
The Biggest Stories From Stephanie Grisham’s Book About Trump at the White House ‘I’ll Answer Your Questions Now’

Another day, another Trumpworld memoir. The latest accursed dispatch from the Trump Administration is directed by Stephanie Grisham, who has served a variety of roles in the White House over the course of 4 years: communications director and press secretary in the West Wing, as well as chief executive officer. communications director and chief of staff in Melania. Trump’s East Wing. In I will answer your question right now, her new memoir, Grisham describes a White House “where everything was like a flaming clown car running at full speed into a pyrotechnics store”. Caught between the president’s abusive leadership style and the conflicting loyalty she feels towards the first lady, Grisham’s last relationship came on January 6, 2021, when she switched hours from into the uprising at the Capitol.

For their part, the Trumps have moved to discredit Grisham. Describing Grisham as “very angry and bitter” after the breakup, President Trump speak In a statement, “Stephanie didn’t have what was needed and that was obvious from the start. She has big problems and we feel that she should deal with them on her own. Now, like everyone else, she is paid by a radical leftist publisher to say bad and untrue things. ” Melania Trump also clapped in response, speech In a statement, “The author is desperately trying to restore her tarnished reputation by manipulating and distorting the facts about Mrs. Trump. Mrs. Grisham is a deceitful and troubled individual who not worthy of anyone’s trust.”

Grisham’s account, like any Trumpworld memoir, must be read with a healthy dose of skepticism. After all, as Grisham himself admits, “common dishonesty is filtered through the White House as if it were in the air conditioning system.” But Grisham predicts that readers may not take her account at face value, writing, “This isn’t a book you need to like me by the way.” We read I will answer your question right now prior to publication; Now, we are breaking the biggest bombs below.

First: Grisham provides details on the first lady’s daily routines and the mocking nicknames they’ve inspired:

I can only count a handful of times in the years that Mrs. Trump was actually in her office. She prefers to run the business via text or phone call, which makes planning and forming a working relationship difficult at first. Mrs. Trump worked from home long before the country… The First Lady kept in her room in the mansion. That became a joke among those who knew her. The Secret Service called her ‘Rapunzel’ informally because she remained in her tower, never descending. In fact, some agents tried to assign her details because they knew the First Lady’s limited mobility and travel meant they could spend more time at home with their family. family.

According to Grisham, there is no love lost between Melania Trump and her stepchildren, especially Ivanka Trump:

Ivanka is constantly in the spotlight of the press that should be reserved for the president and first lady. It’s another example of Kushner putting himself on a par with the first couple, and that’s invisible in general. For Mrs. Trump, it’s about protocol and rules; or all of us as employees, it’s about allowing her to carry out her role properly and showing the American people that she represents them with dignity and class… Mrs. Trump seemed was so relieved to see me share her frustration with her daughter-in-law, that she ended up giving me the nickname she had given her privately: ‘Princess.’ Many times after, I heard one of her favorite stock complaints, “The princess always runs to her father.”

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Jared Kushner has been described as “Rasputin in a mourning suit.”

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Inappropriate behavior on the part of the Kushners has earned the pair their own mocking nickname. “Because they’ve got their hands on everything and can soon be enamored and self-absorbed, we in the East Wing are dubbed the [the Kushners] Grisham wrote. “Mrs. Trump finds it amusing and she still uses the moniker from time to time.” Tensions between the East Wing and the Kushners are a lasting theme throughout the book, with Grisham repeatedly emphasizing the conflicts. benefits offered by Kushners’ role in the government Take, for example, the issue of Jared Kushner’s security clearance:

Of course, the most ironic thing was when I heard that Jared Kushner never got his security license because of all his problems, financial interests, etc. As far as I know, he just got the most basic clearance, but he was present in all the most important meetings of the administration. He has also been in direct contact with many heads of state, such as Benjamin Netanyahu and the Saudi government leadership, which no employee should do, let alone have no security agency. top security.

Recalling when Kushner teamed up with screenwriter Stephen Miller to write a televised speech at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Grisham wrote at length about what she saw as Kushner’s toxic influence in the White House:

I have shared with Mrs. Trump many times my opinion that if we lose re-election in 2020 it will be because of Jared. She disagrees with me. In my fervent opinion, his arrogance and conceit had grown over the years, and he was not at all ashamed of his authority. I venture to say that being in the White House changed Jared. There’s no reason why he should sit down with the keynote speaker to map out our nation’s plan to fight a global pandemic. And I knew that if things went badly with the speech, which I felt was inevitable, he would be the first to tell the president in the ear that the communications team had screwed it all up. He was Rasputin in a flimsy suit.

