
9 Ways to Tell Your Dog You Love Them in Their Language

Woman with dog by the water

Dog owners know that their pups love them deeply, even if they show it differently than humans. However, recent research has saddened many dog ​​lovers by revealing that most dogs do not enjoy being hugged. This does not mean that our furry friends do not enjoy affection; they thrive on our love and approval! Instead of hugging them, which can make them uncomfortable, try showing your affection in ways they actually understand – belly rubs, treats, or play. These gestures strengthen your bond and show love in a language they actually understand.

Look deep into their eyes

woman smiling with puppy

Dr. Brian Hare, Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at Duke University, topped the NY Times bestseller list with his book, The genius of dogs. In an interview with Anderson Cooper last spring, he told the dog-loving journalist that when your dog stares at you, he’s “holding you with his eyes.”

This doesn’t mean you should stare into the eyes of your local junkyard guard dog! Direct eye contact is still considered a challenge or threat in many situations. But with your trusted pet, try looking into its eyes when you’re calmly relaxed.

Speak softly, pet gently, and maintain eye contact. According to Hare, these quiet moments stimulate the release of oxytocin in the dog’s brain – the same hormone that bonds mothers and pups.

Raise your eyebrows

Woman shaking dog's leg

A Japanese study published in the September 2013 journal Behavioral process found that dogs raised their eyebrows – particularly the left eyebrow – when greeted by their owners. Using high-speed cameras, they closely examined the dogs’ facial movements when they saw their owners versus strangers.

When strangers came to greet them, the test dogs showed less facial activity, mostly on the right side. Importantly, the right brain controls the left side of the face and is associated with emotion, while the left brain controls the right side of the face and is associated with analytical behavior.

The more facial expression you show when greeting your dog, the more they know they are loved. If you can raise one eyebrow (sadly, I can’t), raise your left eyebrow. Your dog will really feel special!

Based on them

woman hugging dog

Not just figuratively, but physically pressing your weight into your dog. Not to the point where your dog feels cornered (or crushed!), but just a little to show that you trust your dog. Our puppies do this to show their affection for us, which is often overlooked.

Have you ever found your dog snuggling up against the back of your leg while you’re busy in the kitchen? That’s a dog hug! Try hugging him back.

Let them sleep with you

dogs sleeping on the bed

Emory University neuroscientist Gregory Berns is the author of How dogs love us, and he has spent decades studying the dog brain using MRI. According to his research, sleeping with humans is the ultimate expression of love and trust that dogs can have for them because that is when they are most vulnerable.

It also shows that they see us as part of their pack. If you have a No Dog Bed policy, try laying on the sofa or floor for a few minutes each day to show affection.

Rub their ears

Scratch the dog's ear

A pat on the head may be a natural way to show praise, but rubbing your dog’s ears can be an even more loving way to show your love. When you rub your dog’s ears, their bodies release endorphins. Endorphins are your dog’s pleasure hormones. A gentle, circular ear massage is enough to let your dog know how you feel.

Spend quality time together

Dachshund dog training session

Engaging in fun activities with your dog is a great way to help your relationship grow. Going for a walk, playing fetch, or training are all ways to show your dog you care. These activities bring you and your dog closer together.

When your dog sees you happy, they will feel happy too. In addition to feeling loved, your dog will get the exercise and mental stimulation they need.

Continue using “Baby Voice”


We all do it! As dog parents, it’s hard to resist talking to your pooch in a high-pitched voice. It may be embarrassing to admit it, but dogs love it. They respond well to the over-the-top emotion in your voice, and it lets them know you’re talking to them.

So there’s no need to feel crazy when you talk to your dog. Chances are, their love for you will grow stronger as you do. Reading to your dog is another special way to bond with them.

Give them some love

Rub your puppy's belly

Not all acts of affection have to be grand. You can show your dog you love them simply by petting them. Touching a dog releases oxytocin, a hormone that makes you feel good. So if your dog enjoys it, there’s no reason to hold back on the petting and belly rubs.

Adding a little something extra to your dog’s routine, such as a massage, brushing, or extra petting, can make your dog feel more loved. Most dogs will happily welcome this extra attention.

Be yourself


Throughout his extensive research, Dr. Berns has discovered that while it can sometimes be difficult for us to know what our dogs are thinking, they can certainly tell. Are not Dogs have the same problem reading our emotions! If your love for your puppy is genuine, they will know it by reading your tone of voice, body language, and actions. So keep doing what you’re doing and your dog will reward you by showing affection in their own special way.


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