
Unlock Your Potential: How Mentoring Accelerates Your Growth

Photographers will face many challenges on their journey. Finding a photography mentor can dramatically change the journey from overwhelming to empowering.

Feedback and guidance

When you start your photography journey, the path can take you in many directions, and you need to decide which path to take and when. Coming to your first fork in the road can take time, especially regarding which path to take. Most of my mentor students try to go down all the paths at once. This leads to a feeling of overwhelm and a lack of knowledge of basic techniques. This makes any future education more difficult than it needs to be. Finding the right mentor for you can be an important piece of the puzzle. A mentor should be someone who guides you and gives you the information you need to make decisions, not make decisions for you. While you are on your journey, a mentor can provide feedback on your choices and, if you get off track, help you get back on track.


At some point, you may find yourself losing the inspiration and motivation to pick up your camera. This is where a mentor can play an important role. Having a mentor you can trust to provide an outside perspective can help you analyze your current lack of motivation and find new sources of inspiration. In the past, I have relied on others to help me gain new perspective and dig deeper into why I have lost inspiration and motivation, which has always reignited my passion for photography.


You need to set simple, achievable goals to develop your skills and become a better photographer. However, goals can be like New Year’s resolutions; they sound great at first but eventually fall flat. This is where a mentor can be a game changer. They can hold you accountable to the goals you set and be there to help you achieve them. They can send you quick reminders via text or check in to see how things are going. When I have someone other than myself to answer to, I put in a lot more time and effort, and I’m sure you do too.


Opportunities can arise at any time, and when you connect, they grow. Mentorship is not just about building new skills and direction. Find new peers to connect with and mentors who can help you by introducing you to other photographers and creatives. These new peers can help you on your journey and can help you in areas your mentor can’t. They can even introduce you to new educational and business opportunities.

Practical learning

In my book, there is theory and there is practice. Theory is great, but practice is often king. When working with a mentor, they can help by sharing their practical experience. The best experience is practical experience. There is no better way to learn than by doing. Working with a mentor who has practical experience will be invaluable. They will be able to teach you things and give you tips that are not available in books. All of this knowledge is based on the experience that your mentor has.

Whether you’re just starting out in photography or have been doing it for a while, you know that there are trials and tribulations when it comes to being creative. From learning the basics of exposure and composition to advanced Photoshop techniques, there can be a lot to learn. Finding the right mentor and mentor can help you along your journey.

Bonus: How to Find a Mentor

  • Define your mentoring goals; clear goals will save you and your mentor time.
  • Be financially prepared; we don’t expect you to take photos for free, so don’t expect the same from your mentor.
  • Choose a mentor in the field of photography you shoot; a portrait photographer is not a good choice if you are trying to become a better wildlife photographer.
  • Be open and realistic; you are there to learn, and being open will make things better for everyone. Don’t expect your mentor to return your call at 2am or respond immediately to your requests. Ultimately, it’s all up to you, so put in the time and effort. With this, you will see the results you expect.


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