
7 crazy things that are completely normal for Spaniards

Cocker Spaniels, with their soulful eyes, floppy ears, and wagging tails, are one of the most adorable dog breeds around. These lively and affectionate dogs are known for their friendly nature and boundless energy. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of living with a Cocker Spaniel, you’ll know that they have plenty of behavioral quirks and silly habits that make them both adorable and entertaining. From obsessive searching to dramatic sighs, Cocker Spaniels have a way of turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. Here are seven crazy things that are completely normal for the Cocker Spaniel breed.

1. Search fanatics

Cocker Spaniels have an insatiable love of fetch. They will chase balls, sticks or any toy you throw and they will tirelessly keep bringing them back for more. This fetishistic fervor can turn a simple game into an all-day event. Watching them enthusiastically run back with their rewards, wagging their tails angrily, is both adorable and tiring. Their passion for searching is testament to their active and playful nature, making every play session a fun and interactive experience. Just be prepared to play fetch more times than you might anticipate!

2. Swaying greetings

One of the most charming and fun characteristics of the Cocker Spaniel breed is their “wiggle” greeting. When they see you, especially after a short absence, their entire body seems to vibrate with excitement. This whole-body wagging motion, starting from the tail and moving to the shoulders, is an expression of joy as they are happy to see you. The swaying greeting is infectious and irresistible, bringing a smile to your face every time. It’s a perfect example of their open and loving personalities, making every homecoming a celebration.

3. Nap enthusiasts

Cocker Spaniels are experts at finding the most comfortable places to nap. They like to curl up in the most comfortable places, whether it’s in the sun on the floor, on a soft cushion, or right next to you on the couch. Their ability to sleep anywhere, in the most adorable positions is a sight to behold. They often look as if they are immersed in their chosen position, completely relaxed and content. This oversleeping enthusiasm is a testament to their ability to enjoy the simple pleasures in life, reminding us all to take a moment and relax.

4. Velcro dog

Cocker Spaniels are extremely affectionate and often act like “Velcro dogs,” staying close to their humans. They love being part of family activities and will follow you from room to room, seeking attention and companionship. This Velcro behavior means you will rarely have a moment alone, as your Cocker Spaniel will always be by your side, ready to show affection with their droopy eyes. While their constant presence can be a bit overwhelming at times, it’s also a testament to their loving and loyal nature. Owning a Cocker Spaniel means having a devoted and affectionate companion who wants to be a part of every moment of your life.

5. Squeaky Toy Love Song

Cocker Spaniels have a particular fondness for squeaky toys and can often be seen performing impromptu concerts with them. They will vocalize rhythmically, almost as if they are making music, and often dance proudly with their noisy prize. This squeaky toy walk can be both fun and a bit noisy, but it’s a clear sign of their playful and fun nature. Watching your Cocker Spaniel enjoy their squeaky toy antics is a reminder of their ability to find joy in the simplest things.

6. Patriot

The Cocker Spaniel breed has an instinctive love of water, stemming from their history as hunting dogs. They will eagerly jump into any body of water they encounter, whether it’s a lake, pond, or backyard kiddie pool. Their enthusiasm for swimming and splashing is infectious and often leads to hours of impromptu bathing fun. Their love of water is a testament to their adventurous and enthusiastic nature, making every water session a fun event. Just be prepared for some wet dog shakes afterwards!

7. Dramatic sighs

Cocker Spaniels are famous for their dramatic sighs, which they use to express a variety of emotions from boredom to contentment. They will let out exaggerated sighs, which can be quite theatrical, often accompanied by emotional looks. These sighs are a humorous reminder of their sensitive and expressive nature. It’s as if they’re trying to convey their deepest emotions in the most melodramatic way possible. Their dramatic sighs add to their charm and make living with a Cocker Spaniel an enjoyable experience.

Cocker Spaniels are full of personality and quirks that make them truly special. Their fanaticism, wiggly greetings and dramatic sighs bring endless joy to those lucky enough to share their lives with these delightful dogs. While their behavior may seem crazy to some, Cocker Spaniel owners know that these traits are only part of what makes them such wonderful companions. Every joke is a reminder of their playful, loving nature, making every moment with the Cocker Spaniel an exciting adventure.


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