
‘Abandoned’ dogs huddle in the corner of their cages, closed off and afraid of the world

When an abandoned dog named Kita was rescued, it was discovered that she had survived alone for weeks on a vast, desolate plot of land. The isolation left her terrified and completely alone, having to navigate the wilderness without any companionship or support. Her existence during that time was marked by fear and loneliness, with no one to comfort or protect her. The traumatic experience had a significant impact on her, both physically and mentally, leaving her in a constant state of anxiety and doubt when she was finally found.

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That fateful night, Julie, a compassionate animal lover, took Kita into her home. The first thing she did was give the poor dog a bath, washing away the dirt and grime from his lonely days in the wild. Though he was physically cleansed, the emotional scars were still painfully evident. Kita looked broken, a shadow of the happy dog ​​he once was.

“She curled up into the smallest ball she could,” Julie recalled, her heart aching as she watched the dog shiver. “It was like she was trying to make herself invisible.”

Every little thing seemed to frighten Kita. The sound of footsteps, the creak of a door, even the gentle rustle of leaves outside the window would set her off. Her behavior spoke volumes about the hardships she had endured. It was clear that she lived in constant fear of being abandoned again.

Witnessing Kita’s fear was heartbreaking for Julie. The sight of the once-lively dog ​​now so constantly anxious was almost too much to bear.

“Finally, I picked her up and put her on the couch,” Julie recalled. “Four or five days later, she finally jumped up and lay next to me. I started crying.”

Kita’s early days were a whirlwind of emotions. There were ups and downs, but Julie remained patient and loving throughout. So when Kita began to show signs of feeling safe, Julie was overwhelmed with gratitude. It was a testament to the power of love and patience.

Despite her initial fear, Kita began to open up. She turned into an affectionate dog, craving attention and companionship. She followed Julie around the house, her tail starting to wag more often.

Image source: YouTube

“She’s developing the confidence every dog ​​deserves. One day, she hesitantly walked up the stairs for the first time,” Julie recalls enthusiastically. “It was a small victory, but it felt huge to us.”

Julie fondly recalls, “Watching her go from a sad, wet puppy locked in a crate to a dog cuddling on the couch, accepting and looking for love—it was truly amazing.”

After two weeks of fostering, Kita found her forever home. It was a bittersweet moment for Julie, who had grown very attached to the brave little dog. However, she knew that Kita deserved a permanent family who could shower her with the love and attention she needed.

In her new home, Kita was initially shy and reluctant to be touched. She spent the first few days hiding in a corner, watching her new family with wary eyes.

Luckily, her new canine siblings, Raven and Flare, helped her adjust. They were gentle and patient, understanding in a way that only other dogs can be.

“At first, Kita was hesitant to go outside, but when she saw Flare and Raven running around, she felt more comfortable joining in,” her new foster mom shared. “It was like they were showing her that it was safe to play and have fun.”

Over time, Kita warmed up and began to show her playful side. She loved playing outside, running around, and spending time with her beloved siblings. The change was remarkable. She went from a scared, lonely dog ​​to a dog excited about life, eager to explore and play.

Image source: YouTube
Sign the petition today: No more puppy mills!
Dog and puppy abuse is about to get easier.

Missouri is known as the “puppy mill capital” of the country, and a new bill would make it harder for counties and cities to protect dogs from puppy mill cruelty.


Kita’s past pain is now in the past, and she lives a new life filled with love and joy. Her journey is a powerful reminder of the resilience of animals and the incredible impact that love and care can have. Today, Kita is a happy, confident dog, surrounded by a loving family and two canine sisters who are always ready for their next adventure.

Her story is a testament to the power of rescue, the importance of fostering, and the transformative power of love. Kita’s journey from fear to joy is one that will inspire many to open their hearts and homes to animals in need.

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