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Another billionaire wants to send the sinking ship to the wreckage of the Titanic

An Ohio real estate mogul is planning to own two of his own sank down to the same depth as the Titanic’s wreck to show that the journey could actually be safely undertaken later Deadly explosion of the OceanGate Titan submersible in June 2023. These rich people never really learn, do they?

The Wall Street Journal spoke with members of the “Triton Submarine” team about their ambition to show the world that submarine Really safe and not a metal coffin. Immediately, I hated “Triton”’s closeness to “Titan,” but that doesn’t matter anymore. One of the top investors mentioned above Real estate investor, whose name is Larry Connor, has gone down to the Mariana Trench and he plans to take the submarine on the journey with company co-founder and CEO Patrick Lahey. Here’s what he was told WSJ:

“I want to show people around the world that even though the ocean is incredibly powerful, it can be amazing, exciting and truly life-changing if you make it work,” Connor said by phone. right way”.

He and Lahey planned to go on the Titanic voyage together on a two-person ship. “Patrick has been thinking about and designing it for over a decade. But we didn’t have the materials and the technology,” Connor said. “Five years ago you couldn’t have built this submarine.” Called the Triton 4000/2 Abyssal Explorer, it is listed on the company’s website for $20 million. “4000” represents the depth it can dive to in meters. Notably, the Titanic was located at an altitude of 3,800 meters.

Connor says he’s not afraid of the abyss. But he was not afraid. The night before our call, he said he felt scared while driving back to his farm: “I almost hit a deer. I was going maybe 60 miles an hour. It’s so scrary.”

There’s a big elephant in a very small elephant’s room deep water submersible community right now, and that’s it the explosion of Stockton Rush’s Titan submarine. Such a catastrophic event might leave a bad taste in many people’s mouths, but not these two. They see it as an opportunity. From the Wall Street Journal:

“He called me and said, ‘You know, what we need to do is build a submarine that can dive to [Titanic-level depths] over and over again safely and prove to the world that you guys can do it, and that Titan is just a strange machine.’”


As Lahey and his colleagues see, OceanGate’s problem is not the broader problem of sinking ships. They said submarines of this class are considered an especially safe mode of transportation thanks to rigorous testing of design and materials.

“In that sense, OceanGate doesn’t make the industry look bad,” McCallum said. “It makes us look good.”

Afterward Ocean Gate officially announced the suspension of operations in July 2023, both Triton and its main competitor, U-Boat Worx is headquartered in the Netherlands worked to differentiate their subscribers from The OceanGate ship perished. Here’s what they did:

Companies say they need to understand the key differences between “classified” auxiliaries—certified as safe and up to code—and “unclassified” auxiliaries. Both Triton and U-Boat Worx use third-party marine classification associations to ensure that their machinery is classified, and Eyos only uses classified submarines for its charters . The Titan, on the other hand, is unclassified and built using experimental designs and materials like carbon fiber that are prone to cracking after many dives.

Anyway, that’s enough for me. You really should come Wall Street Journal to learn more about what the Triton team is working towards and what the entire high-end submersible industry looks like today.


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