
She thought he was another case of abuse, but his microchip scan “made her freak out”

It was an unlikely sight for the shelter workers when they found a beautiful purebred Husky named Nate wandering the streets like a stray. However, it was soon apparent that Nate was very different from the other homeless dogs. His empty, haunted eyes clearly spoke of a disturbing past, and he was extremely skittish and withdrawn. Get to know Nate, this is his story!

Image/story source: Videos on YouTube

When workers scan Nate for a microchip, his behavior finally makes sense. The poor guy was booked under a lab and subjected to the most brutal testing procedures for months on end.

Image/story source: YouTube videos

What’s worse is that the irresponsible lab callously dumped him on the street because they didn’t want to deal with his “psychological disorder”. The shelter contacted Beagle Freedom Project staff, who had experience with previous animal testing victims.

Together, they found a foster mother willing to embrace Nate with all his scars. She created an aggressive recovery plan and worked with him for months to ease his trauma. At the end of the video, we see Nate smiling brightly as he is finally ready for his forever home.

Image/story source: Videos on YouTube

He may look like a “normal dog” now, but his foster mother believes he will always be a special fighter to her. Every year, thousands of animals suffer and rot in laboratories because of human greed. It’s time for us to stand up for the victims of laboratory testing and speak out against the inhumane treatment of these animals.

Please take some time to watch this touching video below! Remember to SHARE this with a friend or family member!


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