
How to prepare for the most immediate effects of climate change

If you do not was convinced by epic snow storm, deadly heat dome, terrible flood, doomsday fire, and IPCC scary report 2021Let’s make one thing clear: Climate change is here, now, today. Even if we all go carbon-free overnight – an impossibility – the climate will continue to change. And while it is important to continue to fight, lobby and change lifestyles to reduce the impact of climate change, it is also important to acknowledge that our planet has changed irrevocably and that each of us needs to learn to adapt.

The biggest challenge of learning to live in a new environment is that there is so much uncertainty about what will happen, to whom, and when. John Ramey, founder of Prepare, a website focused on preparation. “What happens when millions of homes are lost, people are displaced, food and water are scarce, and entire industries fail?” No one knows the answer to that question, much less even though it’s all guaranteed to happen, but here’s a hint: Even a fraction of that will go awry, and you will be glad you read and received the advice in this article.

And if you’ve been keeping an eye on spam bins at the grocery store, remember you’re not alone. According to a FEMA study, there is a recent growth in the preparation—From 3.8 percent of U.S. households in 2017 to 5.2 percent in 2019. Ramey predicts that in the wake of the twin catastrophes caused by the pandemic and unrelenting climate, that number could now rise. up to 10 percent. “The climate crisis is one of the biggest reasons behind the massive growth of the modern prefab community, especially among people under the age of 35, because they are widely educated,” Ramey said. scientific news, and have a fear or impression that the world will burn up during their lifetime. “

When we hear the word preliminary treatment, most of us immediately think of a man with a long beard who lives in a hut in the woods, collects guns and “tactical” equipment, and eats beans every day for lunch. Or a billionaire in Silicon Valley with a concrete fortress built to withstand nuclear war (with a bowling alley, because, you know, the apocalypse gets boring very quickly). “The media likes to highlight extreme characters and stories, such as a thief who packs his entire suburban house in foil or moves into the woods to teach combat shooting,” says Ramey. fight for their toddlers. “Those people aren’t more representative of the people who came before the Kardashians who are Californians.” At its core, preparing simply means taking actions to prepare for the worst. Chances are, you’ve already made some form of preparation, whether it’s buying life insurance or installing a smoke alarm in your home.

While there may not be an exact blueprint for what climate change will do to each of our lives, experts have some solid conjecture that, combined with some Good old knowledge can help each of us prepare for our new normal. David Pogue, technology journalist and author of How to Prepare for Climate Change. “But I can tell you that sooner or later, it will come.”

Natural disasters caused by climate

The proof is clear: Climate change is create disaster more frequent, more severe and more expensive. “We are suffering from terrible heat waves and terrible snowstorms, devastating droughts and historic downpours, flooding and water shortages,” explains Pogue. “Everything is changing simultaneously: oceans, atmosphere, plants, animals, permafrost, weather, seasons, insects, people.” Because your disaster risk completely depends on where you live, the most important thing is you understand the disasters you may personally encounter (and don’t just rely on disasters you’ve faced in the past — that’s not an accurate assessment anymore). You can do this by studying your city or county’s emergency preparedness tips and making sure you understand the basics of surviving an earthquake, tornado, hurricane, etc. flood or forest fire. No matter where you live, Pogue says, you should make sure your homeowner or renter’s insurance will cover the disasters you’re at risk of encountering. He also points out that you don’t have to live on the coast to be at risk of flooding, and homeowners insurance doesn’t cover flooding. After your coverage is squared, he suggests prepare in two weeks If you don’t have water, food, or electricity, pack your “go bag” to keep you alive for a few days outside of your home, and plan a meeting place with your family if the cell tower doesn’t work. His final piece of advice is the simplest: download Applications Emergency Red Cross. It’s free and will give you an early warning of a disaster. “The most catastrophic way to die in a fire, flood or storm is to stay in your home because you never have the word to evacuate.”

Supply chain disruptions and food shortages

Do you agree or not with experts who say that climate change could lead to a The Roman Empire – the collapse of society, it is clear that shortages and supply chain disruptions are on the rise. As Covid-19 has shown us, those disruptions can affect anything from medical supplies to car parts to Find a winter coat. But the most worrying shortage we face is access to food and water. A 2019 UN report warns of a Food crisis is lurking, and drought threatens 40% of the world’s population, according to WHO, and more than 80 million people in the United States, according to United States Government Drought Information System. A new sheet of paper published year Advances in nutrition suggests that climate change will increase food prices, increase food insecurity and possibly lead to micronutrient deficiencies in more people. While there may be little you can do to make an impact on the global food chain, you can start from your own backyard by planting fruit trees or starting a garden. How to grow vegetables suitable for the climate, and make sure your pantry is stocked with two weeks’ worth of water and food, along with any necessary medical supplies. According to Ramey, it’s important to assume you won’t have advance warning of food and water shortages, so don’t stock up until it’s too late.

Let’s become resilient together

Resilience may be an overused term when we talk about climate change, but For most of us, it’s really lacking How we prepare to take care of ourselves, our loved ones and our property if emergency personnel are unable to assist us. Just enough half American can do CPR, only 17 percent know how to make a fire, and only 14% felt confident in their ability to identify edible plants and berries. The basics — like learning how to operate a two-way radio, knowing the smartest exits out of your city or neighborhood, or being able to change a bicycle tire — sound simple, but can be the difference between life and death in a disaster.

Perhaps the most effective way to take care of yourself is get close to others. According to FEMA, 46 percent of people rely heavily on people in their area for assistance within the first 72 hours after a disaster occurs. “Preparation is not a lone wolf activity,” says Ramey. It is important that your immediate neighbors know the names of you and those in your household — including pets — so they can notify first responders in the event of an earthquake or fire. fire. In the event of a supply chain disruption, your neighbors may be your only access to essential supplies like extra batteries or diapers. Building connections in your local community is also a great way to build an informal service network, because who knows when you might need help with an injury or home repair. . As Ramey put it: “Community wins in 99 percent of situations.”

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