
Box Art Brawl: Duel – Timesplitters 2

Timesplitters 2 - Box Art Brawl
Image: Nintendo Life

Hello friends and welcome to another edition of Box Art Brawl!

Last timewe came across the fourth entry in Capcom’s Mega Man franchise: Mega Man 4 for the NES. It’s also not a close one; away from it! A whopping 79% you prefer the Japanese variant, with the EU version bringing in 15% of the vote and the North American version following significantly with 7%.

This week, we’re taking a look at a classic FPS for the GameCube: 2 . timer. It’s hard to believe that this game is 20 years old, because in many ways it still feels as fresh as it did back in 2002. With the classic arcade mode and story mode, it has garnered a lot of attention. fans and remains one of the most enjoyable experiences you can have with an FPS title to this day.

Obviously, this brawl will be a showdown between North America and Europe, as Timesplitters 2 has never been released in Japan. Enough said, let’s retort!

Be sure to cast your vote in the poll below; But first, let’s check out the box art designs.

North America

Timer 2 - NA
Image: Eidos Interactive

The North American boxy for Timesplitters 2 features a single character front and center, pointing a sizable gun at the viewer. There’s a bunch of strobe effects coming in from the center and moving outward, but otherwise, there won’t be much color here. The logo itself is beautiful and bold in the center of the image.


Timer 2 - EU
Image: Eidos Interactive

The European variant is quite different, featuring three separate characters in a comic book-like layout, with panels separating each character. Not only that, the artwork itself is more stylized; it’s busier and has more going on, but it creates a nice picture overall. Here, the logo is a bit smaller and sits lower than the NA variant, but we wouldn’t want it to cover up that beautiful piece of artwork.

Thanks for voting! We’ll see you again next time in another round of Box Art Brawl.


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