
Benefits, costs, side effects of lipstick, etc

Looking for the perfect natural-looking lip balm, gloss, or the stick can be a challenge. What color should you choose? Which formula is best? What will last the longest? If you want to skip all these considerations and the expense of constantly restocking your favorite natural-looking lipstick products, turn your attention toward red lipsone of TikTok’s latest viral beauty crazes.

“Blush is a form of semi-permanent makeup that has revolutionized the old-fashioned harsh lip liner tattoos,” says. Studio Sashiko artist Miranda Cyre. “This service is designed to look more cohesive and natural with a softer appearance. Instead of just tattooing contour or liner, blush is a technique that creates shadow over the entire surface of the lip skin.”

Is there a plot? Keep reading to learn everything there is to know about red lips.

Benefits of applying blush on lips

Velvet aesthetic tattoo

  • Long-lasting, natural-looking pink pout
  • Lips are more even
  • Evenly colored pout
  • Minimizes the appearance of lip scars
  • Create a fuller mouth

Blush is making the rounds on social media as a must-have beauty treatment in 2024, thanks to the way it helps you achieve the perfect pout. Velvet Cosmetic Tattoo says: “Lip blush is a cosmetic tattoo that can be used to balance symmetry, increase lip size, camouflage scars on lip tissue, change lip color and create a youthful appearance more concentrated on the lips. owner and master artist Savannah reported. “Red lips are a natural way to enhance your appearance and are a great way to enhance what you already have.”

Velvet aesthetic tattoo

Since applying blush almost completes the look of a natural pout, it gives the effect of looking like I just woke up. The way Messenger sees it, applying blush on your cheeks and lips creates a stress-free routine. “Wake up every day to the perfect lip color and shape created to fit each individual,” she says. “No more smeared lipstick or lipstick on your or your partner’s glass after a kiss.”

Lip Blush vs. lip fillers and old-fashioned lip liner tattoos

Blush treatments include the benefits of two cosmetic treatments (filler injections and old-fashioned lip contour tattoos) while providing even color.

“Lip redness is less invasive than traditional lip fillers and tattooing, with minimal recovery time and discomfort,” says Cyre. “Lip blush also offers more flexibility in color choice and allows for adjustments to suit personal taste. With the typical shelf life of a cosmetic tattoo being three to five years with minimal touch-ups, it also allows the client to change their desired appearance over time without removing or dissolving the substance. painfully filling.”

Suffice it to say, red lips are a category of their own. “There really is nothing like red lipstick out there,” Messenger admits. “It’s designed to help you become a better version of you Friend and use what you were born with to create perfect lips.”

Lip blush application process

Velvet aesthetic tattoo

The process of applying blush is the same as any other cosmetic beauty treatment. It begins with a consultation to define goals and discuss possible outcomes. Once the client and artist have agreed on the shape and shade, photos of the client’s lips will be taken as before and compared with post-treatment photos. Then it’s time for treatment.

“We will begin the mapping process, where we work to create the customer’s desired shape,” says Cyre. Once everything has been outlined, a numbing agent is applied and left in place for 20 minutes or so. Then it’s time to get a tattoo.

Studio Sashiko

“I like to start with the outline of the lip to make sure there’s no guessing where the shape goes,” says Cyre. “This border is very subtle and is usually just visible enough to ensure we don’t have harsh lines as we heal.” Once the tattoo outline is in place, Cyre says she likes to go over each lip about three times to ensure even pigment saturation. Once all is said and done, the client will get to see their results and the final photos will be taken.

Messenger points out that most red lip treatments take about three hours. So even though it may seem like a small tattoo, it will definitely take some time to make it happen. The editing and refreshing took about two hours to complete, she added.

How to prepare for blushing lips

Studio Sashiko

Just like you have to prepare for Botox appointments and major tattoos, applying blush to your lips also requires a little preparation. According to Cyre and Messenger, clients should follow the outline below to fully prepare for their blush tattoo.

  • Wait at least a year after using Accutane before applying for a lip tattoo
  • Wait at least a month after filler injections before booking a blush lip tattoo
  • Wait at least two weeks after Botox injection to get a rosy lip tattoo
  • Stop using harsh skin care ingredients (like vitamin C, retinoids, and chemical exfoliants) two weeks before a blush lip tattoo.
  • If you are susceptible to herpes, take oral medication as prescribed 2 to 5 days before treatment. (“While blush is great to help hide scars from cold sores, it will cause a flare-up in the area during the healing process,” Cyre reveals.)
  • Do not drink alcohol within 24 hours of getting a lip tattoo (“This will 100% cause swelling and bleeding, affecting the healing result,” Cyre warns.)
  • Don’t take Advil or blood thinners within 24 hours of getting a lip tattoo (“Tylenol is fine,” says Cyre.)
  • Don’t consume caffeine on the day of your appointment (This can also worsen swelling, says Cyre.)
  • Don’t smoke weed on the date (It can cause sensitization and cause paranoia, Messenger warns)

In addition to all the things you want to avoid leading up to a blush tattoo, giving your lips a little TLC in the days before treatment is a must. “Having moisturized lips is also extremely important — we can’t tattoo dry, chapped lips because the skin is already peeling and has less than ideal healing,” says Cyre. “Staying hydrated, using a lip scrub and remembering to apply lip balm with SPF can help ensure your lips are ready for blush.”

