
Benefits and implementation

I start each day by swishing my mouth with coconut oil for 10 to 20 minutes. No, it’s not for people who love the taste or texture – coconut oil is a magical beauty elixir, but I don’t crave a spoonful of the stuff. I’m practicing oil pulling, an ancient technique said to improve oral health. This simple act is said to provide countless health and aesthetic benefits, and it’s a fairly meditative way to start your morning routine. Plus, it doubles as a welcome facial workout.

Sometimes called oil pulling therapy, oil pulling is a type of homemade mouthwash popular in both ancient and modern times. “Oil pulling is an oral hygiene treatment that dates back more than 5,000 years, with roots in Ayurveda,” says Juhi Singh of Juhi Ash Center. “This is usually done after you wake up and using coconut, sesame or sunflower oil,” says dentist Jon Marashi. The oil is “pulled” throughout the teeth and mouth, thinning with each swish.

The supposed benefits of the ancient, affordable treatment regimen include improved health, whitened teeth and a more defined jawline. We tapped the experts to find out what the evidence is based on. Here’s what they had to say.

Benefits of oil pulling

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The American Dental Association says there isn’t enough research to support this method and any benefits. Dr. Marashi goes so far as to say that he does not recommend this practice, although he notes that it is not harmful. And while it’s certainly no substitute for twice-daily brushing and flossing, it has long been used in Ayurveda and some studies show it has antibacterial benefits and may Helps treat bad breath.

“Oil pulling reduces inflammation and biofilm buildup [a.k.a. plaque]This is important because harmful bacteria live in biofilms and can cause periodontal disease and tooth decay,” says Dr. Inna Chern, a dentist based in New York. “Teeth also appear whiter because stains from food and drinks don’t stick as easily.” Studies have shown that continuous oil pulling is possible Improve bad breath And reduce plaque.

“Oil pulling helps kill Candida, improves digestion and cleans the mouth to break down food,” adds Singh.

Although there is no definitive mechanism behind oil pulling, researchers suggest three theories. First, when rinsed, the oil will combine with saliva to create a soap-like substance that helps clean teeth and gums. Others cite antioxidants, while a third camp suggests the oil’s consistency can prevent plaque and bacteria from sticking to teeth.

How to oil pull

The method in general is very simple. “Adults should use a spoonful of sesame oil, coconut oil or sunflower oil,” says Singh, who likes coconut for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Next, swish your mouth for 5 to 20 minutes before spitting out the oil. “I find incorporating an activity while swinging helps the time pass quickly,” says Singh. She’s right: I usually vacuum while I make coffee and apply an eye mask in the morning.

“My advice is to start slow,” Singh said. “Start with 3 minutes and gradually increase to 20.” Oil pulling is best done on an empty stomach and should never be swallowed, as the purpose is to flush out toxins and bacteria. Remember to spit into the trash instead of the sink to protect the integrity of your pipes!

Ultimately, oil pulling is a long-standing tradition that has the potential to improve oral health and perhaps overall health. It’s best to incorporate this method into your existing dental care routine, which includes brushing, flossing, and regular checkups and cleanings.


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