
7 crazy things that are completely normal for Chihuahuas

Chihuahua: the small, sassy dogs of the dog world. These miniature pups pack a lot of personality into their tiny frames, often leaving owners both amused and mystified by their antics. If you’re new to the world of Chihuahuas, get ready for a host of quirks that are both charming and adorable. From their remarkable displays of courage to their penchant for snuggling under every blanket in sight, these little dogs have a way of making their mark on your heart and home. Here are seven crazy things that are completely normal for Chihuahuas.

1. Napoleon complex

Chihuahuas may be small but they have the heart of a lion and the attitude to match. Known for their “Napoleon complex,” these diminutive dogs often believe they are the biggest, baddest creatures around. It’s not uncommon to see a Chihuahua bravely bark at dogs ten times their size or stand firm in front of a vacuum cleaner with all the bravery of a seasoned warrior. Their fearless demeanor can be both adorable and humorous, especially when they puff out their chests and strut around like they own the place. This big dog attitude in a small dog body often leads to some hilarious encounters and epic fights, in which the Chihuahua always believes he is the winner.

2. Dao Chan

One of the quintessential Chihuahua behaviors is liking to snuggle under the covers. These dogs are like little explorers, always looking for the coziest, most secluded place in the house. It is not uncommon to find your Chihuahua completely hidden under a pile of blankets, with only a tiny nose or paw poking out. This behavior is believed to be a return to their origins as desert dogs, seeking warmth and comfort. The sight of a blanket mysteriously moving on its own as a Chihuahua rearranges their nest never fails to bring a smile to any Chihuahua owner’s face. And heaven forbid you try to bother them while they’re in their cozy cocoon – you might get a serious look and a dramatic sigh for your efforts.

3. Trembling giants

If you have ever seen a Chihuahua, you may have noticed their tendency to tremble. This trembling can have many causes: excitement, coldness, anxiety or just plain energy. Although trembling, these small dogs are often very brave and enthusiastic. The sight of a trembling Chihuahua trying to keep still but failing miserably is both adorable and funny. Their small bodies seem to be constantly moving as if they are ready to act at any moment. This constant movement can make them look like tiny, furry balls of energy, pulsing with life. Although trembling may seem worrisome at first, experienced Chihuahua owners know that it is just part of their charm.

4. Big ear syndrome

Chihuahuas are famous for their disproportionately large ears, which they take advantage of in the most adorable ways. These ears are not only used for hearing but also have a great effect in expressing many types of emotions. Whether they’re curious, scared, or squirming with excitement, those big ears are always on the move. The way Chihuahuas use their ears to communicate is an endless source of entertainment. At times, their ears seem too big for their tiny heads, adding to their odd appearance. Watching your Chihuahua’s ears twitch and rotate like a satellite dish as they react to their environment is a fun reminder of their unique personalities.

5. Velcro Dog

Chihuahuas are famous for their clinginess, often called “Velcro dogs” because they stick to their owners like glue. If you own a Chihuahua, expect to have a constant companion by your side, on your lap or even perched on your shoulder. They crave human interaction and will follow you from room to room, ensuring you never feel alone. This clinginess can be both heartwarming and funny, especially when they insist on participating in everything you do, from cooking dinner to taking a bath. Their desire to be close to you at all times can make them seem like little, furry shadows, always eager to get in on the action.

6. Dramatic divas

Chihuahuas have a flair for the dramatic, often reacting to situations with exaggerated expressions and behaviors. Whether they’re giving you the pitiful look after being told “no” or falling down suddenly after a play session, these little dogs know how to show off. Their expressive faces and stage antics make them look like tiny actors in a never-ending play. This dramatic nature can lead to some hilarious moments, such as when they overreact to a harmless mistake or make noise over a minor inconvenience. Their love of drama adds a layer of entertainment to life with a Chihuahua.

7. Food snobs

Chihuahuas can be extremely picky eaters, often preferring to eat absolutely delicious foods. They seem to have gourmet tastes, liking only the tastiest morsels and turning mealtime into a culinary adventure. This fussiness can lead to some interesting situations, such as when they delicately pick out pieces of their favorite snacks or give you a dirty look if you dare serve them something trivial. Their picky eating habits can make them seem like little food critics, always ready to review the latest dishes. Despite their small size, Chihuahuas know exactly what they want and aren’t afraid to ask for it.

In short, life with a Chihuahua is never dull. Their unique quirks and habits, from their fearless attitude to their love of burrowing, make them endlessly interesting companions. While they may be small, their personalities are larger than life, bringing joy, laughter and a bit of absurdity to their owners’ lives. If you’re lucky enough to share your home with one of these delightful dogs, you’ll quickly learn to appreciate all the crazy things that are completely normal for Chihuahuas.


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