
Peace building must originate from ‘the foundation of inclusive, sustainable development’

“People’s sense of safety and security is at a low level in most countries, with six out of seven people worldwide affected by insecurity,” she said.

She said the world is facing the highest number of violent conflicts since the Second World War, with a quarter of humanity living in war zones – causing severe human suffering, exacerbate poverty, food insecurity and leave millions without access to education and health care.

“It is placing severe limits on people’s ability to reach their full potential and contribute to society,” he said. UN deputy secretary general said.

Conflict and poverty are deeply intertwined – UN deputy secretary general

a lot of obstacles

Even before COVID-19 During the pandemic, conflict-affected countries are falling behind the United Nations’ development goals, with projections suggesting that by 2030, more than 80% of the world’s extreme poor will live in fragile and conflict-affected countries.

“In other words, conflict and poverty are closely linked. She pointed out that the pandemic has only exacerbated this dire situation.

Meanwhile, the war in Ukraine has not only devastated the lives of Ukrainians, but also exacerbated food, energy and a global financial crisis.

“As we approach the midpoint of Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development, we see that our current progress is far from achieved,” she said.

Since the start of the pandemic, more than 200 million people have fallen into poverty; an additional 820 million people go hungry; the rights of women and girls are increasingly being trampled on; the global financial system is failing developing countries; and economies that are failing to serve their citizens.

This challenges that “pose a threat to our peaceful coexistence”she flags.

Dangerous consequences

She continued: “The lack of development fuels discontent, erodes institutions and allows hostility to flourish.

“The three-planet crisis of biodiversity loss, climate change and pollution not only threatens our environment. It also risks unleashing the destructive forces that divide our society, erode social cohesion and cause instability,” explained Ms. promote more sustainable development to ensure peace now and in the future.

Women take literacy courses at a local school in Umm al Khairat, East Darfur, Sudan – supporting inclusive and sustainable development.

Women take literacy courses at a local school in Umm al Khairat, East Darfur, Sudan – supporting inclusive and sustainable development.

The peace lasts

Peace must be built on “the foundation of inclusive and sustainable development”.

With prevention and peace building at its core, she said that “the New Agenda for Peace will provide a unique opportunity to articulate a shared vision of how Member States can address these challenges together.”

It will identify national peace-building and prevention priorities, and direct the international community’s support towards reducing state-owned violence.

It should be noted that “all member states face risks”, she said, “all governments must be prepared to take measures to address grievances and prevent violence”.

She stressed the importance of inclusion, especially for the underrepresented, as well as in the social, economic and political life of every nation, saying it leads to support public protection, greater legitimacy, and enhanced social resilience – all risk factors that can lead to war.

“Human rights are key in New Agenda,” said the UN deputy secretary-general, adding that they were “not only right” but also the wise thing to do.

Excluding women and young people

While, Women are still excluded from participating in all levels of decision-making and funding for their organizations has declined – as military spending increases.

We need to “stop the erosion of women’s rights and ensure gender equality” to build and maintain peace, she stressed.

Turning to the issue of youth, Ms. Mohammed reiterated their role in promoting peace, security and stability, and promoting regional and national frameworks specifically for youth participation in peace building.

Furthermore, she pushed the Council to hold an annual debate on youth, peace and security, as a platform to engage with youth-led civil society and those who build young peace.

The Peace Building Fund is supporting activities to prevent political and election-related violence, especially against women, in Haiti.

The Peace Building Fund is supporting activities to prevent political and election-related violence, especially against women, in Haiti.

peace architecture

Emphasizing the importance of peacebuilding, the senior UN official urged ambassadors to make better use of the Peacebuilding Commission by integrating a “prevention and peace-building lens”. into his work.

Noting that peacebuilding investments will promote sustainable peace globally, Ms. Mohammed welcomed the 2022 General Assembly resolution on Financing for peace buildingas “essential” for building social resilience.

And in highlighting the assessed contributions to Peace Building FundIt remains the UN’s “prime tool for investing in peace-building and prevention,” she reminded.

“We cannot allow crises – of which there are many – to divert funding away from these core efforts,” she concluded.

Tackling multifaceted challenges

Acknowledging the growing obstacles to the maintenance of peace, Peace Building Committee Chairman Muhammad Abdul Muhith said it was “required” that the capacities of individuals, societies and nations be enhanced. enhanced to meet “challenges specific to our time”.

He praised the UN Our Common Agenda The report reflects the need to “increase support for national peacebuilding priorities and the importance of women’s full, equal and meaningful participation, and youth participation in peace-building processes”.

Mr. Muhith reiterated his call for “full, predictable and sustainable funding of peace-building”, going forward.


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