
Hawk grabs, pulls and strangles small dog. Owner ‘intervenes’ but bird is too strong

The morning started off well for Cecilia Celis. She let her two Yorkshire terriers, Lulu and Heidi, out to play in the backyard of her Las Vegas home. However, she didn’t notice a giant red-tailed hawk lurking nearby. As soon as the dogs were let out, the hawk swooped in and grabbed Lulu in its talons.

Image (Screenshot)/Video source of article: Inside Version via YouTube Video

As soon as the bird of prey saw Lulu, it grabbed her and began to strangle her. Heidi was so scared that she just kept barking at the bird to get her sister to let go. When Cecilia realized what was happening, she ran outside and screamed at the top of her lungs while trying to scare the bird away, but to no avail.

Image (Screenshot)/Video source of article: Inside Version via YouTube Video

Cecilia, feeling desperate, grabbed the closest thing to her – a flimsy sofa cushion. She put all her strength into it as she began to hit the hawk with everything she had. The attack barely made a dent; however, it was enough to startle the hawk and cause it to let go of Lulu. Cecilia had saved her!

Image (Screenshot)/Video source of article: Inside Version via YouTube Video

Lulu is not doing well after her recent encounter with a hawk. She has a puncture wound to her neck, but otherwise she is fine. Cecilia believes the hawk is someone’s pet because it has not left the area. Since there seems to be no sign of help coming, Cecilia and her family have started to be more careful whenever they let their Yorkies out in the yard.

Click on the video below to watch Lulu’s terrifying encounter with a red-tailed hawk.

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