
Is it rude to stand up as soon as the plane reaches the gate?

From the debates recline the chair ARRIVE go barefoot in flight in the best way to deal with the baby’s ear-splitting cries at 35,000 feet, perhaps the most interesting thing about traveling pets is not the discomfort but the arguments they can cause.

Take, for example, people who stand up as soon as the plane pulls up to the gate and the “fasten your seat belt” sign is turned off. For every person who finds it annoying, rude, and unhelpful, another person will support it.

Standing advocates say they want the opportunity to stretch their legs after sitting for hours, as well as the ability to gather their belongings so they can quickly get off the plane. Those who oppose it don’t understand the point – everyone is stuck in their row until the people ahead of them leave. So, why invade the personal space of passengers around you and potentially prevent people with close relationships from getting off the plane quickly?

All of this begs the question: Who is right?

I want to get to the bottom of this hotly debated issue. Do you have the right to stand up when the plane lands? Should you sit still until it’s your turn to get off the plane?

Of course, I have my opinion. But after talking to several experts about the issue, the right approach has more to do with the safety and consideration of your fellow passengers than simply being right.

Is it safe to stand up when the plane lands?


From a safety perspective, there are no regulations prohibiting standing up while the plane is parked at the arrival gate.

“This is an age-old question! This is not a hard rule from a safety standpoint, but we recommend staying seated and letting the front rows get off the plane first. This way, the aisles always clear and you don’t get finished.” playing an impromptu game of rotating the aisle with fellow passengers,” vice president of services Justin West, an Air New Zealand cabin crew member, told TPG.

Andra Sallos, a photographer and flight attendant with 10 years of experience, advises passengers to stay seated until the plane is safely parked. “Flight attendants need to keep aisles clear in the event of an emergency evacuation or medical emergency upon landing,” Sallos told TPG. When people stand up, they tend to immediately grab their luggage from the overhead bins, blocking the evacuation route. Or, in the event of injury, the crew needs to be able to reach the passenger and provide assistance.

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“Once the plane is at the gate, there is little to no risk of evacuation or need for medical assistance and passengers are free to stand,” Sallos said.

International etiquette expert, author, founder of the Palm Beach School of Protocol and former flight attendant Jacqueline Whitmore agrees: “Once it’s safe to move about the cabin, you can technically stand up and start taking your bags and placing them in the aisle.”

Is it considered rude to stand up when the plane lands?


However, the question remains: Just for you Maybe stand up safely, should Friend?

None of the experts we spoke with had a major problem with passengers choosing to stand up once the plane has reached the gate, as long as they do so respectfully and conscientiously. There are a number of reasons why someone might choose to stand up when the plane is parked at the gate. “We totally get it — sometimes, after a long flight, you just want to get up and do your best stretching,” says West.

Whitmore feels similarly: “Maybe they have circulation problems and need to stand, or maybe they’re trying to soothe a cranky child. From an etiquette perspective, you want to be mindful of the environment around you and be aware of how your behavior affects others.”

Whether you prefer to sit or stand, always let the seats in front of you get off the plane first and in some cases, the seats behind you are rushing to catch the next flight. “Allow people in front of you to get off the plane first, except for people behind you who may have close contact. In this case, flight attendants will let everyone know what is happening and keep remain in their seats until those people get off the plane.” “, Whitmore said.

Another thing to keep in mind, and contrary to what many in the pro camp may think, is that standing too early can actually make getting off the plane take even longer. “In our experience, standing in the aisle and trying to inch forward can impact the smooth flow of passengers,” West said.

However, if you can stand and stay in your area, Whitmore advocates the standing option. “I would rather see someone standing and ready to go than someone just sitting there and waiting for things to happen,” she said.

If you choose to stand

We acknowledge that standing up once the plane is safely parked at the gate is not unsafe or rude, but there are still some rules of etiquette you should follow:

  • Stay in your line until it’s your turn to get off the plane: Allow those in front to get off the plane first.
  • Avoid invading other passengers’ personal space: No one wants the back of your car to be inches from their face while waiting for their turn to exit the plane.
  • Remain seated if instructed to do so: If the flight attendant announces that there are passengers with tight connections and requests that non-connecting passengers remain seated, please follow those instructions. Flight attendants may also ask passengers to remain seated for other reasons, such as medical emergencies.
  • Keep your belongings in the overhead compartment: Don’t push others to try to take your things. Wait until the line in front of you has collected their belongings – then you can move.

If you choose to sit still


On the flip side, there are also rules you should follow if you choose to sit down until it’s your turn to get off the plane:

  • Please remove your seat belt: Once the “fasten seat belt” signal goes off, it’s time to remove the seat belt – don’t fumble at the last minute.
  • Ready to go: Take advantage of your time in the seat to collect commonly forgotten items like phones, headphones, and passports from the seat back pocket and the area under your seat. Collect trash so it’s ready to go when it’s your turn to get off the plane.
  • Grab your bag: If your luggage isn’t within reach, ask a fellow traveler if they can help you retrieve it so you don’t have to move five rows back when it’s your turn to deplane.

Bottom line

So where will I fall? I usually sit still until there are only a few rows of seats left in front to get off the plane. While I waited, I packed up my things and grabbed my bag of personal belongings from under the seat in front of me.

However, if I notice passengers lining up at the front of the plane instead of politely waiting their turn, I will be the one standing in the aisle next to my seat so everyone can get off the plane in time. For some reason, I have chosen to make it my personal mission to keep mining fair.

If we all (myself included) agree to follow the expert advice described above, we can settle this debate once and for all. Ultimately, we all want the same thing – a quick and smooth peeling process.

I’ll leave you with a few final words of wisdom from the West: “Remember, a little patience and cooperation goes a long way for everyone.”

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