
Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #484 – Watts Up With That?

The Week That Was: 2021-12-18 (December 18, 2021)
Brought to You by SEPP (
The Science and Environmental Policy Project

Quote of the Week: “The brightest flashes in the world of thought are incomplete until they have been proved to have their counterparts in the world of fact.” – John Tyndall

Number of the Week: $40 Million More after $70 million


By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)

Scope: As the quote of the week by John Tyndall states, thoughts are incomplete unless they are backed by physical evidence. This week, TWTW will continue to emphasize the need for physical evidence considering the climate alarm raised by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the US Biden Administration.

First it will discuss a surprising article in the journal, Cortex, on modification of human behavior to express climate concerns. Then TWTW will review Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom by ecologist Patrick Moore. Afterwards there will be a brief discussion of late season tornadoes and the exaggerations by the Biden Administration.

Then TWTW will briefly discuss a report by investigation journalist David Rose on Big Green in China followed by a review of Robert F. Kennedy’s book on Big Science in medicine. TWTW will finish with the interesting question, which political jurisdiction, country, or state, will hit the energy wall the first – when the public realizes that wind and solar are neither reliable or cheap?


What Are They Smoking? Announcing a new paper, a press release by the University of Bern, Switzerland begins:

“When it comes to climate-friendly behaviour, there is often a gap between what we want and what we actually do. Although most people want to see climate change slowed down, many do not behave in an appropriately sustainable way. Researchers at the University of Bern have now used brain stimulation to demonstrate that the ability to mentalise with the future victims of climate change encourages sustainable behaviour. [Boldface in original.}

“Global climate change may be the biggest challenge faced by humanity today. Despite decades of warnings and political resolutions, however, sustainability remains a long way from being achieved. “The fact that people aren’t acting in a more climate friendly way isn’t because we know too little about this critical situation, though.” explains Daria Knoch, Professor for Social Neuroscience at the University of Bern. To find out more about the reasons that prevent us from acting sustainably, Daria Knoch and her team have conducted a neuroscientific study. The findings have just been published in the renowned international journal Cortex.

“While some effects of global warming are already visible today, those affected more strongly will be people in the future who we do not know. “It is precisely our inability to mentalise with these strangers that discourages climate-friendly action,” says Daria Knoch, commenting on the findings of the new study that she carried out with her research group in the “Social Neuro Lab” at the University of Bern. During the study, participants received stimulation to a part of their brain which plays an important role for taking the perspective of others. This stimulation led to more sustainable behaviour.”

Published in the journal Cortex, the abstract reads:

“While many people acknowledge the urgency to drastically change our consumption patterns to mitigate climate change, most people fail to live sustainably. We hypothesized that a lack of sustainability stems from insufficient intergenerational mentalizing (i.e., taking the perspective of people in the future). To causally test our hypothesis, we applied high-definition transcranial direct current stimulation (HD-tDCS) to the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ). We tested participants twice (receiving stimulation at the TPJ or the vertex as control), while they engaged in a behavioral economic paradigm measuring sustainable decision-making, even if sustainability was costly. Indeed, excitatory anodal HD-tDCS increased sustainable decision-making, while inhibitory cathodal HD-tDCS had no effect. These finding cannot be explained by changes in participants’ fairness norms, or their estimation of how other people would behave. Shedding light on the neural basis of sustainability, our results could inspire targeted interventions tackling the TPJ and give neuroscientific support to theories on how to construct public campaigns addressing sustainability issues.”

What about those who recognize that human behavior has little influence on global warming or climate change and what little it has is beneficial? How will their brains be stimulated into politically correct sustainable behavior? Following revelations of governments attempting to modify the behavior of their citizens during World War II, the Cold War, etc., it is surprising to read such an academic study, because it represents nothing more and nothing less than actual mind control.

