approach could serve as a model for other states grappling with the balance between environmental stewardship and economic vitality.

Protect Florida’s interests

Governor DeSantis’ decisive actions are a testament to his commitment to protecting Florida’s interests against foreign and ideological threats. The inclusion of provisions banning state contracts with companies that involve forced labor further highlights his administration’s stance on maintaining safe and ethical economic practices.

“The bill requires the Department of Management Services to create and maintain a list of forced labor providers that have been excluded from public contracts for 365 days and to publish an updated version of the list quarterly.”

This initiative not only ensures state funds are used responsibly, but also sends a strong message about Florida’s ethical standards in doing business.


Governor Ron DeSantis’ recent legislative measures are a bold affirmation of sound policymaking in an era often dominated by extremist ideologies. By focusing on reliable energy sources, ethical investments and pragmatic governance, DeSantis is leading Florida toward a more stable and prosperous future. These laws are not only a victory for Floridians, but also a beacon for other states to follow in crafting policies that prioritize common sense over ideology.


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