
The seemingly sweet dog growls aggressively to protect the small life

When you think of the typical foster parent of kittens, a dog might not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, for Raylan, a rescue dog, fostering kittens has become his lifelong mission. He takes his job very seriously, never missing a beat when the kittens need him. This puppy has become an essential support system and his mother, Laura, thinks it’s magical. Raylan, now 13 years old, has helped foster more than 150 kittens in the past ten years. His touching story of dedication to his feline friends is both inspiring and touching.


Raylan’s journey begins when he is rescued from the shelter by Laura. He was about to die from lack of space, but his loving nature and adaptability quickly won over Laura. Soon after bringing him home, Laura began fostering kittens that were too young or sick to stay in the shelter. Before long, Raylan’s maternal instincts kick in and he begins to care for the kittens as if they were his own children.


From the beginning, Raylan showed an innate love for kittens. He will carry them around gently, just like a mother dog or cat would do with her babies. Raylan has never hurt the kittens and he is always attentive to their needs. If a cat doesn’t come near him, he has learned to pick up a cat toy and play with it to entice them. This unique bond between Raylan and the kittens has helped many of them come out of their shells faster, as they see him as a kind of “big mother cat.”

Raylan’s protective nature also extends to interactions with other dogs. Although he is generally friendly with people, he can become defensive if he feels another dog is too interested in his kitten or has inappropriate emotions. In these situations, Raylan will immediately place himself between the kitten and the other dog, growling and ensuring the kitten’s safety.


Raylan also takes on the role of teacher, showing the kittens how to be brave and navigate the world. He enforces rules, such as not allowing kittens to scratch the couch, and can even understand some of their purrs. If a kitten yelps in disagreement with another cat, Raylan will quickly come to intervene.

A highly intelligent dog, Raylan needs mental stimulation and enjoys being given tasks. Nurturing the kitten gives him a sense of purpose and keeps him engaged. When a group of kittens eventually left his care, Raylan often became restless and bored, eagerly awaiting the arrival of more kittens to raise.


During his life, Raylan played an important role in the lives of more than 150 kittens. His love, protection and guidance have helped these kittens grow into strong, confident cats, ready for their forever homes. Raylan’s story is a prime example of the power of love and compassion that transcends species boundaries.

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