
Why BA.5 is the King of Coronavirus Variations

As suspected, SARS-CoV-2 continues to mutate. This is entirely predictable and predictable, just as vaccination against any virus with a high potential for mutation, such as coronavirus, puts pressure on the virus to adapt.

One of the latest variants, BA.5 – now thought to be the cause of nearly all COVID cases – ties measles in terms of its infectivity and transmissibility.first That makes it the most infectious of all the SARS-CoV-2 variants,2 and is one of the most infectious viruses known to man. Fortunately, it is also significantly less deadly than the original Wuhan strain. According to the July 5, 2022 report:3

“BA.5 was first identified in South Africa on February 26. Less than a month ago, on June 4, it accounted for only 9.6% of cases in the US, while its predecessor BA. .2.12.1 topped the pile with 62%. .

Today, CDC [U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] variability estimates are responsible for about 54% of new cases here. That’s double BA.2.12.1, which now accounts for 27% of infections. The rise of BA.5 also makes BA.4 sub the same low of 16%. It ascended faster than any other variation in the course of the pandemic…

One reason BA.5 is dominant is that it seems to be more contagious than even BA.2.12.1 … ‘Omicron’s BA.5 sub-variant is the worst version of the virus we’ve ever seen. see,’ Eric Topal, Founder and Director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, Professor of Molecular Medicine and Executive Vice President of Scripps Research, in a multi-page post4 last week.

‘It has the ability to escape immunity, which is already extensive, to the next level, and as a function of that, transmissibility is enhanced, far beyond Omicron (BA.1) and family variants. other Omicron families we’ve seen.’

In other words, BA.5 is much better at evading vaccine-provided immunity and especially good at evading immunity from previous infection.5

B.5 Front Defensive Spin

Even if you have had COVID before, have had the infection and all your boosters, and even if you have hybrid immunity (meaning you have had a past infection and COVID), you will most likely get BA.5, as it seems to be particularly adept at breaking down all previous lines of defense.

This immune evasion is likely an outbreak of mass vaccination, as vaccinating a population during an acute outbreak will pressure the virus to mutate more rapidly. The image below, from Topol’s Substack article,6 illustrates the genetic distance between BA.5 and previous strains.

Genetic distance of SARS-CoV-2 . variants

This scenario was predicted even before the mass injection campaign started, but no one in a position to make the decision heeded to reason. So here we are.

What remains to be seen is whether BA.5 will cause more severe or milder infections than Omicron, which is on par with the common cold. The problem we have is that governments around the world have done a great job of undermining good data collection and reporting, so at this point it’s hard to determine what’s really going on. takes place in the real world.

In the US, for example, COVID cases are at an “all-time low,” Dr Michael Mina, epidemiologist and chief scientific officer at telecommunications company eMed told CNN, July 11, 2018. 2022.7 However, that same day, NPR reported8 that BA.5 has “promoted cases and reinfection” in the US So, what is it?

Meanwhile, Europe is reporting a sharp increase in both the number of cases and the number of hospitalizations.9 Remember that “cases” are simply positive PCR tests, which are at best unreliable, as they cannot identify an active infection and COVID hospitalizations are often hospitalized patients. for other medical conditions and just happened to test positive for COVID.

Unique experimental studyten We have so far shown that for BA.5 the virus replicates more efficiently in human lung cell cultures than the Omicron sub-BA.2, and guinea pig infection experiments suggest that it can cause more severe infections than BA.2. That said, there’s really no evidence that BA.5 is any worse than any previous version.11

BA.5 Call activation for extra support

Despite the fact that BA.5 is an anticipated increase in pressure from mass “vaccination”, governments around the world are doubling down on the failed booster strategy. As reported by Time magazine, July 11, 2022:twelfth

“European regulators are urging second booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine for people over 60 as cases and hospitalizations surge again… Weekly incidence in those aged 65 and over increased by 32% in 22 of the 24 reporting countries for the week ending 3 July compared with the week before…

The [European Medicines] According to the agency, there is currently no clear evidence to support a second booster shot for people under 60 years of age who are not at risk of severe disease.