Another group in Bern, an international paleoclimatology group based known as PAGES 2k (PAst Global ChangES with 2k referring to the past two thousand years), using a set of studies has insisted that temperatures have been stable up to the industrial revolution. As Steve McIntyre has shown and TWTW has discussed, the work is poor. McIntyre’s most devastating criticism is the deliberate omission of high-resolution, well-established proxy studies of alkenone deposits (produced by marine algae) that date back millions of years. The PAGES 2k work is as solid as a “solid oak table” made of oak sawdust and glue, but Bern’s Social-Neuro Lab group would like to program your brain to believe it. See links under Below the Bottom Line.


Seeking Physical Evidence: Patrick Moore was a founder of Greenpeace (Don’t Make a Wave Committee in Vancouver) which planned to protest underground hydrogen bomb testing in Alaska. He was in the middle of his Ph.D. program at the University of British Columbia studying Ecology, the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings. He writes that after fifteen years in Greenpeace, in the mid-1980s he decided to leave because Greenpeace had shifted from:

“…sensible environmentalism, to a platform of anti-human and anti-science campaigns that were more concerned with fundraising and scaring people with misinformation than with improving the environment. The adoption of the campaign to ban chlorine (the devil’s element) worldwide in 1986 by my fellow directors of Greenpeace International, none of whom had any formal science education was the final straw and for me signaled my departure.” (p. 9)

This must have been an exceedingly difficult decision for Moore and his family, to give up on an organization he had helped found and work diligently to advance because it took a direction that was contrary to physical science.

In his book, Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom, Moore demonstrates he learned the scientific method and ecology very well. He continues to seek physical evidence supporting claims by environmental and other groups and compare the claims with actual evidence. Repeatedly, he finds extreme exaggeration pasted on as fact. As he states:

“It dawned on me one day that most of the scare stories in the media today are based on things that are invisible, like CO2 and radiation, or very remote, like polar bears and coral reefs. Thus, the average person cannot observe and verify the truth of these claims for themselves. They must rely on activists, the media, politicians, and scientists – all of whom have a huge financial and/or political interest in the subject – to tell them the truth. This is my effort, after 50 years as a scientist and environmental activist, to expose the misinformation and outright lies used to scare us and our children about the future of the Earth. Direct observation is the very basis of science. Without verified observation it is not possible to know the truth. That is the sharp focus of this book.”

The write-up of the book on Amazon states:

Greenpeace found itself in the early 1980s with more than $100 million coming in annually and close to 1,000 people on the payroll. It had become a business, and fundraising moved to the top of the priority list. New campaigns were more about using sensationalism, misinformation, and fear to attract donations. Dr. Moore said good-bye in 1986 as Greenpeace was turning into a racket peddling junk science. Since then, he has strived to be a sensible environmentalist, basing his beliefs on sound science and logical thinking. This book is the culmination of 50 years of learning during Dr. Moore’s multi-faceted quest for the truth about environmental issues (an historical account of Dr. Moore’s 15 years with Greenpeace and his analysis of environmental subjects are in his previous book, Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout – The Making of a Sensible Environmentalist, also on Amazon).

The book is clearly written and free of jargon and formulas, and complex issues are clearly explained. For example, if human emissions of carbon dioxide are causing ocean acidification, as claimed by some at NOAA and academic institutions, why did massive amounts of calcifying marine life develop during periods that had far higher concentrations of carbon dioxide than today. The answer is simple, but it escapes many alarmists. Individual marine organisms can control their internal chemistry. If they could not, it is unlikely life would have evolved beyond bacteria. What happens after the organism dies is not relevant to its surviving. The dead marine organisms that make up chalk, limestone, marble, etc. are robust evidence that ocean acidification is a false fear.

Moore has a solid discussion on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which no one can find using satellite photos, or in person. Discarded fishing nets and other articles are a problem, but solvable with proper disposal, such as incineration (waste to energy). The December 4 TWTW had a discussion of a new study by the US National Academies demonstrating they have resorted to fearmongering over evidence.