But the Kushners aren’t the only ones from Trumpworld taking the plunge I will answer your question right now. Grisham has not been restrained since writing about Trump sycophant Lindsey Graham:

Lindsey Graham? Well, I find it surprising that he is using Trump to collect freebies as if there is no tomorrow (it seems he still is). He’ll show up at Mar-a-Lago or Bedminster to play free rounds of golf, stuff free food in his face and hang out with Trump and his celebrity friends. On one occasion, I met him at Bedminster after he fired a White House employee so he could take her room. Senator Freeloader is sitting at a poolside table, a grin on his face, patting the gifts he’s received as a man of competence. He said to me, with a creepy little smile, ‘Isn’t this cool? God, this is life. ‘

Grisham, like many other Trumpworld organizations, noted Trump’s obsession with dictators. But her recollection of the 2019 G20 Summit in Osaka is the chillingest, revealing the all-too-cozy relationship between Trump and Vladimir Putin:

Trump usually spends a minute or two talking about what ‘animals’ reporters might be, and then the press gets involved. With President Putin, Trump started the same way, then changed his tune. With all the talk of sanctions against Russia for meddling in the 2016 election and various human rights abuses, Trump told Putin, ‘Okay, I’m going to act a little tougher on this. you in a few minutes. But that’s for the camera, and after they leave, we’ll talk. You understand.’

The most interesting moments in I will answer your question right now until Grisham provides a behind-the-scenes look at memorable moments. For example, her recollection of the hand slap was heard around the world. In 2017, Melania Trump made title when she appeared to shake her husband’s hand during a diplomatic visit to Saudi Arabia in 2017. The truth, according to Grisham, is less interesting:

I will answer your question now: What I saw in Trump’s White House

For those who are interested, Mrs. Trump ‘slapped’ her husband’s hand that day, saying it was against etiquette to hold hands during such a formal ceremony. Melania is a rule-follower, sometimes making mistakes, and her husband knows it. He often intentionally holds her hand or intentionally holds her hand in front of the camera to annoy her.

Grisham also delved into the Stormy Daniels scandal from 2018, recalling when Daniels sued Donald Trump for an attempt to prevent her from disclosing their affair. In a flurry of media coverage that followed, Daniels likened Trump’s penis to a stool – a description he took so seriously that he called Grisham from Air Force One to record setting.

“Did you see what she said about me?” He spoke after a moment, alluding to Stormy. He then added, unsurprisingly, “It’s all lies. It’s all lies.”

“Yes sir.”

Then I found out exactly what he was interested in. “Everything is fine down there,” he said.

What the hell am I supposed to say to that? I kept it with a simple “Okay,” praying that we would somehow be disconnected.

“It’s fine,” he repeated.

Washington, DC February 08 US President Donald Trump returns to the White House after his annual physical at the walter reed national military medical center on February 8, 2019 in Washington, photo by Olivier douliery poolgetty images

“It’s good now.”

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Remember Trump’s mysterious visit to Walter Reed Medical Center in 2019, when protocol was interrupt and doctors are required to sign the NDA? Grisham also took us backstage there.

I was reminded of what happened in the fall of 2019 when Trump made a seemingly impromptu visit to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. I, like a few others, including Vice President Pence, were briefed on the reason for the visit. Pence was told he had to stick around town “just in case.” What I wasn’t allowed to tell anyone at the time was that the president was having a very common procedure that all men and women over the age of fifty must have. During such a procedure, a patient is sometimes included. In the case of Trump, that might have meant signing a 25th Amendment letter to bring Pence to power temporarily, but in the end the president was left unmanaged, I believe simply letting him It is not considered relinquishment of power.

But we know the real behind-the-scenes story you want to know: behind the scenes of Trump’s hair-care routine. Grisham has you covered:

Donald Trump’s hair, when not perfectly pulled up, is a sight to behold. There’s no way to describe exactly how he styled his gorgeous and very wild mane, but it involved a comb, a hairdryer, and a pile of hairspray. His hair is much longer than I imagined, like many inches from end to end. He cut it himself with a very large pair of scissors, able to cut a ribbon when opening one of his properties.

That’s all for now, dear reader. We’ll see you again next time there’s a Trumpworld memoir to unearth, it certainly won’t be for long.

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