
Dog takes 57-mile journey down ‘Memory Lane’, back to old home

When a family decides to move, their beloved Labrador retriever, Cleo, faces an emotional challenge that ultimately leads to an extraordinary adventure. The family, who had lived in their Missouri home for many years, decided to move to a small town in Kansas in 2018. They took Cleo with them, hoping that she would adapt to their new surroundings as they had planned. At first, everything seemed to go well, and the family believed that Cleo was settling into her new life. However, two years later, Cleo’s sudden disappearance set off a remarkable chain of events that no one could have foreseen.

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Meanwhile, back in Missouri, a new chapter is unfolding for the new residents of the old family home. Colton and Britney Michael, who have moved into the house, are living their normal lives until one day, an unexpected visitor arrives. When they return home, they notice a large Labrador sitting on the porch, looking a little lost but determined. They soon discover that this dog is no stray.

Cleo’s presence on the porch is both puzzling and intriguing. The Michaels try to approach her, but Cleo remains alert and defensive, as if she believes the house still belongs to her. Despite her aloof behavior, Colton and Britney can tell that Cleo is not a stray but a purposeful pet. Fortunately, Cleo has a microchip, a small but crucial detail that will unlock the mystery of her journey.

With the help of the microchip, Colton and Britney were able to track down Cleo’s owner. They were shocked to discover that Cleo had belonged to the previous owners of the house and had traveled over 57 miles to get back to her old home. This realization left them with a deep respect for Cleo’s determination and loyalty.

Upon contacting the former homeowner, it was confirmed that the Labrador retriever that appeared to be missing was indeed their four-year-old Cleo. The family, who had been heartbroken by her disappearance, were overjoyed to learn that she was safe and sound. They quickly arranged to drive back to Missouri to pick up their adventurous dog.

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Colton Michael could empathize with Cleo’s situation, understanding her deep connection to the house she had called home for so long. He reflected on her journey, telling KMBC News, “She found her way home, and there were strangers living there. That would be terrifying for anyone.”

Cleo’s journey back to Missouri remains a remarkable mystery. Covering 57 miles, her ability to travel from Kansas to Missouri was extraordinary. According to her owner, Cleo would have had to cross part of the Missouri River during her journey. The family even posted about her disappearance on Facebook a week before the Michaels found her, adding to the mystery of her week-long adventure.

The details of how Cleo crossed the river and found her way back are unknown, but her story is a testament to her adventurous spirit and incredible sense of direction. Despite the odds, Cleo’s determination to return to the place she considered home illustrates the deep bond between pets and their sense of belonging.

The reunion between Cleo and her family was warm and joyful. When they arrived to pick her up, Cleo immediately ran into their arms, her tail wagging. In that moment, it was clear that although she missed her home, her family meant a lot to her. The bond they shared was evident in the tearful, yet joyful reunion.

Image source: YouTube

Sign the petition today: No more puppy mills!

Missouri is known as the “puppy mill capital” of the country, and a new bill would make it harder for counties and cities to protect dogs from puppy mill cruelty.

As they drive back to Kansas, the family hopes that Cleo will adjust better this time around, knowing that their love and companionship will help her feel at home. They are committed to making their new home a place where Cleo can thrive and create new memories. Cleo’s incredible journey not only highlights her loyalty and determination, but also brings the family closer together, reminding them of the unbreakable bond they share with their beloved pet.

Ultimately, Cleo’s story is one of resilience, love, and the extraordinary efforts our furry friends will make to find their way back to the people they love. The family looks forward to making new memories with Cleo in their Kansas home, cherishing the adventure that brought them closer together.

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