
Security Council urges support for efforts to end M23 insurgency in DR Congo |

Martha Pobee, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs and Peace, said: “It is imperative that this Council devote its full energy to ongoing regional efforts to de-escalate the situation and bring an end to the situation. put an end to the M23 uprising, once and for all. operations, including Africa.

Call to disarm

Civilians are paying a heavy price in the riots, she said, citing information from the UN’s humanitarian affairs office, OCHA. About 75,000 people were displaced in fighting last week in North Kivu province, while another 11,577 crossed the border into Uganda.

Two peacekeepers with the United Nations Mission in the country, MONUSCOsuffered minor injuries in the fighting, while at least 16 Congolese soldiers were killed and 22 wounded.

The United Nations and important regional and international partners have agreed to call on the M23 to lay down its arms and join the process of disarming and demobilizing the fighters.

Ms. Pobee told the ambassadors that she was encouraged that the DRC and Rwanda decided to consult a verification mechanism within the framework of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), known as the EJVM, to investigate the report on human and material damage caused by explosives. edicts originated across their respective borders on May 23.

Indispensable dialogue

The head of the African Union also called on the leaders of the two countries to insist on calm and peaceful settlement of any disagreements.

“Indeed, every effort should be made to ensure that the parties make full use of existing mechanisms, such as EJVM, which play an essential role in maintaining an atmosphere of trust and cooperation. necessary to effectively address the common security challenges faced by the DRC and its neighbours,” Ms. Pobee told the ambassadors.

“Continuing dialogue between the governments concerned remains essential to avoid further escalation of violence in the eastern DRC.”

Prevent another crisis

The UN Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Area, Huang Xia, addressed the Council by videoconference.

Speaking in French, he said today’s situation was reminiscent of the M23’s activity nearly a decade ago, when the group seized the city of Goma, the capital of North Kivu province.

He urged ambassadors to do everything to prevent escalation and another crisis that would have incalculable humanitarian and political consequences for the region.

Mr. Huang said the destruction of armed groups in the eastern DRC requires a comprehensive approach, especially in the context of the rise of the M23 and persistent insecurity.

However, he believes that “military option” alone is not enough, underscoring his Office’s continued efforts towards engagement.

He also stressed the importance of continuing high-level dialogue between regional leaders and stressed the need to continue mobilizing bilateral and regional mechanisms, including the ICGLR and the political process. Nairobi Conclave.

The UN Special Envoy will begin a mission to all concerned countries in the region starting tomorrow, delivering a simple and triple message.

“My message to countries in the region is as follows. “The region does not need a new crisis; let’s open channels of dialogue at all levels, including at the community level; and help sustain the progress made in recent years through various cooperation mechanisms. ”

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