
Why you should use Hide Commercial Photography

The use of hides for commercial photography can be a controversial topic among wildlife photographers. In this article, I discuss the advantages of these skins and how they can help you photograph more elusive animals.

To dig deeper into the advantages of raw hides in commercial photography, we should first see why these skins can be controversial among wildlife photographers and nature lovers. Decoys are one of the main reasons people disapprove of stealth in photography. Baiting is when food is used to attract wildlife. Usually, these can be different foods such as nuts, meat, and fish, depending on the subject. The bait portion is even more controversial than raw food, as this can be harmful to the animal you want to attract.

Feeding wildlife can cause animals to become over-dependent on food sources and lose their natural instincts over generations. In London, for example, urban foxes are used to crawling through trash cans or being fed by people in their backyards. Of course, they will still hunt rodents, etc., but this practice has helped shape the bold nature of urban foxes in London and other cities so far.

When food is provided to a species, I believe it should only be added to the animal’s diet. This is similar to having a bird feeder in your garden. The birds will enjoy the seeds and mealworms you throw away; however, they should actively forage common foods such as worms, insects and berries.

So, after all that, what are the advantages?

It’s Faster (Normally)

Paid wildlife photography pelts give their clients the opportunity to see a specific object faster than you might otherwise see if you were looking for it on your own. If you work full time or have young children or other responsibilities, you may not always have the time to spend days on end using manual methods to find species, let alone set up. an environment suitable for a great composition.

For years I struggled to find and photograph a Kingfisher. I only catch glimpses, and no matter what I do, I never get the pictures I want. After searching for useful information online, I found a hideout that offered the opportunity to see and photograph Kingfishers, so I decided to give it a try, and within 30 minutes a Kingfisher had arrived. landed on a pole in front of the hideout, only four. or 5 meters from me. For the rest of the day, the kingfisher kept coming back and I had the opportunity to use different poles between visits so I could have different images of my day.

Another species that I like to photograph is the Sparrowhawk. These are elusive birds of prey, and like kingfishers, you may only catch a glimpse of one. I used the same company as above, as this is also another animal they advertised. I arrived at the hideout at 7:30 a.m., ready to hit the road. As the days went on, we had a variety of jungle birds visiting the hideout, which allowed me to work on my settings and compositions while patiently waiting for the star of the show.

Hours go by and still no sign of Sparrowhawk, can I see it? Then, at almost 5pm, after many hours of hiding and just before I even thought about pausing the game and the other customers had left the hideout, the Sparrow landed on a perch and found itself. to the dead bird that was left to It. I was super excited to see this amazing bird and took as many photos as I could in the five minutes it stayed. It was a very long day for that brief encounter, but for me, the experience was worth it to get to see this amazing bird up close.

It is accessible

Not all photographers are perfectly fit and able to roam in extreme environments trying to track and photograph certain species, and not all locations are accessible. wheelchair accessible, etc. Some hiding places may be located right next to a small parking area, allowing easy access to all customers. I have a condition called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, which wreaks havoc on my joints and I can’t always climb over slippery rocks to find otters for fear of injury. On one hide, however, I was able to park right outside the hatch, and within an hour, I had a school of otters right in front of me, helping them catch the leftover fish to feed them. The otters are very close, I shot at a distance of no more than 200mm.

Practice makes perfect

Exploring a refuge isn’t just about photographing elusive or accessible species. Hide also serves as a great way to practice photography, giving you the opportunity to test out new cameras or lenses in a semi-controlled environment and potentially meeting new people, learning tips and tricks. tips. Photography refuges are often set up in the animal’s territory, for example, for Kingfishers, the refuge will be right next to a river. This means that not only will you see a Kingfisher, but you can also see other species such as herons, egrets, and other creatures large and small. If you find that your first images are blurry or too underexposed, you may not have to wait too long before your next opportunity presents itself, and after a full day of hiding, you’ll have plenty to see. over for your personal portfolio.


Paid skins certainly have significant benefits and there are obviously also disadvantages associated with fishing practices. These skins offer great experiences for photographers of all levels and bring nature closer to you. They are a great day out for anyone interested in wildlife photography, and you can use the hideout as a tool to practice, learn about new animals, and gain knowledge that’s out in the field with you. I believe that the owners of the pelts should use an ethical and ethical approach, and usually, the people who run the pelts are very passionate about the animals they are attracting. I would always advise that if you want to visit a hideout, make sure you do your research. At the end of the day, animal welfare is paramount to any image. When done correctly, these skins are brilliant.


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