
7 crazy things that are completely normal for Collies

Collies, iconic dogs with graceful coats and intelligent expressions, have captivated us for generations. Made famous by Lassie, these graceful dogs are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and outstanding herding abilities. But in addition to their perfect looks and noble demeanor, Collies also have some quirky, extremely fun habits that make them uniquely adorable. If you’re a Collie owner or thinking about becoming one, get ready for seven crazy things that are completely normal for Collies. Their antics will make you laugh, nod in agreement, and maybe recognize some of these traits in your own furry friend.

1. Herding instinct

Collies are herding dogs through and through and this instinct is ingrained in their DNA. They are constantly looking for something—or someone—to herd. This can include children, other pets, and even unsuspecting adults. You may find your Collie gently nudging you in a particular direction or circling to keep the whole family in a tight group. This behavior, while adorable, can also be a bit confusing when you realize your Collie is trying to herd the vacuum cleaner or the family cat. Take advantage of this quirk by engaging them in activities that simulate husbandry, such as agility courses or obedience training.

2. Collie’s nose

One of the most charming — and sometimes surprising — habits of Collies is their penchant for nose picking. These dogs love to use their noses to nudge you, other animals, and various objects. It’s how they greet, ask for attention, or simply explore their environment. A gentle nudge on your Collie’s nose can be quite adorable, especially when they greet you after a long day. However, it can also lead to some interesting moments when they decide to bother a stranger or investigate something with a little too much enthusiasm. Their curious and friendly nature makes every boo-boo a pleasant surprise.

3. Drama

Collies have a dramatic flair that rivals any seasoned actor. Whether they are expressing joy, sadness or outrage, they do it with a theatrical style that is so over-the-top that it is impossible to ignore. Your Collie’s reaction to being told “no” may include a soulful sigh, a dramatic fall to the floor, or an exaggerated look of betrayal. They are not afraid to use their expressive faces and bodies to convey exactly how they feel. This dramatic flair makes them both interesting and a little exasperating, but it’s all part of their unique charm. Just be prepared for an Oscar-worthy performance when things don’t go as planned.

4. Velcro dog syndrome

Collies are extremely loyal and affectionate, often becoming “Velcro dogs” that want to be by your side at all times. If you move from room to room, don’t be surprised if your Collie sticks close behind, ready to keep you company. This constant companionship can be both comforting and a little overwhelming, especially when you realize your Collie has followed you into the bathroom again. Their desire to be close to you is a testament to their strong bond with humans, and it’s hard to resist their devoted gaze. Enjoy their constant presence and the warmth of their unwavering loyalty.

5. Enlarge energy

Collies have an incredible amount of energy, and they need to release it in bursts — often called “zoomies.” These sudden energetic sprints around the yard or house can be both fun and bewildering. One moment your Collie is calmly lying on the floor, and the next moment, they’re rushing at top speed, weaving through furniture and bouncing off walls. These bursts of energy are how they burn off excess energy and have fun. Enjoy Zoom moments by providing plenty of exercise and playtime, and enjoy the sight of your Collie in full speed action.

6. Pantomime picky eating

Collies can be surprisingly finicky eaters, often displaying a range of theatrical behavior during meals. They may smell their food, looking at you as if to ask, “Is this really what you are serving me?” then left with a disdainful look on his face. Some Collies will eat around certain pieces of kibble or cleverly pick out their favorites. This pickiness can lead to a bit of frustration, but it’s also part of their unique personality. Experimenting with different foods and adding some to their diet can help your Collie enjoy their meals. And remember, their difficult habits are just another trait that makes them who they are.

7. Bed hugger

Despite their relatively average size, Collies have the uncanny ability to take up a surprising amount of space in the bed. When a Collie decides it’s time to snuggle with you, be prepared to find yourself clinging to the edge of the mattress. They will stretch out, spread out and somehow take over the entire bed, leaving you with only a small space left. This bed-taking habit is both fun and a bit inconvenient, but it’s hard to resist their warm and soft presence. Investing in a larger bed may help, but don’t be surprised if your Collie still finds a way to get the best sleeping spots.

Living with a Collie is an exciting experience, filled with laughter, love and a few challenges. Their quirky habits and adorable behaviors make them incredible companions, bringing joy every day. Whether it’s their breeding instincts, dramatic flair, or inevitable zoom, Collies have a way of making their presence known and loved. Embrace their quirks, enjoy their antics, and cherish the bond you share with your delightful Collie.


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