Auto Express

How to buy your first car

You never forget your first time.

Whether you’re 16 with a new driver’s license or 30 and looking for a family car, the new car buying experience – from daydreaming to buying the car – is one to remember.

However, diving headfirst into the car buying journey with the desire to own one BMW iX2 or a stocky one Land Rover defender may not be the best practice. In fact, rushing headlong into anything is never the best approach.

Thorough research, patience, and knowing your needs and wants are some ways to make your first car buying experience unforgettable. Here are our best tips for buying your first car.

Research before buying

There’s no point walking into a car dealership or even chatting with a used car salesman if you don’t know what you want.

Take a look at the cars you like and note down your likes and dislikes. Is it easy to maintain? Do you need a lot of boot space? Is its price easier on your wallet? Are you a fan of it because of your family and friends? Can it withstand a grocery run or having your friends stacked in the back?

Also, consider the cost of maintenance and ownership of your preferred vehicle before viewing it at a dealership or seller. That way, you’ll have a better understanding of how much you’ll pay in the long run and know what you’re getting into.

Most brands offer price capping services, allowing you to more carefully budget the annual cost of your new car. Some also offer service plans that can be bundled into the purchase price of the car, meaning they can be factored into finance.

Some companies, like Audi and Skoda, also offer price caps and extended warranties or service plans for their older models.

If you are familiar with post-purchase or maintenance costs, you cannot be forced to think anything else. Remember, never only initial price, but additional costs arise Later Buy an important car.

And if you’re starting from scratch and don’t know what you like or don’t like about certain vehicles, then vehicle selection tool can help you out.

Look at similar car models

Your first car doesn’t have to be your dream car. In fact, most of our first cars were practical and easy to maintain – so keep that in mind.

While you may have your heart set on a particular car, consider similar models from different manufacturers. This ensures you have a better understanding of the market and know whether you are making a lot of money or not.

If you are planning to buy a brand new car, compare the specifications of your preferred vehicle with similar makes and models from other manufacturers.

Sometimes you spot a gem of a car with great spec for a little less… emphasis on Sometimes.

Use the car comparison tool on our showroom pages (like this one here) to build your own head-to-head and find out what works best for you.

Set a clear and strict budget

As we said earlier, your first car should be practical and easy to maintain, so before you dive in, decide on a budget that’s right for you.

When you decide on a budget, take into account immediate ownership and possible maintenance costs that can hit your wallet hard. If you’re thinking of buying a used car and upgrading it, prepare yourself with a (monetary) buffer for any changes you plan to make.

Usually, the deciding factor when buying a car is the price.

Even if you’re financing a vehicle, make sure you’re comfortable with the repayment structure and factor in regular maintenance costs. Safety is the most important factor to consider for new drivers and first-time car buyers.

While staying on a budget may be better for your wallet, newer makes and models – sometimes at a little extra cost – include a number of high-tech safety features that ensure Ensuring smoother, safer driving.

They are especially beneficial if you are new to the road.

Test drive objectively People

The entire car buying experience is exciting and sometimes overwhelming. Your weekends are spent taking test drives while your weekdays are occupied with writing pros and cons lists.

A carefree friend or family member will pull you back to reality when you’re excited about your new car or the dealer’s compliments.

Bonus points if your test-driving buddy has been through the buying process – their words of wisdom will come in handy.

Ask question

If you don’t ask questions, you won’t get answers. If there’s something about the car that confuses, intrigues, or even makes you wonder about the price, ask it!

There’s nothing worse than noticing something strange on your car that becomes a bigger problem after you buy it.

For brand new vehicles, the vehicle will have a warranty period when you purchase the vehicle – to find out more about vehicle warranties, click This.

Whether you’re looking at a used car or a new car, here are some questions to consider:

  • What is the fuel consumption rate?
  • Have there been any recent mechanical problems?
  • How is this look/style maintained?
  • How to clean the car easily? Is it best to do the details?
  • Are logs updated? (Requires used car)

If you’re not comfortable asking these or similar questions of the seller or agent, ask family or friends for their knowledge and opinions, or check out our collection of we’re back Professional car evaluation.


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