Few books are as complete, clear, and evidence based as Mr. Moore’s book explaining the false claims of the environmental industry, which have been taken up by Western Governments. It is a welcome addition to any library for those concerned with ecology and very suitable reading for teen-agers who are subject to incessant propaganda about the environment. It exposes the major environmental falsehoods bantered about in political groups from the UN down to elementary schools. See links under Challenging the Orthodoxy.


Tornadoes: Last week’s TWTW briefly mentioned the swarm of late-season tornadoes to hit Kentucky and neighboring states. Sure enough, President Biden declared the tornadoes were the result of global warming / climate change. One could say that if the Gulf of Mexico were frozen, there would have been no tornadoes. Unfortunately, tornadoes are more common to the US than any other countries because the nation is subject to cold fronts coming down the east side of the Rocky Mountains with the jet stream clashing with warm humid air from the Gulf of Mexico. The clash creates turbulent weather. Swarms of tornadoes in the southeast US seem to be more common during the Pacific Ocean’s La Niña occurrences, and one is occurring now. The President’s action demonstrates the administration will use virtually any weather excuse to advance its agenda. See links under Challenging the Orthodoxy, Change in US Administrations, Seeking a Coming Ground, and Changing Weather


Thank You Russia: Those who lived through the Cold War may remember US television news broadcasts declaring that Russia used is veto power in the UN Security Council to kill another fine idea that would benefit humanity – Nyet! This week, Russia said no to a UN resolution that climate change is a global security threat. Given how the UN has expanded its role in interfering with domestic policies in the name of stopping climate change, Russia’s Nyet deserves a thank you for a change. See link under Expanding the Orthodoxy.


Big Green: Investigative journalist David Rose writes about the September annual meeting of the China Council for International Co-operation on Environment and Development (the CCUCCED:

“Indeed, as the room fizzled with optimistic eco-rhetoric, you could almost forget that China is the world’s biggest source of greenhouse gases — and that the new coal-fired power stations in its construction pipeline alone have a greater capacity than Britain’s entire generation fleet.”

“What was remarkable about this meeting, though, was the surprising presence of an external delegation: joining the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) apparatchiks on a collection of screens dotted around the room were a number of enthusiastic Britons and other Westerners.”

“Who were these people? Strange to tell, they consisted of a veritable Who’s Who of British, European and American climate activists.”

“Three years later, following the annual WEF [World Economic Forum, 2017] jamboree at Davos, [Lord Nicholas] Stern said: ‘The world is looking for a climate champion. In China, it has one.’”

It is excessive to state that the CCP controls European green activist groups. But it is good to know that some journalists are worthy of the adjective investigative. See links under Questioning the Orthodoxy.


Big Science: Long time TWTW Reader Peter Freidman asked if TWTW would review a book by Robert F. Kennedy Jr, The Real Anthony Fauci. Upon being informed TWTW had no intention to do so, Mr. Freidman submitted his review, which fits very well with the concept that with big science comes arrogance and the failure to admit errors. Below is Mr. Freidman’s review:

The destruction of medical science

“Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s detailed and well-researched book, The Real Anthony Fauci makes it clear that the same political playbook that has been used to corrupt climate ‘science’ – outcome-driven control of funding, indoctrination through academia, propaganda from mass media and advocacy by scientific publications – has also afflicted other research fields, specifically medical science. 

“According to Kennedy, under the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its subsidiary organization the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), medical research operates as more of a religious orthodoxy than a scientific pursuit. Kennedy gives many specific examples of world-renowned scientists with well-researched alternative theories being treated as ‘heretics,’ defunded, de-platformed and ostracized within the medical research community.

“In language that is familiar to readers of TWTW, skeptical medical scientists are considered ‘denialists’ and ‘flat-earthers.’  According to Kennedy, the quest for profit supersedes quest for knowledge using the scientific process. A partnership between NIH, university Principal Investigators and major pharmaceutical companies pushes expensive profitable drugs (those that are patentable) over existing remedies (those for which the patent has expired). This same group of powers targets for destruction any scientist or journalist who interferes with this agenda. Top NIH employees, including Anthony Fauci, who famously stated ‘I represent science,’ often have conflicts of interest as they stand to receive royalties from drugs under investigation.

