
5 stylish and trendy jackets to wear with Capri pants

There is no escaping it—Capri pants is forming is the largest pants trend of summer. Now, I understand that you might be hesitant to try them on, especially considering how wide-leg pants have been at the center of fashion for so long, but I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to. On the surface, styling them may seem complicated, but I’ve spent hours of research and can confidently tell you that styling these capri pants is easier than you think. If you are stuck because shoe combination, I’ve jotted down all the styles that work best. However, the next best place to start is with a jacket.

Now, I know the temperatures are starting to heat up, but I need to remind you that this is England and coats are still quite essential throughout the summer months. Just look at the past week, the weather is much colder than just seven days ago. After looking through hundreds of capri pants outfits, I realized that my favorites all involved a chic coat.