
Family were planning to swim in their swimming pool but they discovered it was ‘occupied’

A New Jersey family witnessed a peculiar sight on a hot summer morning. The Basso family from Rockaway Township was shocked to find a family of black bears happily swimming in their backyard pool! The bear family, including the mother bear and her cubs, apparently wandered into Basso’s backyard in search of a refreshing shelter from the heat.

The bears were having fun, frolicking in the cool water, playing with pool toys and even trying to use the slide. The sight of bears behaving very much like humans — albeit a little more chaotic — is both surreal and captivating.

We’re glad Bassos got this whole thing on camera. The footage shows the cubs showing off hilarious antics, diving into the water and grabbing buoys. The mother bear keeps an eye on her cubs while also immersing herself in the water.

This surprise visit gave the Basso family a unique insight into black bear behavior and the playful side of these often elusive creatures. The video of the bear family’s pool party quickly went viral, capturing the hearts of people around the world and serving as a fun reminder of the wonders of nature that can appear right in the yard our back.

The Bassos experience also highlights the importance of coexisting with wildlife and respecting their space while admiring such precious and rare moments. The family’s response — choosing to record and share the encounter rather than disturb the bears — demonstrates a harmonious balance between human curiosity and wildlife conservation.

Image/story source: Internal version via YouTube video

In this clip shared by the family, we see the mother bear and her five cubs enjoying the refreshing pool and other play toys located around the backyard. So while some cubs wrestled with each other in the pool, the rest of the bears were busy practicing on the family’s swings and slides.

As for the mother bear, she nonchalantly watches over her cubs while lounging in the cool water to rejuvenate!

Image/story source: Internal version via YouTube video

We love how each member of the Basso family has their own unique perspective on the bear’s visit in the background chat. Their little one was very happy at first but then became quite stressed about the cub “stealing” her float. Dad seemed equally disappointed when he realized that the bears were probably poking holes in the pool.

However, Mom was certainly delighted to see this rare bear adventure unfold before her eyes.

Image/story source: Internal version via YouTube video

Despite the bear family’s generally healthy pool party, there was one moment that caused the Bassos to panic. The mother bear grabbed the pool’s plugged-in electric pump and began fiddling with it, even causing it to come into contact with water.

Luckily, the situation was under control and everyone was safe! Please increase the volume to watch this interesting clip!

Click on the video below to watch The adorable bear family is destroying the backyard while avoiding the heat!

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