“In another similarity with the climate debate, public health policy makers frequently push ‘solutions’ that are based on sketchy science. Public health policy makers display a pattern of promoting inadequately-tested, expensive and profitable pharmaceuticals, which are often dangerous. In the case of climate science, policy makers promote expensive so-called ‘green energy,’ which in actuality provides little or no actual environmental benefit and diminishes our standard of living. The poor in developing nations suffer the most. Impoverished people are denied the affordable energy, which could greatly extend life expectancy by providing refrigeration and sanitary facilities. As Kennedy points out, resources that could improve sanitation and hygiene are diverted to ineffective vaccine programs. Worse still, the third world, particularly Africa, has become the testing ground for dangerous medications.

“Although Kennedy is an unlikely ally to those of us who would like to see integrity restored to the subject of climate science (in his book, he ironically refers to Trump as a ‘climate-change denier’), his coverage of the politicization of medical science is well-researched and eloquently written. In Kennedy’s words:

“’[S]ome hundred years [sic] after Galileo—politics and power continue to dictate ‘scientific consensus,’ rather than empiricism, critical thinking, or the established steps of the scientific method. It is a hazard to public health when a kind of religious faith in authoritative pronouncements supplants disciplined observation, rigorous proofs, and reproducible results as a source of truth in the medical field.’

“While consensus may be an admirable political objective, it is the enemy of science and truth. The term ‘settled science’ is an oxymoron…

“Kennedy places the issue in a historical context by reminding the reader of President Eisenhower’s prescient warning in his farewell address.

“’In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government… The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded. … [We] must … be alert to the danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific technological elite.’

“Through the years, TWTW has demonstrated that the corruption of climate science is costly, destructive to our economy, damaging to the environment, and dangerous to our national security. As Kennedy demonstrates, the corruption of science extends to other fields. He argues that corrupted medical science may have led to millions of premature deaths along with incalculable human suffering. Certainly, the undermining of real science and replacing it with politically-motivated policy advocacy undermines the advancement of knowledge but, more importantly, it results in poor public policy.”


Who Will Hit First? Unless utility scale, affordable, electricity storage becomes readily available, the UK, Germany, and some US states face a brick wall, or a cliff. The questions are which one will hit it first? Will the others learn? Norway is running out of excess hydropower, where will Germany and northern Europe go when the wind does not blow? What about the UK? Francis Mention asks these challenging questions. See links under Challenging the Orthodoxy, Energy Issues – Non-US and Energy Issues – US.


Number of the Week: $40 Million More after $70 million: Last week’s TWTW had an article in the Wall Street Journal which discussed Big Data:” Climate Change Data Deluge Has Scientists Scrambling for Solutions” (also discussed by Donn Dears in this TWTW). It stated:

“Climate change calculations are becoming more than existing supercomputers can handle. The three-year-old Cheyenne supercomputer at the Wyoming Supercomputer Center operated by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Cheyenne, Wyo., pictured here, is being replaced by a $40 million computer that is 3.5 times faster.”

According to NCAR’s web site the computer center cost $70 million. So, we have computer costs of $110 million (including facility) for climate change calculations. Using a laptop, W. A. van Wijngaarden & W. Happer calculated the thermal radiation of the earth’s five most abundant greenhouse gases. Their results are verified and validated. Yet their December 2020 paper still has not been published. Could it be that using a laptop is not Big Science? Or that Big Science does not wish to acknowledge mistakes? See links under Challenging the Orthodoxy.




Dear Reader of The Week That Was,

The Science & Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) is a 501-c-3 organization, incorporated in Virginia. Its Federal I.D. Number is 54-1645372 and donations are US tax deductible. Established in 1990 by the late S. Fred Singer to challenge government environmental policies employing poor science, SEPP stands for objective science, based on physical evidence and rigorous adherence to the scientific method.

