
The tenacious two-legged dog grew up to become a foster father

When Lou received a sad call about a Boxer born without legs who needed a home, she didn’t hesitate. She immediately began welcoming the special needs puppy into her life. Her husband, Mark, immediately felt a deep connection to the puppy as soon as he held it. They named the little warrior Nubby and he quickly became an indispensable part of their family. The first night with Nubby is more difficult than Lou and Mark anticipated. It was a restless night with frequent awakenings to care for the new arrival. “Our first night with Nubby was horrible. We wake up every hour. You know, we take turns. I have twins, I’m used to doing one case,” Mark recounted. Dodo.


Nubby’s early days were filled with health challenges, including significant time in the ICU. However, his indomitable spirit prevailed and he made a miraculous recovery, returning home to the warm and loving arms of his new family. Determined to enhance Nubby’s mobility and quality of life, Lou and Mark built a makeshift LEGO wheelchair which Nubby adapted with considerable enthusiasm. “He just sprinted across the floor,” Mark cheered shared. Nubby’s disability never dampened his spirit; he is always bustling, fully engaged in playful antics and proving that he can enjoy life just like any other puppy.


Inspired by Nubby’s resilience, Lou and Mark devoted themselves to strengthening his remaining limbs, turning physical therapy into a fun, exploratory activity. Over time, Nubby mastered standing on his hind legs and even learned how to jump. “Nubby realized he could launch himself and jump. It was as if he wasn’t missing anything. He was like ‘This is how I do it. This is how I roll.’” Although Nubby was provided with suitable wheelchairs, he never accepted them, preferring his own unique ways of moving.

However, with encouragement and enjoyable post-wheelchair training activities, Nubby gradually accepted occasional walks in the wheelchair. As he grew up, Nubby became an exceptionally sweet and happy dog, surrounded by the love of his human family and several canine siblings.


Among them was a pregnant mother dog that Lou and Mark rescued. When the six puppies were born, Nubby was delighted. He has thrived in his role as Uncle Nubby, bringing playtime endless fun and ensuring the safety of his new siblings.

Nubby’s story is proof that differences do not limit a person’s quality of life. “It doesn’t matter how many legs he has, where he is, he’s just happy. Just because you have different legs, or just because you’re different, doesn’t mean you don’t have a quality of life, and he teaches that every day. He doesn’t give up… He gives hope to so many people,” Lou and Mark concluded. With Nubby’s big heart and boundless spirit, he continues to inspire and teach us all about resilience and happiness.

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Featured Image Courtesy of Nubby Bowlin/Facebook


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