Separately, EMA CEO Emer Cooke said work is underway to possibly have approved vaccines tailored to combat the newer variants by September.”

Two days later, on July 13, 2022, the Biden administration followed suit, announcing that all adults, including those under age 50, would be eligible for a second booster shot in the fall. this, to quell worries about weakened immunity. The announcement comes just a week after Biden signed a $3.2 billion deal with Pfizer for 105 million doses that will target Omicron’s BA.4 and BA.5 subunits.13

BA.5 May soon become old news

Interestingly, BA.5 quickly took over the world, it was quickly replaced by another strain with the designation BA.2.75. In a second article on July 11, 2022, Time reported:14

“The rapidly changing coronavirus gave rise to another super-infectious Omicron mutant… BA.2.75 … that could spread rapidly and gain immunity from vaccines and previous infections. .

It is unclear whether it can cause more severe disease than other Omicron variants, including the globally prominent BA.5… Fuel experts’ concern is a large number of mutations variable separates this new variant from its predecessors of Omicron.

Some mutations are located in regions associated with the mutant protein and may allow the virus to bind to cells more efficiently, [director of clinical virology at the Mayo Clinic, Matthew] Binnicker said.

Another concern is that the gene edits could make it easier for the virus to overcome past antibodies – protective proteins made by the body in response to a vaccine or infection from a variant. before. “

Reinfection is the new club where they will beat us

As discussed in “Omicron Variant and Vaccine Resistance,” Omicron initially appeared in “fully vaccinated” patients, raising suspicions that it was the mass vaccination campaign that fueled the rapid mutation. rapidity of the virus.

One problem we face now is that all these newer strains seem to be able to disrupt both natural and artificial defenses, i.e. both natural immunity and the antibodies associated with it. associated with COVID, leading to repeat infections.15

This is not to say that we are facing a re-infection with a dangerous virus. Not so right. Essentially, we’re looking at the endemicity of something similar to the common cold; the main difference is that it is no longer seasonal.

No, the real problem is that the authorities are responding to COVID as if it were a deadly epidemic, and are using what are essentially cold symptoms to lock down economies and deprive rights and freedoms of all people, over and over again.

Reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 might not really be a big surprise. After all, the coronavirus is the virus that causes the common cold, and throughout history, people have struggled with more than one cold in a given year.

It is surprising that governments are willing to destroy the economy, the education of children, mental health and the very concept of democracy for the symptoms of the common cold. Unless run by crazy individuals and/or hypocrites, no government will do it.

Assuming world leaders don’t have such diagnoses, the fact that they’re doing these suggests there’s an entirely different reason behind their actions. COVID just happened to be the only reason available, so they had no choice but to milk it for all it was worth, even if it didn’t make any sense from a medical perspective.

When Will Fear End? When you stop responding

In January 2022, it seemed like the story of COVID-19 had collapsed with no return, as many health officials and world leaders finally conceded that COVID-19 injections could not end the pandemic. epidemic and that we must “learn to live with the virus.” Some have even begun to speak out against the repeated boosters.

I discussed this in “Are we at the end of the Pandemic?” A major driver for that turnaround in the pandemic narrative is the emergence of the Omicron variant. Although highly infectious, it causes only mild cold symptoms in the vast majority of people, leaving natural immunity to the herd once they appear.

Alas, newer variants, such as BA.5 and BA.2.75, have both developed ways to circumvent our immune defenses, including natural, and circumstantial. This unfortunately and largely man-made thing now offers those who fear raw food.

So, at this point, it looks like the pandemic will still be the primary reason for a “Great Re-establishment” of social norms, medicine, finance, transportation, food and the rest. . In my estimation, the only way to get rid of this “Troyan Horse” justification once and for all is for everyone in the world to stop fearing COVID.

As long as the fear of contagion remains, it will be used to control and enslave us. In other words, the pandemic narrative will continue to be used for evil until and unless people begin to fear global autocracy more than a case of fever and sniffles, and react accordingly.

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