The importance of booking with a reputable tattoo artist

Studio Sashiko

Cosmetic treatments have many benefits but are not without risks. The best way to minimize the risk of pink lips is to sign up with a reputable tattoo artist.

“Simply put, this is a tattoo on your face,” Cyre reminds us. “If done wrong, there can be a number of problems that arise, such as spending more time and money trying to fix work that could have been done well in the first place.” Improper blush tattooing can also lead to irreversible scarring, harsh results, increased sensitivity and uneven pigmentation, she adds. Furthermore, if you book with an artist who is not reputable, you will risk infection due to contact with unsanitary tools. In other words, do your due diligence to avoid less than stellar results.

Care after applying blush

Studio Sashiko

Even if you sign up with a qualified artist and follow all the preparation steps, your blush tattoo can become shaky if you forget to follow through. Proper aftercare. Help your blush tattoo heal beautifully by following Cyre and Messenger’s expert advice below.

  • Avoid eating citrus and spicy foods as well as very hot or cold foods on the day of treatment.
  • Use a protective balm (usually provided) for at least a week post-treatment to keep lips protected and moisturized.
  • Use a straw for a week after treatment to avoid immersing your lips in water when drinking water
  • Avoid excessive sweating (exercise, sauna, excessive UV exposure) for at least one week after treatment
  • Do not kiss or perform any sexual activity that may cause friction on the lips for at least a week after treatment.
  • Do not apply harsh skin care ingredients for at least two weeks after treatment
  • Do not get Botox, fillers or laser treatments for at least two weeks after treatment
  • Don’t pick or exfoliate your lips for at least four weeks after treatment (“Let the skin fall off on its own—if you touch the skin while it’s trying to come off, it will affect the lip color and results.” its ultimate healing,” the Messenger warns.)

According to Messenger, the first 24 hours after lip redness treatment are often the most challenging. “Remember, immediately after the procedure, your lips may still be a little numb and may be swollen,” she says. “Every customer is different. Some will swell like balloons while others will disappear without any swelling at all. It all depends on your body chemistry. In any case, there is absolutely no need to worry about swelling. It’s completely normal and although it may be scary at first, it won’t last and it’s part of the healing process.”

Above all, Cyre and Messenger say keeping the blush tattoo clean and hydrated is the most important thing. “I personally ask my clients to clean their lips every two to three hours with warm water and a cotton pad (always pat dry) for five to seven days or until lips peel,” says Cyre. “This will help clear the lymph fluid that will start to form scabs on the lips and keep the lips as hygienic as possible during the healing process.”

As for moisturizing, Messenger recommends sticking to a routine but don’t overdo it. “A thin layer every time you feel them drying out is enough,” she assures us. “If you apply a large amount it will be really harmful to your lips. Excessive moisturizing can irritate the lips and can cause small bumps to form on the lips.

The result is pink lips

Studio Sashiko

Applying blush effectively transforms the appearance of your lips. “The final product always counts when it comes to blush,” says Messenger, noting that results typically last two to three years. “This is truly a life-changing procedure that can help improve your daily glow and make you feel like every day is a runway walk. It is the best and most amazing way to enhance your natural lips.”

Remember, when pink lips last for a few years, the tattoo will fade. “You will notice with each passing year, your color will get a little lighter until your natural lips are restored,” says Messenger. “Most clients who use red lipstick never want to live without it, so we recommend refreshing it every year to two years after achieving the desired results to maintain it.”

Lip redness risks and side effects

Remember: No matter how great a pink lip tattoo is, it is not without risks and side effects. However, don’t worry. Cyre says adverse outcomes often depend on the person performing the tattoo. Specifically, she says that if you book with an uneducated artist, they may choose the wrong pigment for the client’s skin type or tone, which can cause discoloration. They may also use too much pressure, which can lead to scarring. Meanwhile, if they use unhygienic tools and methods, the risk of infection may occur.

However, other than those issues for the applicant, red lip tattoos pose very few risks. “As long as you do your research and make sure to choose an artist who can showcase a large portfolio of healing work, there’s really nothing to worry about,” says Messenger.


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