No matter how elaborate, results from numerical models that are not thoroughly tested against physical evidence are speculative and cannot be relied upon. Testing the results from using parts of a model against the results from the entire model is a ruse used by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Major government policies based on speculation and misleading “modeling” are a waste of resources.

Physicist Dr. Thomas Sheahen is Chairman. Other distinguished scientists serve on the board of directors. Ken Haapala continues as president, compiles TWTW, and oversees general operations. We continue to be very productive and are striving to carry on the tradition of scientific integrity, together with the priority of data over theory, which Fred Singer always espoused.

Two prevalent myths are damaging our economy and hurting the less fortunate: 1) greenhouse gases, chiefly carbon dioxide, are causing dangerous global warming; and 2) wind and solar can easily replace fossil fuels, nuclear, and hydro in electricity generation. Both are false, yet widely accepted. We continue to contest these myths, and others, with physical evidence.

In collaboration with like-minded groups, we produce hard-hitting comments for the public record and provide scientific testimony on Federal government climate and energy policy. We are actively attempting to eliminate or change the EPA’s endangerment finding that despite a lack of physical evidence, carbon dioxide (CO2) poses a danger to public health.

In 2007, SEPP established NIPCC (Non-governmental International Panel on Climate Change) to respond to the false claims of the UN-IPCC and its followers. They claim, without physical evidence, that the use of fossil fuels and CO2 emissions, will lead to climate disasters. The Heartland Institute continues the NIPCC efforts with well-attended sessions of the International Conference on Climate Change and the NIPCC reports at

Contrary to frequent attacks, SEPP does not receive support from oil, tobacco, or chemical companies – or government organizations. SEPP accepts donations from private individuals and small contributions from foundations. The appropriate IRS tax filings are made by an independent CPA and are “Open to Public Inspection.”

SEPP is frugal and beholden to no one, and our writings are clear from any outside influence, except physical evidence, the scientific method, and logic. Private donations of any size are always welcome, greatly appreciated, and put to good use. Donations have ranged from $50 to over $1000.

To donate to SEPP by credit card or PayPal: Please go to, hit the donate button on the bottom of the page, then hit the donate button on the next page and follow the instructions.

To donate to SEPP by check please make it payable to SEPP and send it to:

Mrs. Donna Bethell, Treasurer


4393 Embassy Park Dr. NW

Washington, DC 20016


Here’s where the ‘facts’ about me lie — Facebook bizarrely claims its ‘fact-checks’ are ‘opinion’

By John Stossel, New York Post, Dec 13, 2021 [H/t Climate Depot]

Challenging the Orthodoxy — NIPCC

Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science

Idso, Carter, and Singer, Lead Authors/Editors, Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), 2013


Climate Change Reconsidered II: Biological Impacts

Idso, Idso, Carter, and Singer, Lead Authors/Editors, Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), 2014


Climate Change Reconsidered II: Fossil Fuels

By Multiple Authors, Bezdek, Idso, Legates, and Singer eds., Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change, April 2019

Download with no charge:

Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming

The NIPCC Report on the Scientific Consensus

By Craig D. Idso, Robert M. Carter, and S. Fred Singer, Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), Nov 23, 2015

Download with no charge:

Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate

S. Fred Singer, Editor, NIPCC, 2008

Global Sea-Level Rise: An Evaluation of the Data

By Craig D. Idso, David Legates, and S. Fred Singer, Heartland Policy Brief, May 20, 2019

Challenging the Orthodoxy

Dependence of Earth’s Thermal Radiation on Five Most Abundant Greenhouse Gases

By W. A. van Wijngaarden & W. Happer Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, prepublication, Dec

22, 2020

Climate Change and CO2 Not a Problem

By William Happer, CLINTEL lecture, Nov 16, 2021

With transcript and images from Feb 2021 presentation, by Ron Clutz, Via Science Matters, Dec 4, 2021

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